Crucible Part 1

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I'm glad I'm on another mission instead of going to some party Oliver is hosting at his house. I would have slapped that bitch, Isabel Rochev, who's trying to take control of Queen Consolidated. She has a resting bitch face that I just want to punch. I've heard about her when my dad used to control Merlyn Global. Short version of the story, the chick is a stuck up bitch because she thinks she's smart and successful. The only thing that sucks now is that with Tommy here, our missions have been finishing faster than usual. Don't get me wrong, I love Tommy helping but why did he have to help tonight? He could have gone to the party with Laurel and have a nice date, but nooo, he decided to help me and Oliver. How selfish is that?

We were chasing a bunch of gang members because they have been smuggling weapons.  We followed them, they found us, so they started firing. I shot my arrow at one of the guys, landing it in his chest. Oliver and I were on top of the building firing arrows at them while Tommy was on the ground, yanking each gunman before knocking them out. The three gunmen kept firing at me and Ollie before we took cover, unaware of Tommy sneaking up on them.

"Over there!" one shouted.

"Where, man?" his friend asked. The guy screamed when Tommy threw one of his adhesive restraints on him. The big red X covering the guy's body before he fell down, wrapped around it like a cacoon.

"Watch out, man!"

I kept running down across the rooftop as Oliver stopped and took his trick arrows out. He shot it at the railing on top of the guy firing. When the arrow went flying while the cable wire wrapped itself around the gunman's feet and started lifting him up. I jumped down from the building to the railing before landing on the ground and shot one of my trick arrows with the same cable wire. The arrow went through the man's kneecap, he yelled as he fell down.

His friend came out and pointed the gun at me. "You little -" The man screamed when a red X shaped shuriken knocked the gun out of his hand. He was about to turn around when Tommy pulled out his blade and swung it near his neck. The man screamed and closed his eyes, waiting for Tommy to slice his head off. But Tommy pulled out a smaller blade and used the end to knock the man out.

I grinned behind my mask as I yanked the man towards us. When he was close enough, I brought my fist up and knocked him out.

"Where are you getting the guns?" Oliver questioned the guy dangling next to him.

"Are you gonna kill me?" the man asked.

"He won't," I started before I pulled my dagger out and placed it next to the man's neck. "But I will if you don't answer."

"Get it over with, then."

I looked at Oliver with my brow raised. With his stern look, I knew my answer. I sighed before I used the butt of my dagger to knock the man out.

"Dig," Oliver called over the monitor. He knelt down and picked up the gun. "We took down two more gangbangers. They were armed with fully automatic M4A1 assault rifles."

"M4A1s are military-grade weapons," Diggle said. "Stolen, most likely."

"Stolen from where?" Tommy asked.

"Well, we can look into that after Oliver's party." I let out a very loud groan. "Yes, Ash, you still have to go."

Oliver looked confused. "What party?"


I can't believe Oliver forgot about his party. Sure, all the other times I would have been ok with it but this is a huge party so he could get investors. Now, Oliver, Tommy, and I were all late. We had to rush back to the warehouse and get ready and broke every speed limit known to man to get here.

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