the visit

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~A few days later~

Kirishima Pov

I feel strange. I use all the energy I have to open my eyes slightly and see all the machines hooked up to my body.
I felt extremely sore, I don't think I could move even if I wanted to.
I hurd a door open and looked over to see a woman in a nurses uniform.
Her eyes got big and she yelled down the hall for another doctor.
I could feel what little energy I had quickly fade, and my eyes started to flutter shut.

Bakogo Pov

I was woken up by Azawa knocking on my door.
*Yawn* "yes, come in."

"Hay, I got some great news from the hospital about Kirishima"

I shot up
"You did?! How is he?! Is he awake?!"

A small small appeared on Azawa's face.
"They said he was conscious for about a minute last night. And he is stable enough to have visitors"

I could feel the tears growing in my eyes along with a big smile on my face.

"So we can see him today!?"

Azawa let out a small giggle.
"Yes, we can go see him today. Go get ready we will leave after breakfast"

I had a huge smile displayed across my face.
"Awesome! Ok I'll get ready!"

I got dressed as fast I could and ran down stairs.
I basically inhaled the bowl of serial he had out for me, and we both got in the car and started to make our way there.
Azawa looked over to me
"Ok kid, I just want you to know I don't know what he's gonna look like in there. He's probably gonna be just fine but I just don't want you to freak out if he's not."

My smile slightly dims
"He will be ok, he has to be ok."

On the car ride to the hospital I could barely sit still.
I just wanted to get to the boy I loved so much!
I wanted him to be in my arms and safe, safe from everything.
Safe from the world, the LOV,

As the hospital started to come into view I started to bounce my leg extremely fast.
We got into a parking spot and I basically ran to the front desk with Azawa close behind me.

"Can you please tell me where Ejiro Kirishima is!?"

"Yes sir, he's it room 157 on the 1st floor."

"Thank you!"

I walked as fast as I could to his room again with Azawa right behind me
I was glancing at every door number so I was sure not to miss it.
When I finally found it I immediately grabbed the handle and opened the door, trying to keep in mind that we are in a hospital I tried to be quite but I was just so happy that he woke up even if it wasn't for very long.
I stepped in the room to see a doctor and Kirishima laying on a bed behind him.

"Hello, you must be the people who droppedhim off, they said said they called and said you wold be coming to visit him today. "

"Yes, that's us. How's he doing?"
Azawa asked.

"As of right now he's doing just fine, but there's no telling what could change when he wakes up again. But that's not something you have to worry about, he's in good hands."

"So I'm guessing you don't know when he could wake up?"
I asked.

"Unfortunately not, he could wake up in an hour or a couple of weeks. There's really no way of telling right now. But I'm guessing y'all want to have a minute alone with him?"

"Yes please"
We both said in unison.

"Ok, do y'all want to take terns with him? Or would you like to be here together?"

"I would like to have a minute alone with him please."
I said

"Ok, so if you could please follow me sir I will bring you to the sitting area. When you are done you can find us just done the hall and if anything happens you can just press the red button by the bed and someone will come help."

I nod and they make there way out.

I walk over to Kiri and just look at him for a moment. He didn't look like himself. He looked tired and almost dead.
He had tubes and wires connected everywhere on his limp fragile body.
He also had a mask on, it brought me a little comfort watch the mask fog us as he let out a shadow breathe.
I drug over a chair from across the room because my knees where getting a little shake.
I sat down and gently held his hand.
"It's gonna be ok, I promise when you get out of here I will protect you and nothing like this is ever going to happen to you ever again."
As I spoke i could feel tears start to build up in my eyes.
I held his hand a little tighter.
And for a split second I could have sworn I felt him squeeze back.
I smiled and stared to cry more. They where a mixture of sad and happy tears.
I look back up at Kiri to see a pare of barely open dull cloudy eyes looking back at me.
My eyes go wide.
"Kiri?... are you awake?"
He just kept blankly staring at me.
I then shot up out of my chair and pushed the red button the doctor told me about before leaving with Azawa.
About 30 seconds later the doctor that was with Azawa walked in.

"Is something wrong kid?"
The doctor asked

"No! He opened his eyes! And he was squeezing my hand! Is he ok?"

He the walked over to Kiri and saw his half open eyes still locked on me.

"Well everything looks alright, his vitals are all fine. And you said he squeezed your hand?"

"Yes, Yes he did"

"Ok, that's really good news! Could you hold his hand again for a second please? I want to test something."

"Yes, of course"
I walked over and gently grabbed his hand again.

"Ok Kirishima and you talk?"
He quiet grown came out of him.

"Ok, good Kirishima. Now Bakogo hear said you squeezed his hand a minute ago. Do you think you could do that again for us?"

He then squeeze my hand, It was weak but still there.
There was a giant smile across my face.

The doctor gave out a little laugh and had a smile
"Well I wasn't expecting him to be responsive so fast. You really are a tough one Kirishima."

He then went and got Azawa, leaving me alone with him again.
We where still holding hands, and he still looked dazed but I think he knew what was happening, that he was gonna be ok.

Hay everyone, I'm sorry again for not posting for a while. I hope you liked this happier chapter!

Thanks for reading

And the story is probably gonna be coming to an end soon. Unless evenybody has any recommendations about anything you want to happen or any little things you want them do together.
I would really appreciate it if you could do that please!
And please don't recommend smut...

I'm not a man, or anything else (Suicidal Kirishima X Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now