Chapter 9 :《Just having fun》

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(Mia's POV)

Sunday went by pretty fast. Sean and I just hanged out at my place, we watched movies an played video games. He came during the afternoon and we spent it in the leaving room. After that he went back to his house and the rest of the day was just normal.

Today is Monday, I woke up and got ready for school. Then I had breakfast with my family and finally my brother dropped me to school.

As I entered the school there was some people who started looking at me but I didn't really care.

I went to my locker and opened it to grab the books I needed for my next class. As I was looking into my locker I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and someone kissed my right cheek from behind. I giggled and after I grabbed my books I turned around to face them. I knew it was Sean. He let go of me and smiled.

- "Goodmorning" He politely said.

- "Goodmorning to you too" I said, smiling at him.

- "Don't we have the same first period today ?" He asked, still smiling.

- "Um no" I answered, chuckling. "I don't think we have any together today" I added.

- "Oh what a shame, then I will have to skip class" He said jokingly.

- "We can still see each other at lunch" I said, shrugging and smiling at him.

Then the bell rang.

- "That's right. I can't wait" He answered smiling at me. "Now go to class" He laughed sligthly.

I laughed too and kissed his right cheek before making my way to my first period of the day.


Time had finally come for lunch break. I didn't see Emily or my other friends this morning since I stayed with Sean so I can't wait to meet them to eat.

Emily waved at me as she was already siting at a random table with Alison and some other friends. I waved back at her and joined them, siting in front of Alison and her.

- "Hi girl !" She said happily.

- "Hi ! I missed you" I answered in the same tone.

- "Yeah, we didn't hear from you all weekend. What did you do ?" She asked with a questioning look on her face, still smiling at me.

- "Yeah I hanged out with a friend" I said shrugging and smiling.

- "Ooh who ?" She asked excited.

Then Sean came in the view. He sat next to me on my right side and put his left arm on my shoulders, before kissing me on the cheek. I giggled and looked at him. We were both looking at each other while smiling.

- "I see" Emily said in what sounded like a confused tone, but she was still smiling.

Then Sean and I turned our head towards Alison and Emily. His arm didn't leave my shoulders.

- "So, is it true that you two left Hanna's party together ?" Alison asked us happily.

Emily raised her eyebrows at her in surprise and I raised mine just because she remembered me of this party. What a crazy night it was.

- "Yeah, I just gave her a lift and we talked a bit" Sean answered politely while smiling.

- "Then we decided to hang out together during the weekend" I added, smiling.

I reached his hand that was on my left shoulder and we intertwined fingers, still looking towards my friends.

- "Are you dating ?" Alison asked in a confused tone.

- "No" we both said at the same time.

Then we chuckled and looked at each other.

- "We're just friends" I said, turning back to my friends while smiling.

Sean turned back to them too and nodded at Alison while smiling.

Alison and Emily looked at each other with confused faces and started talking again, but Sean and I weren't really paying attention to what they were saying. We were just enjoying each other's presence.

I let go of his hand and started to eat. He never took off his arm from my shoulders. He then took the fork from my hand carefully and started to eat out of my plate, I just giggled at him. Since I could not eat anymore he playfully started feeding me with the fork that was in his hand. We spent lunch playing around and laughing at each other. I could sometimes see my two friends who were in front of us looking at us oddly or with confused faces but we didn't really care about it.

Sean and I ended up sharing my plate and when we finished he stole my dessert.

"No !" I whined at him.

He just laughed sligthly and gave it back to me, I smiled and kissed his cheek.

It was the end of lunch break and we all stood up. Sean let go of me and faced me.

- "I'll see you after school ?" He asked, smiling down at me.

- "Sure !" I answered happily.

He then cupped my face with his hands and kissed my forehead before walking away. I smiled as my friends just looked at me with shocked faces and their mouths sligthly open.

- "What ?" I shrugged at them, chuckling sligthly.

- "Are seriously aksing ?" Emily said, raising her eyebrows and folding her arms.

I just rolled my eyes, still smiling.

- "Yeah, what was that show you guys gave us ?" Alison asked confused.

- "We were just having fun" I said and giggled.

- "That was very odd" Emily said, chuckling sligthly.

- "Yeah and you guys spent the weekend together" Alison added raising her eyebrows.

- "Well yes, we are friends now" I said, giggling.

- "But since when ?" Emily asked furrowing her eyebrows.

- "Friday night I think" I answered, shrugging and smiling at them.

- "Well ok, that's cool" Emily said, shrugging.

She then smiled at me and we laughed sligthly.

- "And I don't mind him joining us for lunch" Alison added while shrugging and chuckling.

We all laughed and then we made our way to our next period, chating a bit on our way.

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