Dad-zawa chapter 12

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Hay everyone, sorry for not posting for a while. Something happened and my phone ended up geting broken. And since I'm in quarantine I couldn't get a new one for a while.
I'm so sorry! 😖
Also there is a suicide trigger warning for this chapter.⚠️

Bakugou Pov

After I hurd Azawa get off the phone with the hospital my knees beginning to feel shaky.
I backed up slowly and sat on the edge of the bed just staring trying to process what I just hurd.
Hes not dead but he might be soon.
I hurd a knock at the door.

"Come in"
It was Azawa

"Hay kid, how are you doing?"

"If fine I gess"
He sits down next to to me on the bed.

"Well I got a call from the hospital about Kirishima"

"Ya, I hurd you talking downstairs"

"Ok well I just wanted to update you a little about what's happening."

I nod

"Well before i start I just want you to know I wouldn't be telling you this if I didn't think you where strong enough to handle it."

I look at him and nod again.

"Ok well the lady said in the accident two of his ribs where broken and punctured his lung."

I already knew what he was going to say because I hurd the whole conversation. But I couldn't help be feel crushed.
I didn't want to cry in front of him but I couldn't help but let a few tears fall down my face.

"They said they are going to preform emergency surgery on him as soon a possible. But he might not make it."

My breathing starts to get choppy

"That's all I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry. I made some breakfast for you, it's in the kitchen if your hungry"

I shake my head no and stare at the ground.

"Ok, well I'll put it in the fridge next to your dinner from last night. You need to eat later tho. But for now you need to get some sleep. It's still 7:00am and it doesn't look like you got a lot of sleep lat night."

I feel the bed shift as he gets up and starts to walk to the door.

"If you ever need anything I'm hear."
He smiles at he and walked out the door shutting it behind him.

I let out the tears I was holding in. I pull in knees to my chest and start to sob into them.
Although I already knew was everything he told me it still broke me to hear.
I'm so sorry Kirishima.
I promise I didn't mean for this to happen. I hope you can forgive me.

I lay down on the bed and slowly start to close my eyes.

Dream starts

I was walking alone, it was dark out with only a few street lights.
I just kept walking. I eventually made it to a forest with tall trees everywhere.
I walked past the majority of them until I got to the tallest one and stopped.
There was absolutely no emotion at all, just blank dark emptiness.
I look at the tree, and then I look at a slightly smaller tree beside it. There was a noose, with kirishima hanging from it. He looks like hes been there for a while. His skin was pale, his eyes where white and his hair was stringy and falling out.
He looked like all the blood was drained from his cold lifeless body.
My emotions still blank.
I look back up at my tree and see a noose now hanging from a low hanging branch and a little wooden stool directly underneath it. It was the perfect height for me.
I start to get on the stool, I stand up and could see perfectly through the rope.
I grab it an put my head thought the hole.
I look back a Kirishima.
The wind had moved him where he was facing directly at me.

"I'm coming Kiri."

I kick the stool out from underneath me.

Dream ends

I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat. I
immediately started to cry.
God I miss Kiri.

I look up at the clock 7:45am.
Its only been 45 minutes?

I look at the door an realize something's in front of it.
I whipped my face with the blanket and walked over

It's a plate of meatloaf, mashed potato, green beans, and a fork. With plastic wrap over it.
There's also a sticky note attached to it that says.

I know you said your not hungry, but can you at least try to eat this when you wake up.
Its last night's dinner.

I look at the plate and smiled
If he went through the trouble of making me something I'll try it.

I bring it over to my bed sit down and take the plastic wrap off.
It was still warm.
I grab the fork and took a bite.
It was really good.
I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started eating.
Before I relieved it was gone. I felt satisfied and warm.
I like that hes trying hes to help me.
Eventhough hes don't have to.
My mother isn't bad but she's nothing like this.
She would never hurt me on purpose but she also wouldn't do what Azawas doing.
I hope I'm not being to much of a hassle for him.


Helo every one, I hope you liked this character. Thank you for being patient with me and I'm sorry for not posting for a while.
Thank you

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