The Battle

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Sasuke,Rias and Akeno arrived to the Underworld. Every known devil was waiting for them to arrive. SirZechs greeted them and explained about the rules. Sasuke wasn't fascinated at the fact that Riser was immortal. He wanted to get this thing over with.

Sasuke POV

I was teleported into the battle ground. I saw Riser(the little bitch) opposite of me. I was thinking of using some of the low level dragon skills to finish him off.

Riser: I will make you beg for mercy you low life. (Reveals Wings)

Sasuke: JUST BRING IT! You chicken.

Riser attacks me with flames which I dodged it pretty easily considering that it was not that fast. I then went near him and gave him a elbow to the gut. Then I picked him in my shoulders and just threw him to the next wall. He got up slowly with a shocked face.

Riser: How did you dodge my flames? And how did you hit ?

Sasuke: They weren't that fast and you don't have that much of an Endurance attributed in your body. Now prepare to be blown away to hell.( summons a fire ball ) ( fires it at Riser ).

Riser:  Phoenixs are resistant to fire.( gets hit ). This fire won't do anything to m- ( feels pain )        ( spits blood ) What is happening?

Sasuke: Phoenixs release fire that is only 1300°C while dragons release fire of 2500°C. So are not resistant to my flames the dragon flames. (Boosts his gear).

Riser : ( surprised ) What ? You're the red dragon emperor ? 

Sasuke: Hell Yeah ! I am the Red Dragon Emperor. (Boosted enough) I'll hit you at the center of your body to end this.

Riser : You fool,this marriage is important for the devil race.

Sasuke: I don't care about your devil race crap. I only care about Rias and only Rias. Prepare to get your ass whupped by The Red dragon emperor.( Punches Riser in the gut and Riser gets knocked out ).

After punching and knocking Riser out, I still had some anger. So I went to punch him when his sister Raven came and blocked me saying "don't hurt him". I let him go for her request. Then the arena collapsed and I fell down to infinity when koneko caught me and then threw me to Rias. When we landed we were given a griffin to ride back to the club. We rode it.

Rias POV

I was riding on the griffin with Sasuke. I was so happy to be released from the engagement. Sasuke just defeated the Phoenix which was said to be immortal for me.

Rias : Sasuke?

Sasuke: Yes Rias?

Rias: Why did you save me? It had nothing to do with you?

Sasuke: I will even battle the devil king if I have to. I will always save you.I'm your pawn and friend right-( Rias kisses Sasuke ).

Rias: ( Kisses Sasuke ) ( Seperates ) That was my first kiss.

Sasuke: That was my first too. Hope I didn't mess it. 

Rias: I liked it.

Sasuke: Good.

Rias: Sasuke from tommorow, I'm going to stay at your place.

Sasuke: Okay... Wait what? My place?

Rias: you have an Extra room right?

Sasuke: well yeah. Okay your accepted to occupy that room.

Rias: thanks ( hugs him )

We arrive at the club and then Akeno started tempting Sasuke by hugging him. I seperated them and ordered them to go home. I gave Sasuke a wink which Akeno noticed and asked about. I said it was a secret. She started teasing me with it.


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