Irina Shindou and Xenovia

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Kiba POV

I was walking to my place when Rias called me to finish off a stray devil. I went there and was called in to finish it with Sasuke and Koneko. When we went in I suddenly started thinking about Excalibur. Koneko jumped in front of me from an attack that was meant for me. Sasuke finished the stray devil with a slash with my sword. When Asia healed Koneko, Rias slapped me to bring me back to my senses and was scolding me. I apologized and started walking away when Sasuke came in front of me.

Kiba: move away Sasuke.

Sasuke: Hop on my bike. (sits on his bike) 

Kiba: why?

Sasuke: just do what I said ( serious)

Kiba:(hops on) now what?

Sasuke:(rides off with Kiba).

Sasuke POV

I rode him to a hill. He asked me why I brought him there. I asked him does he want revenge?. He said that I had nothing good with it. I said It had. He asked me how. I replied that we're brothers in arms. His revenge is mine too. I held his hand into a bro hold. He resisted for a sec but accepted my offer. I said all the peerage worry for him. I advised him to not let go of family just for revenge because you can get revenge anytime but family can only be gained once. He understood and we came back to my house. I went into my room, changed clothes and when I was about to hop in Akeno hugged me from behind naked.

Sasuke:( heated up ) Akeno what are you doing?

Akeno: I can't let Rias have you all the time. So I'm gonna sleep with you tonight.

Sasuke: okay- ( Akeno pushes him on the bed and hugs him ) Akeno-(gets kissed)(kisses back)

Akeno: ( kisses Sasuke ) (breaks it) (kiss his cheek)Goodnight.

Sasuke: Goodnight (smiles)

The next morning, Sasuke POV

I woke up and saw Rias on at my right. I turned into a straight position and felt something heavy on me. It was Akeno. She was already awake and was rubbing her skin against my bare chest. She complimented me that I had a sexily toned chest. I just raised my right eyebrow. I was tired of her always teasing me and now its time for revenge. I slowly started to caress her cheeks and slowly cupped her left breast. She moaned and I let go. Rias woke up from the moaning and now she started to taunt me. I cupped her breasts, rubbed my cheek on hers, and let it go for her satisfaction. I asked them to get ready but they didn't want to. I promised them that I'll allow them to sleep with me if they got ready and went to school. Then we went down after getting ready and went to school.

[After school]I went to the club room and saw Rias sitting on the couch. I sat on the couch and rested and started to doze off. Rias made my head sleep on her lap. When everyone had arrived, Rias woke me up and told me that news had come about two wielders of holy swords. Kiba got alerted. I just gave him a smirk stating his revenge is near. He gave me a smile stating hell yeah!.

[Night time] We were walking to a church to search for this Excalibur. Suddenly a blonde and blue-haired girl attacked us. I fended them off with Kiba's sword. He asked it back. I asked if he had another one. He gave another one and took this one. I went to battle the blonde. She started bragging about God and I for once felt sleepy and yawned. She attacked me but I dodged them pretty much and defended myself. They both had Excaliburs. We inquired them about their selves. Their names are Irina Shindou and Xenovia. The battle went on and I certainly was bored so I boosted my gear and shot an energy ball at them and they blasted away as its impact. They disappeared away as a retreat. Kiba got frustrated but I managed to calm him down and all went home.

[Sasuke's house, Sasuke's room], Akeno POV

I and Rias entered the room in separate magic circles. Sasuke just came in at that time. I and Rias were fighting for who is gonna sleep with him. He said he was tired and just pushed both of us in the bed and I kissed him. He kissed back after a sec. Rias got jealous and just pulled him to her and kissed him and he kissed back to her after a sec. 

Rias POV

I undressed and tried to show off. Akeno did the same. Sasuke was heated up and was so confused. Both of us glomped on him making his face rub our breasts. He took control the next second and hugged us both. We were disappointed and pouted. He noticed it and gave both of us a peck in the lips. I asked him " am I beautiful? ". Akeno asked too. He replied that we're that beautiful that he'd consider our first choice as a wife. We both were tomato red. We just kissed him on his cheek in unison and dozed off with a Goodnight.

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