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Bohemia made her way to dinner, walking down from her dorm only to find Oliver waiting for her

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Bohemia made her way to dinner, walking down from her dorm only to find Oliver waiting for her. She groaned, pausing for a moment, debating if she should miss dinner or not, but decided against it.

"So - Angelina is wicked on her broom - "

"Wood," she warned.

He ignored her. "She's a great Chaser! Do you know what a Chaser is?"

Bohemia rolled her eyes, but didn't answer. Her parents hadn't allowed her to read any books that weren't necessary for her education.

"Chasers control the Quaffle and attempt to get it through the goal hoops past the Keeper. Each goal is worth ten points. This makes them similar to the forwards in football, as the game is generally started with the Referee releasing the Quaffle into the air for the Chasers to try and claim possession of."

She was actually enjoying what he was explaining to her. Perhaps, it was her inner Ravenclaw. Unconsciously, she was leaning into him, shoulders brushing against one another as they walked to the Great Hall with the other Gryffindors.

Fred and George, the tall boys, could spot Bohemia and Oliver from the back of the crowd. The twins glanced at each other with grins of their faces.

"You think Oliver's trying to date her?" asked Fred, a little too loudly.

Students who could hear them glanced around, trying to find out who Fred was talking about.

"What's her name? Is that that Bohemia Midford girl?" asked George, a little too loudly as well.

Students around them glanced around, some of them able to find who Oliver was talking to. Bohemia, completely unaware of the stares, continued to listen to Oliver blab about quidditch.

"The Chaser is the oldest position in the game of Quidditch, as the purpose of the game once consisted solely of scoring goals. Did you know they were formerly known as Catchers in the early days of the game?"

"No, I didn't know," answered Bohemia. "This is interesting."

Before they knew it, they had reached the Great Hall. Bohemia expected Oliver to sit with his own friends, but instead, he sat with her.

"Uh - why are you sitting with me?" asked Bohemia.

"Why not? I like talking to you," he answered.

"I've noticed. Most of our conversations are you talking mindlessly."

She hoped it didn't come across as rude. That was simply how she talked. Oliver seemed unfazed by that.

"Oh - sausages," said Oliver, tracing forward to stab a sausage with his fork.

Bohemia sighed, fighting back the smile that was creeping up.

HIDE AND SEEK.  ❪ Oliver Wood ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now