A birth Of An Angel

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I remember meeting her for the first time that angel that birth my own angel...falling in love with only for her to give life to my own personal hell

18 years ago...

The crowd at the bar was chanting "Leo! Leo! Leo!" "Chug! chug! Chug!" As the blonde man started drinking a meter long of tequila shots finishing them off and everyone chant louder cheering, as a woman with a golden hair the exact same color as Rose's was eyeing him, Leo then went outside the backside at the dark alley feeding on a woman when the golden hair woman Interrupted him saying.


"Hey...You wanna join in?"

"Give me your seed so I can grow you spawn.."


Leo's eyes widen at her words he pushed the woman he was feeding on aside and started making out with the golden hair woman in an instant he fell in love with her, at first kiss, soon his seed grew inside of her months went by as he grow more and more attached to her seeing her grow his child inside of her made him the happiest man alive, he remembered shopping with his grandmother for baby girl clothes setting up a crib buying a house back at Weldon searching for good schools, picking out names, all in all the golden haired woman reminded quite, till that day of the birth of an angel came and the whole city they were on at the time went into distress as the screams of an angel made an earth quick and once the cries of a baby was heard lightings stroke burning the house they were in and as if the ground spelt open and bright like came as he clenched holding into his new born girl a bright light came blinding his eyes and all he could see was the mother of his child, his wife, the first woman he loved burnt to ashes and her screams echoed into his bounding head, as a voice said that she has committed the ultimate sin and that she is sentenced to hell for as long as her big sin shadowed her.

It wasn't enough for him to see the love of his life burn but once he regains his eyesight the angel was about to smite his newborn baby girl but he begged and pleaded for them to spare her life in wishful pray a voice spoke in him telling him that he had a day with his spawn as he should pay for his sin as well a day that is her birthday is the day your eyes met it's the same day as her death. Explaining more that he was only allowed to set eyes on his girl only once a year on her birthday.

If a day is all I get with her a day it is!

His little girl each year grows more and more and he missed it day and night, he misses it, she walked talked and he missed it hearing about her progress from Ashbel and his grandmother made his heartache but then seeing her face for a day made him forget all about it, he was walking through the crowded streets of Weldon until he stops seeing her from the distant his baby girl, all excited waiting for him their special day that he waited eagerly for had come and he called out for her


Once Rose got a glimpse of her father she ran toward his opened arms and embraced her tightly he then saw a shadow behind her as he was hugging her he lifted his head up to see that it Was none other than the Raven himself, her father pushed her behind him as he yelled "what are you doing here?" The raven smiled and said "I'm here to give you this" the Raven then Swing his iron fist on his face breaking his new sending him flying and rushed to sit on to of him and was about to punch him some more but Rose yelled out for him to stop holding Dimitri's arms but Dimitri pushed her as he was in rage.

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