Chapter 14 :《Talk》

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(Mia's POV)

After Sean dropped me home I immediately went to my bedroom so I won't have to face anyone.

Later I got ready to sleep and layed on my bed. I saw that Sean had texted me.

From Sean : "Sleep tight princess ❤"

I smiled at my phone and decided to text him back. Laughing slightly while typing.

To Sean : "Have a goodnight best friend And have good dreams about your prince !! ❤❤"

After that I changed his name in my contacts and went to sleep.


Now was Tuesday morning. My morning went as usual and I was now entering the high school.

As I walked in I could see Sean chatting with Emily while leaning on my locker, his back was facing me. He was so early !

When I reached them I wrapped my arms around his waist while smiling. He quickly turned around to face me as I let go of him.

- "Hey there princess" He said smiling at me before leaning down and kiss my right cheek.

Emily just looked at us with a shocked expression on her face. His back was now facing her as he stood in front of me.

- "Hey you ! You're very early, that's unusual" I said jokingly while smiling up at him.

He chuckled.

- "Yeah there was something I wanted to tell you" He answered with a big smile on his face.

- "Um I'll just go and let you two talk. See you later" Emily said with an awkward smile on her face before walking away.

Sean and I looked at her as she left. After that I went to open my locker.

- "What is it ?" I asked Sean while looking inside my locker.

He went standing behind me and leaned down to whisper something in my ear.

- "He texted me" He said in a playful tone with a small smirk on his face.

I immediately turned around slamming shut my locker's door and facing him with an excited expression on my face.

- "Really !?" I exclaimed while smiling at him.

He laughed and handed me his phone.

From Aiden : "Hey cutie, sorry I didn't text you earlier. Sleep tight, I hope I will get to see you again soon"

- "Sh*t, that's so cool !" I said in an excited tone while looking back at him.

Sean had a big smile on his face.

- "You should text him" I said giving his phone back to him and smiling at him.

- "I don't know, maybe I should wait" He answered unsure with a small smile on his face.

- "But he want to see you !" I said excited.

He smirked slightly.

- "Text him" I told him in a strict tone while laughing a bit.

- "And you go talk to your ex boyfriend" He said teasingly, smirking at me.

- "That's diferent" I stated while folding my arms and rolling my eyes, still smiling a bit.

The bell rang.

- "Anyway, I'll see you later" He said quickly, smiling at me before kissing my right cheek and walking away.

After that I went to class and the rest of the day went by pretty fast.

Sean and I couldn't hang out after school because I had a lot of work to do but he still gave me a lift to my house.

I was now sat on my bed, doing my homeworks and eating.

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