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Bohemia was not deaf to the rumors of her and Oliver, and she did not like them

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Bohemia was not deaf to the rumors of her and Oliver, and she did not like them. She noticed some lingering stares whenever she walked into a room of students. She decided to take the secret passages around, not enjoying the stares.

Instead of reading and eating in the Great Hall for breakfast, she went directly to the kitchens instead and grabbed two chocolate muffins. Then, she took the secret passages to her first class, deciding that she would read outside the classroom.

When Oliver skipped into the Great Hall, expecting to see Bohemia, but saw no such girl there, he was thoroughly confused. He looked around, head turning and twisting. He knew she was always early and never left the Great Hall until either he annoyed her into walking away or class was about to start, so he was confused as to why she wasn't there when s they still had thirty minutes until class.

"He's like a puppy," Fred commented.

"A lost one," George added.

"He's sure going through a lot for just a name on a broomstick," Angelina muttered, arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh, dear Angelina, haven't you ever heard of love?" Fred wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She scoffed. "He never heard of the girl until four days ago!"

"True love then," George corrected.

"What have you got against her? Are you jealous?" asked Fred.

"Of what exactly? I don't like Oliver like that," she defended.

The twins shared a look and hummed.

"Hey, don't look at each other like that. I don't like him," she repeated. "I'm just a bit worried is all. No one's ever heard of her before this year. She's been living right under our noses! Who knows what else she's hiding?"

Fred shrugged. "Suppose ol' Olly'll find out."

"And we'll definitely be around for that," chimed George.

Angelina sighed. "Why do I bother with you two?"

"Because you love us," they answered.

HIDE AND SEEK.  ❪ Oliver Wood ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now