Sasuke's Past

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At ORC room,

Xenovia POV

I was in the ORC room where Rias asked Sasuke how much perverted can he be?. I replied that it's not perverted and we were going to make a baby. Sasuke said that I was forcing my eggs on him. Suddenly,SirZechs appeared with Grayfia. Rias asked why he was here?. He came and welcomed me into Rias's family (peerage). He stated that he was surprised when he heard that the Durandal user joined Rias's peerage. Rias again asked him why he was here?. He said that he came to see her open house. Rias was so against that idea but could'nt convince him not to come. He also said that Rias's father came too. Rias was so devastated. SirZechs asked us a place too stay for the night. Sasuke offered his place to stay. SirZechs ,Grayfia,Rias,Akeno,Asia and Sasuke went to Sasuke's house.

Sasuke's house,Rias POV

I am sitting here in Sasuke's house with my brother and Grayfia. Sasuke made dinner and served us with Grayfia. Sasuke made Grayfia sit and eat with us. He sat and started to eat too. Me and my brother were shocked that Sasuke convinced Grayfia to sit and eat with us. During the meal my brother started asking Sasuke questions

SirZechs: Sasuke where are your parents? Why are they not here? I'd like to make a toast with your dad.

Sasuke: Good Luck with that.

SirZechs: Why so?

Sasuke: They were murdered when I was one.

SirZechs: (shocked)I'm Sorry.

Rias: (shocked)You never told us that.

Sasuke: (to Rias)You never asked and (to SirZechs) it's okay.

SirZechs: Then were you all alone through your life.

Sasuke: I was adopted by a women who was martial artist. She thought me how to fight.

SizZechs: Where is she?

Sasuke: She was killed in front of me when I was 14.

SirZechs: (shocked)I'm sorry for this too.

Sasuke: It's okay. She can't come back to life just because I mourn for her can she?

SirZechs: Okay, what were you doing then?

Sasuke:(replied in a murderous intent)murdering mafia men without leaving evidence.

Sasuke:(replied in a murderous intent)murdering mafia men without leaving evidence

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SirZechs:( gulps saliva) okay. Why?

Sasuke: Because they were the ones that killed my adopted mother.

We continue the meal in silence the rest of the night. When we had to sleep,my brother said that he's going to sleep in Sasuke's room. I asked Sasuke that could he sleep without me because I can't without him. He said he's gonna be okay. Akeno and Grayfia called me to my room. Me and Akeno saw Sasuke for one more time. Sasuke pulled us in a hug and pecked us in the lips. I saw Grayfia and my brother having a shocked faces. We went to our room with Grayfia.

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