Chapter 6. What happened?

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Ya got a long chapter today ♡

Kiri Pov

I one again woke up in Bakugou's big warm arms. I love him so muchi look over at the clock on the wall, it was 1:30am.
I get up slowly trying hard not to wake the sleeping boy.
I just like to walk around the house doing chores and random little things when I can sleep. I made my way down stairs and started to clean off the dining room table, it was covered in trash mail and other little things.
I walked over and grabbed the first piece of mail when I felt a hand cover my mouth.
I screamed, but the second I did I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and hurd a man's voice say, do that again am I'll kill you and you little boyfriend.
Then I felt a dull needle go into the side of my neck and everything went black.

Bakugou Pov

I woke up alone in the bed, what? Where's Kiri? I got up and and called for him, no response. I looked all over the house for him and found nothing.
I called his phone, went straight to voice mail.
I started to get worried, then went back down stairs and realized something, there was something on the ground. I kneeled down, it was blood!
Was it Kiri's?
Was he ok, of alive?
What happened?

I was scared that something unthinkable happened to him, to the sweet little boy I love so much.
I start to feel tears build up in my eyes. No not right now, I need to find him!

Warning⚠️ Kiri gets "a little" beat up. So if that makes you uncomfortable you can skip the rest of this character. Thanks ♡

Kiri's Pov

I started to wake up tied to a chair and had a gag in my mouth, I looked around.
It looked like I was in a concrete box, no windows or anything just a door and a light hanging from the ceiling.
It felt cold and damp in the room and it was rather dark.

I hurd something and realized the door was open.
"Well well well look what we have here."
I hurd a man say, he sounded familiar, was this the same guy who kidnapped me?
"Well we happened to have had an incident recently and lost a few of our members, so we decided you would be a perfect fit!"
He stepped out in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes. He was tall and thin, he had blue eyes, black hair and had purple scars all over him.

"I'll give you a minute before we start the process, then he looked at me smiled and left the room."

A few minutes later

I hurd the door open again and hurd a girl's voice, she was young about my age it looked like. She had yellow eyes, sharp teeth that she had in a big smile across her face and blond hair that was pulled back in to buns.

"Hi I'm Toga! Well Dabi told me he already told you what you need to know right! So now we can have lots of fun!"
Her smile got even larger as she reattached to her belt and pulled out a knife.
"Ho dont you love it! It's so beautiful! Its sharp, shiny and has the capability of killing with one slash! But dont worry, I won't kill you! Remember what Dabi said? We need you alive so we can replace some of the people we lost!"
She slowly got closer to me and put her hands on my thighs. She slowly started to lightly drag the knife up my stomach, cutting thought my shirt and my skin leaving a small red line of blood.
I yell and squirm trying to get her to stop. She looks up at me and smiles.
"You know screaming just gets me more excited!"
She then drags her finger up the fresh wound on my stomach and licks her finger.
"Yummy, you taste so good! I could get used to that!"
I hear the door open again, It was Dabi with a table with something's on it. I couldn't make out all of it but I did see a knife and a syringe full of some black liquid.
Toga removed the gag from my mouth, I coughed and gasped for a breath.
"Wh-what *cough* are you going to do to me?" I said with fear in my voice.
"Ho nothing to bad, yet."
He then takes the large knife off the little metal table.
"What are we gonna do first? Well I see Toga already got to you with her new knife did she."
He looks over to the blonde and she gives his a big toothy smile. He looks back at me.
She already warmed you up.
He then unites me and walks me down the hall into another room. He throws me in side and slowly walks in behind me. He then takes my arms smashing them against the wall above my head I hiss in pain as he starts to tie me to dome hooks on the wall. He sees that Toga ruined my shirt.
Well that's not going to do anyone and good.
He walks over to me and takes what's left of my torn bloody shirt. He looks up at me and the my scared cut up arms.
"Ho look, it looks like you're well on your way to being like us, broken. Well that's good to hear, its going to make my job a hell of a lot easier."

He takes his knife and brings it up to my arm.
Well what's the harm in adding a few more?
He the drags the blade across my wrist I yelp and tears start to fill my eyes.
"Ho dont cry, we haven't even gotten started yet."
I let the tears fall from my eyes.
"Did you not hear me? I said DONT CRY!"
he then takes the blade and slashes my thigh, causing me to cry harder.
he then drops the knife and raises his fist and hits me leaving me bloodier then I already was with bruises everywhere. He then opens his hand and burns me.
I could feel my skin start to melt off my already fragile beaten body.
He stops his fire and looks at me with an angry expression.
"Just for that your sleeping here and chained up tonight!"
He the walked out the door and slamming it behind him.

hen I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore I let out my tears.
I miss Bakugou so much. I wonder if hes looking for me,probably not. He probably hasn't released I'm gone. I'm probably gonna die here anyway. And no one will even know what happened. I love him, I love him more then anything, more then I can put into words. I miss his big warm arms rapped around me. Now I'm chained up, freezing, in pain and covered in my own blood. If I just fought more the wouldn't have captured me in the first place. If I hadn't been so god dam weak.
I could feel me knees getting shakey and my eyes getting heavier. My arms where chained above my head so I couldn't lay down or even sit, I could barely more without feeling like I'm dying.
I felt my legs give out and I fell, putting all my weight on my arms. I yelp in pain and start crying again. I could feel the slashes on my body start to reopen, I felt the cold blood run down my beaten body.
Moments later I pass out from blood loss and exhaustion.


Hi people! Author~chan hear! I just wanted to thank again all the people that have read up to this point. And I really hope you are likening the story so far! ♡

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