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Sasuke POV

after school I went to the club room as ordered by the president. When I got there,I saw everybody assembled. I asked what's the matter and the president answered that I have make contracts. I asked "what in the blue hell is a contract ?". Rias was stopped for a moment and then explained about it. I understood it and then felt something spongy pressing against my back.

Sasuke: Akeno (getting hot inside) what are you doing?(feeling Akeno's breasts against his back)

Akeno: Ara ara you have a very strong back eh Sasuke.

Sasuke: ( blushed ) Akeno this might not be the right time to examine my back.

Akeno: ( puts more pressure on the back of Sasuke ) I think it is

Kiba: Akeno I think thats enough.

Sasuke: yeah that's enough ( jumps next to kiba) thanks man!

Rias POV

I was there watching Akeno pressing her breasts on Sasuke. Kiba distracted Akeno and then Sasuke jumped near kiba. Now I made an announcement

Rias: Sasuke tonight can you do some contracts.

Sasuke: Count on me president.

Night time,Sasuke POV

I went to many houses and made many contracts.really many like a 19  in one go because they were all chores like shifting heavy loads( heavy for them not me ). My device got one more signal of contract. I went to the location through a magic circle. There I saw a mean in a suit with brown and blonde hair.

 There I saw a mean in a suit with brown and blonde hair

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He called me in and wanted me to have a drink with him. I told that I was underage so I took ice water. When he finished the bottle,he asked me to take his soul. I told him to give some other items. He asked me what I wanted. I saw a book about different mythologies. I asked him that and he gave me that. I then bid farewell and went home.

At Sasuke's house,Sasuke POV

When I reached home, I checked the mail and found none. I went in my house, I saw Asia sleeping in the couch. I brought her to her room and tuck her in bed. I went to my room and changed to my night clothes. I took one sleeping pill which I made and was planning to take it out of the cupboard when a magic circle appeared.

Rias POV

I appeared  in Sasuke's bedroom and jumped on him and we ended up on his bed and I'm on top of him. Something he had on his hand fell from it and grabbed one of my breasts.

 Something he had on his hand fell from it and grabbed one of my breasts

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 Rias: Sasuke make loved to me.( starts undressing)

Sasuke: (  surprised and blushing due to Rias's body )  Rias do you even hear what you said?

Rias: I did and asking again will you make love to me?

Sasuke: (" i can't take advantage over her. She doesn't need this " takes his hand off of her breast ) Rias no

Rias: ( with sadness in her eyes ) am I not attractive for you ?

Sasuke:( sees the sadness in her eyes ) Rias...

Rias: Okay( gets off him) then I will-

Sasuke: ( pulls Rias near him ) You so beautiful Rias ( hugs her ) ( falls asleep )

Rias: ( sleeps peacefully in his embrace ) thank you.

The next morning, Rias POV

I woke up near Sasuke and remembered what happened last night. I smiled at the sleeping Sasuke as he so cute when sleeps. Then I went and took a shower. After the shower, I went to the club room through a magic circle. When I reached the club room I heard the news I never wanted to hear.


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