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Sasuke POV

I woke up and saw breasts before me in bed. I got shocked and saw who it was. It was Rias. She woke up and

Rias: Sasuke good morning.

Sasuke: Good morning Rias,What are doing in my room?

Rias: that room had no hug pillow so I came and slept here.

Sasuke: (thinks)" she has been like this ever since I won Riser " well

Rias: Sasuke we've still got time do you think we can do something sexy?

Sasuke: ( heated up ) What?I...think so.

Rias: ( kisses Sasuke ).

Sasuke: ( kisses back ).

[ alarm goes off ]

I heard the alarm go off and broke the kiss. I told her dress up and come down for breakfast. She looked a little disappointed so I gave her peck in her lips to cheer her up. She got cheered and did as I said. We went to school.

Rias POV

I was thinking about the kiss the whole day that I only listened half of the lessons. During the break I went to Asia,Sasuke and Kiba's classes to say that the club meeting will be in Sasuke's house. Sasuke was against the idea at first but accepted it after.

Kiba POV

I was asked by Rias to meet up at Sasuke's house. So I went to Sasuke's house and knocked. He opened and welcomed me in. Soon all of us assembled in Sasuke's house and was discussing about the contracts. Sasuke got the highest of it. We were all surprised. He then said all the contracts he did was to help old people. I was looking at the TV when a book caught my eye. Sasuke was looking at it. I went near him and saw him reading about a sword.

 I went near him and saw him reading about a sword

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 "Excalibur" I said. He asked what it was but I changed the topic. I walked away but I knew that Sasuke didn't buy it.

Rias POV,After the meeting at Sasuke's Room.

I asked Sasuke what he was talking with Kiba. Sasuke replied and asked about Excalibur to me. I explained about it and he then asked me to look out for Kiba. I nodded and-

Rias:( starts undressing )

Sasuke: What are you doing? ( heated up ).

Rias: I can't sleep with a dress.

Sasuke: Let me guess I'm your hug pillow.

Rias: yes (  jumps and hugs Sasuke ) let's go to bed.

Sasuke: ( carries Rias to his bed and lays down with her ).done.

Rias: ( kisses Sasuke ) ( Breaks it ) Good night.( dozes off ).

Sasuke: Good night ( dozes off ).


Uchiha Dragon( AU Sasuke x Highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now