Crashing the Engagement

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Rias POV 

When I entered,I saw the man I was bethroted with.Riser Phoenix.

When I sat in the couch, he sat near me and started  touching me which I want someone who loves me for myself to do

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When I sat in the couch, he sat near me and started  touching me which I want someone who loves me for myself to do.

Riser:  how are you my love?

Rias: It's none of your businesses.

Riser: Well you know what day today is it

Rias :  yeah(" the worst  day of my life")

Grafia: Let's get going my lady.

Grafia creates a magic circle and Riser,Rias and Grafia went through it.

Akeno POV

I saw what Riser did I could do nothing. I heard everybody leaving to get ready for Rias's engagement. Just then Sasuke came through the door saying "sorry I'm late". I rushed to him and hugged him. He asked me " what's the matter?". I then explained the whole situation. About why we lost thee rating game,that is that at the final moment Riser caught Asia and blackmailed Rias to resign. Sasuke then told me to give him the paper which lets him teleport to the engagement and told me to be ready for anything . I did as he asked and he went home. I then got ready.

To the engagement,Rias POV

I was now cursing my birth in my mind.  I saw all of them happy about this engagement except 5 people-me ,kiba,Akeno,Koneko,Asia. I was for my brother to break this but no he didn't. I was in the verge of killing myself but when I heard a music familiar to me loud enough for everyone of the hall to listen. It was starboy .

When the song's lyrics was sang,The door was bashed open by a guard flying in due to a hit. When I saw who hit the guard like that i was surprised.

SirZechs POV

When I saw who it was, I saw a young man of 17 and he was so handsome that any girl will fall for him. He seemed so familiar to me and even Grafia had that feeling.

I was astonished

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I was astonished. I regained my composure and asked

Zechs: Who are you young man and why are you here?

Sasuke: I am Sasuke Uchiha, Rias Gremory's Pawn and I'm here to do my duty as her servant and protector.

Zechs: What is it?

Sasuke: Protect Rias from bastards like him (  points at Riser with killing intent in his eyes )

Zechs: (surprised " lower ranked devils won't even dare to look at Riser but this guy is so brave and disciplined")

Sasuke POV

I answered the great devil king with my utmost respect.Riser got furious and shouted" Who do you think you are. You are just a pawn and you have the nerve to call me a bastard.". I snapped and flew near him face to face. He looked at me with arrogance. When I was staring him, he punched me in the mouth. He said" that's what you get low life". I got pissed and gave him a slap that made him fly and hit the wall so hard that the wall broke down. I used one of the skill sensei taught me. The " Eternal Pressure " skill.

Rias POV

All of the people including me,Riser and Zechs were shocked of what happened. I saw Sasuke slap Riser and Riser flew and hit the wall and the wall broke down. I then saw Sasuke do something and then everybody including me kneeled down and some got knocked out except the 4 maous and myself who were on the verge of getting knocked out due to the pressure. Then Sasuke said something which shocked us more. He said "that's just 2% of my strength".

SirZechs POV

I was barely able to stand that scary pressure. I am the devil king for fucks sake. Riser messed with the wrong guy. He doesn't know when to shut up. I was surprised at my sister for getting such a powerful guy as a pawn. After I saw what Sasuke did and made a decision to invoke piece.

Zechs: Sasuke sir I'm sorry for his attidude. [Sasuke releases the skill].What do you seek?

Sasuke: Rias's freedom.

Zechs: But this marriage will benefit the devil race.

Sasuke : I don't care what benefit it will give for the devil race. All I care is about Rias and Rias's freedom because she does not want this and she hates that punk-ass bitch( points at Riser).

Zechs: ( stunned )(  regains composure )okay I'll give you a chance. If you can defeat Riser in a-

Sasuke: I don't go by this som bitch stupid rating game crap. I want Riser Phoenix to go one on one with the Sasuke Uchiha.

Zechs:( taken aback ) ( gets a grip)Okay then , defeat him and we'll cancel this engagement.

Riser: What? I have to fight him? Why?

Sasuke: If you don't have the balls to fight me a low ranked devil , then how do you consider yourself worthy.

Riser:( furious ) Fine then , we will fight in 10 days. I'll prove to everybody that I'm worthy of Rias and I'll make you to beg for mercy (to Sasuke).

Sasuke: ( to All the other devils ) I will make your brains itch and make Riser my little bitch.            ( slaps Riser to the other wall )

Sasuke POV

I slapped Riser and then went to the door. I smiled at Rias and went away in a magic circle.


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