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Bohemia could tell Oliver was happier, but she wasn't sure why

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Bohemia could tell Oliver was happier, but she wasn't sure why. She definitely didn't want to assume it was because of her, but she wasn't sure what else it could be. Nothing in his life had changed except for her stumbling into his life. Really, it was more of him sprinting into her life since she always ran away from him.

Students began to notice Bohemia more than before because of Oliver constantly hovering over her and talking her ear off. She still didn't like the attention from others, and what started to frighten her was that she began to enjoy Oliver's company. She didn't want their relationship to end, but she knew there had to be an end to it since they were graduating that year. There was no chance in the two continuing their relationship outside of Hogwarts. She knew he would eventually get tired of her.

And when she scooted away from Oliver when his hand accidentally drifted too close to her, she knew he was hurt. It was only a matter of time before he called it quits. The smile he plastered afterward did not ease the anxiety bubbling within her. It was the sort of anxiety that would bubble whenever she awaited a response from her parents about her grades and test scores.

She had told him she wasn't used to relationships, so he took his time, trying his best to let her adjust to him, but sometimes, he forgot when he got too eager while talking about quidditch. The first time she scooted away from him hurt him slightly, but he smiled and resumed talking about the sport he was so passionate about.

She believed herself to be a bad person just because she wasn't making Oliver happy, but she couldn't bring herself to bring off whatever they had. She didn't think they were a couple, but she believed them to be more than friends. For her own selfish reasons, she wanted to keep him around as long as she could. She knew it was wrong of her to do, but he was her only source of happiness.

In her haste of bouncing between thoughts of Oliver's happiness, she invited him to the astronomy tower before dinner in order to properly sort through her thoughts.

"Are you sure you want me?" she asked. "In a relationship, I mean. As a... As a girlfriend?"

"What do you think I've been doing with you? I like you, Bohemia."

"Oh. I'm not...used to relationships, so I can't promise anything."

"I know. That's all right," he reassured.

HIDE AND SEEK.  ❪ Oliver Wood ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now