chapter 5. why...?

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Kiri Pov

I start to wake up, I felt light headed.
I tried to get up but the second I put any pressure on my arms I fell back on to the bed, I hissed in pain.
I look at my arms and realized they where all wrapped up and cleaned.
Did I do this?
No of course you didn't, HE did HE saved YOU. He went out of his way to help trash that didn't deserve to be helped! And you know it! He wants you to live to suffer!

stop, please stop saying that.
I start to cry, I hide my face in my hands and scrunch up into a ball on the bed.
no no no no stop it.

Are you doing ok?

It was Bakogo.

I'm so sorry, you went out of you way to save me. Trash. Why?
Why didn't you hit me when I woke you up?
Why did you stay?
Why do you try and help someone who cant be helped?

I could tell he was upset, not a mad but concerned and sad

I would NEVER hurt you, do you understand me? I love you ok. I dont know what I would do without you, you are beautiful, strong, caring, loving and so many more amazing things! So stop it! Stop lying to yourself that you no!

He grabs me and pulls me into a hug.
I lo-love y-you to.
We sit on the bed just hugging for 10 minutes before I hear him say something.

Do ummm do you want to be my boyfriend.?
Yeah, yeah I do.
I love you so much Eijiro, I dont know where I would be without you.

I love you to

We cuddle together and fall asleep in etch others arms

Dream Starts

What do you wanna do babe? I hear him ask in an upbeat tone.

I don't know. I gess we can go over to the mall, it's not very far.

Sounds like a great idea, lets go.

We start walking, we are holding hands. We where a good happy couple, we loved each other and I was nothing except happy that someone loved me the same way I loved them.

...Then I hurd it...


I saw a person with a black mask and a gun my eyes go wide.

I grabbed Bakogo's hand and ran as fast as I could.


I hurd a gun shot and I felt Bakugou fall. I turned around to see him curled up in a ball clenching his stomach.

I kneel down next to him. With tears heavily flowing down my face.

No, this cant be happening! You'll be ok! I promise!

As he lay there in a puddle of his blood and tears, begging for help.

I look up to see the person with the gun standing right in front of me and Bakogo. They pull of their mask and it was my mom!?
My eyes go wide as I see her pull the trigger again.


He was dead... The love of my life had a bullet in his head.
I lean down grabbing his shoulders, trying to shake him awake, I put my face on his blood soaked chest and cry harder then I have ever crying before.
I look up at my mother one more time before I hear her say, now me and you are going to go home and you are gonna get the PUNISHMENT you deserve! She hits me over the head with the gun

Dream over

I wake up screaming with tears running down my face gasping for a breath every chance I get.

Hold on Kiri, calm down. I'm hear, nothing is going to hurt you I promise

I feel his strong arms rap around me, holding me close to his chest.

Shhhhh, it's ok. It's just me. Calm down babe.

I look up into his red beautifu eyes, I'm sorry.

Dont be, you didn't do anything wrong. I love you

I snuggle back into his chest, I love you to.

He kisses my forehead and we drift back to sleep.

I'm not a man, or anything else (Suicidal Kirishima X Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now