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Sasuke POV

I woke up.I realised that I was still in bed with Akeno and Rias. I tried to escape without them noticing but they did and caught me.

Rias: where do you think you're going ?

Sasuke: Shower (gulps).

Akeno: really? Then let's go.

Sasuke: wait what?-( they drag me to it)

In the shower,I sat in tub while the girls sprayed water on their bodies. They pulled me out of the tub and made me sit down on a stool. They said that they'd apply soap on me. I said I'd do it myself,but they said a 'no' shut me up. They applied the soap on their breasts and started to rub all over my upper body. Akeno was rubbing my chest and Rias was rubbing my back. My member clearly became awake. Akeno spotted it and notified Rias. Both of them came in front and started touching it. I could'nt take it and just stood up covering it and went in the tub. They joined in and started rubbing their bodies agains mine.(15 minutes later) We came out of the bath and dressed up. We came down and I prepared breakfast. We ate it with Asia and went to school.(At school) In school, I went to class and heard all the girls scream my name. I was annoyed by the fan girls. I sat in my seat and listened to the class.(during the break) I went to the club room to get some sleep. Akeno just arrived before me. When I sat down,she asked if I wanted tea. I said yes. She served it in a cup. When I was going to pick it up, Akeno picked it and took a sip. I said while pouting 'that's mine'. She kissed me and poured the tea from her mouth to mine. Rias saw that and got angry. She came to me and made a face which stated that she demands something. I sipped some tea and did the same thing Akeno did to me to Rias. Everyone came in at that point and started blushing. I gave them a ' it's not what you think it is ' look but I know they don't take it. Bell rung and I just ran to my class.

Kiba POV,After school  11pm

I was called by Rias to school ( duplicate). I went there and saw the same girl with blue hair. She had that Excalibur. I saw the professor and a man who worship in the church carrying Excalibur. I was very excited that I'm going to get revenge. Rias and rest came but Sasuke was nowhere to be found. I made a call and he replied that he'll be here in 5 minutes. I told about it to Rias. She said that we can hold them off. I attacked the man with an Excalibur. He defended the attack and started using light spirits. I knew that it is fatal to devils so I backed up. Then some one came through a portal in the sky. He was a fallen angel and had 5 pairs of wings.

 He was a fallen angel and had 5 pairs of wings

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He said that he is Kokabiel,the leader of the fallen angels. We were all shocked that the leader of the fallen angels in siding with the professor and that man. I battled that man and ran out of swords to give birth. Then I made the Holy-Devil sword and killed the man. I went to the professor and slashed through it. Kokabil came at me but Xenovia blocked it. We attacked together but he blocked us off and threw us back. Xenovia started talking about the greatness of god.Kokabiel revealed a hurtful truth to us that God was killed in the great war.Akeno attacked him. He called her the daughter of Barqiel which she reacts to in a angry way. She was brought down to the ground and Rias was attacked. We stood there and could'nt do anything. Suddenly, some one attacked him in front of him in the sky.  It was the White dragon emperor. He came near Kokabiel and pushed him to the ground. 

He gave him a big powered up blow which smashes him into smitherines

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He gave him a big powered up blow which smashes him into smitherines. After that he just vanished and appeared before me and said " I did as I said.I helped in your revenge". I was confused. He vanished and then came Sasuke. Rias informed him about the white dragon emperor. He assured that he's strong enough. Rias ordered us to go home and we did.

Sasuke POV

after defeating Kokabiel and said " I did as I said.I helped in your revenge". I vanished from there. I came back as Sasuke. Rias told me about the white dragon emperor's power. I assured her that I can beat him(myself). When we were ordered to go home ,I started my bike. Rias and Akeno sat on the back. I said triples are not allowed. But they insisted on it. Asia teleported through  a magic circle. When we reached my house, we went to my room. I changed to a boxers and trousers. They got naked and started to rub their bodies against my body. I told to go to sleep. But its Rias and Akeno were talkin about. They never listen. I pushed both of them on the bed and slowly got bon top of them. They hugged me and brought me on the bottom. We dozed off like that.

Next day, at club room.

Rias POV

I have a new bishop, Xenovia , who carries Durandal. I went near Sasuke and asked where he was during the fight with Kokabiel. Sasuke answered that he was right there. I didn't understand but let it off. Akeno hugged his arm to her breast to taunt him. I went and hugged his other arm. She can't take what's mine. I told her to back off. But she won't. There is going to be a big rivalry between us.

Sasuke POV 


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