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Oliver eventually learned that one way to keep Bohemia interested and not run away from him was if he fed her information about whatever he could

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Oliver eventually learned that one way to keep Bohemia interested and not run away from him was if he fed her information about whatever he could. It worked great for him because he loved talking about quidditch, and most people would fall asleep or completely ignore him during those moments.

Bohemia and Oliver were in the Great Hall for breakfast. He was animatedly talking about quidditch, using hand gestures and mumbling through a mouthful of food, which Bohemia would tell him off for and offer him a napkin even though he had his own.

"There is one Keeper per team, and it's their job to guard the three goalposts and stop the other team's Chasers from scoring. The Keeper also wears the most protection than any other position, which includes a helmet, shoulder and chest pads, and knee pads. This effectively makes them heavier than most of their other team-mates."

"Sounds like you're boasting," Bohemia mumbled.

"Only a little," he added. "Did you know the position of the Keeper has existed since at least the thirteenth century? Although, the role has changed somewhat over time. The Keeper was essentially a Chaser, with the added responsibilities of guarding the posts."

"You're definitely boasting," she muttered.

He ignored her. "I have practice today. You should come by."

"I'm okay. I don't like quidditch."

He narrowed her eyes. "Then come to the game at the end of this week. It's Gryffindor versus Slytherin."

She stared at him and she swore he was pouting, but the action seemed so unlike him so she brushed it off as her imagination. She wasn't too fond of Slytherin or people, but she knew he wouldn't stop pestering her if she said no.


"Fantastic. You still have to sign my broom," he added.

She huffed. "I thought you forgot about that."

"No, I haven't."

She sighed. "Whatever."

HIDE AND SEEK.  ❪ Oliver Wood ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now