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Bohemia sighed angrily through her nose as someone sat in front of her during breakfast

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Bohemia sighed angrily through her nose as someone sat in front of her during breakfast. She looked up from her book. It was a different book from yesterday since she finished it within a few hours.

"What do you want, Wood?"

"Sign my broom."

She rolled her eyes. "No."

She was already in a bad mood that morning because she woke up later than usual. It had never happened before and she was sure the boy named Oliver Wood had jinxed her with some sort of bad-luck curse.

She snapped her book close, ignoring the stares from other students who were wondering who the girl Oliver was talking to. She grabbed a chocolate muffin and walked away. Once again, he chased after her with his long legs.

"Why not?" he questioned.

"One name won't be the end of the world," she retorted. "Get over yourself."

He ignored her last insult. "It'll be the end of my world. Come on, lassie."

"I don't even know you."

She decided to ignore the fact that he called her lassie again. She wasn't going to waste her breath on that, even though he was causing her heartbeat to rise in annoyance.

"Oliver Wood," he introduced.

"No, I know who you are. I just - ugh."

She didn't know why she even bothered. His head tilted to the side in confusion for a moment before he understood what she meant. He bashfully cradled the back of his neck with one hand.

"Sorry, I - I wasn't thinking."

She stared at him for a moment. Why did my heart just do that? She wasn't sure why the sight of him blushing was so cute in her opinion, but she told herself to calm down. She had gone her whole life without liking anyone and she wanted to keep it that way.

Before she knew it, they had reached her first morning class. Oliver stopped by the threshold. Bohemia, against her better judgment, stopped and turned to him.

"This is me," she awkwardly said.

"This is you," he awkwardly repeated.

They stood around, staring at each other for a moment.

"Mr. Wood, I believe your class is on the other side of the castle," interrupted Professor McGonagall.

"Bullocks," he cursed. "I'll see you later, Midford!"

He waved at her as he ran off. Bohemia turned, ready to walk into the classroom.

"I didn't know you were friends with Mr. Wood, Miss Midford," said Professor McGonagall.

She cringed. "Oh - I suppose it's a recent friendship."

HIDE AND SEEK.  ❪ Oliver Wood ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now