Chapter 2 | Jamie

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Bettys working day was long and exhausting. It was 7 pm when she left the office and made her way to Veronicas. Veronica and Archie have lived in the house where Archie grew up since Fred and Mary moved to Chicago. The two have been together since high school and have been happily married for 3 years. She rang the doorbell and within seconds Veronica opened the front door with a desperate look on her face. 

"B! thank god. He has been crying for half an hour now and I don't know why." She led Betty into the living room.


The little boy ran towards her and cuddled her tightly but still didn't stop crying. She knelt down and wrapped him in her arms and tried to calm him down.

"Hi my little pumpkin. What happened?" she asked while stroking his raven black hair.

"I also want a daddy! Just like Gracie."

Gracie was Veronica and Archie's 2 years old daughter and she was gorgeous. The only thing she got from Archie was his red hair, the rest she got from her mother. Both her parents are very proud of their daughter.

"Oh Jamie. I'm so sorry, but isn't Archie like a father to you?" He nodded but said nothing.

"Betty, I'm really sorry. I was playing with both of them and then Gracie called me 'daddy' and that's then he suddenly became very sad and began to cry." Archie said and turned to Betty with an apologetic look on his face.

"Archie it's not your fault. He's getting older and want to know who his father is."

Betty hated that she couldn't tell her little son that his father didn't even know about him.

"Ok bedtime Gracie. Archie be so kind please and put her to bed, so B an I can talk."

"Of course Ma'am!" he said jokingly. "Give mommy and auntie Betty a kiss and say goodnight, Gracie." The little girl gives both of them a kiss and waved goodbye.Betty saw that Jamie was yawning and put him on her lap. He leaned his head against her chest and closed his eyes. Veronica came out of the kitchen with two glasses of wine in her hands. She held one glass to Betty who accepted it with joy.

"He's so cute when he's asleep." Veronica pointed to a now-sleeping Jamie. Betty nodded and placed a kiss on his head. She felt so much love for him.

"So Betty is it right that Jughead published his third book yesterday in New York?"

"Yes it is and its pretty good. I read a bit at work today." 

Veronica choked a bit on her wine and looked surprised at Betty's response. 

"YOU DID WHAT?" Veronica asked.

"Yes of course I did. It's my job and I love his writing skills." Betty defended.

"And he is the father of your son. Don't forget that." Veronica said with a smirk on her face.

"How could I forget that?! Look at Jamie, he looks exactly like Jug." She said and looked down at a deep asleep Jamie. He got his raven black hair and his ocean blue eyes. Both things she loves about him and also about Jughead.

After Betty and Veronica talked about everything girls normally talk about, Betty finished her glass of wine and said goodbye. Before she could walk out of the door, Jamie in her arms, Veronica asked, "Tomorrow dinner at Pops? My Mom will take care of the kids. Let's say around 6 pm?"

"I would love to. Thank you V. Have a good night. See you Tomorrow."

Luckily it was only a few steps to her own house because Jamie gets a bit heavy on her arms. She goes straight to Jamie's bedroom and has to wake him up a bit to get him ready for bed. After he was ready to sleep she put him to bed and sat down on a chair in front of him.


"Yes pumpkin?" she asked.

"I love you Mommy." He simply said. Her heart melted at this sweet gesture.

"I love you too. More than you can imagine."

 She gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned off the Lights. She closed the door and went downstairs to tidy up a bit after being at work all day. Just as she was doing the dishes, her phone rang. She read the Name on the display and sighed. With guilty feeling in her stomach, because she promised him to call him after work, she slides the green button.

"Hi Trev. What's up?"

"Hi Baby. You said you gonna call me after work. It's past 10pm!" his voice was reproachful. 

"I'm really sorry. Today was very..." she hesitated, not knowing what to say "...exhausting and I had to pick up Jamie from Veronica's and we talked a bit. I am really, really sorry Trev." She was tired and did not want to have this conversation right now.

Betty and Trev had been a couple for 3 Months but she only liked him as a friend not a lover. Jamie gets along well with him and she was glad that he has other male role models besides Kevin and Archie. Not that she's complaining.

"Betty...BETTY..." Trev's voice brought her back from her thoughts.

"Sorry what did you just say?" 

"Dinner tomorrow night?" Trev asked in a slightly voice, which baffled Betty.

"Tomorrow night I got a date with Veronica and Archie. Just the core....3." On the other side of the phone it became disturbingly quiet. She didn't want to upset him and said, "Do you wanna come over for breakfast tomorrow morning? I'm making Pancakes for me and Jamie. I'd love for you to come." Hopefully she was able to calm him down a little bit.

"I would love to. I'll be at your place around 9. Love ya!" 

"Great, bye." They both hung up. Betty expelled air with relief.

"Wow it's already 11pm" she thought. So she went into her bedroom to use the adjoining bathroom. After she went to bed, her thoughts revolved around Jug.

Should she contact him, to tell him about his son? Would he even talk to her? Is he still as handsome as he was all this years ago? With these thoughts she drifted off into a restful sleep. Unaware that her questions would be answered very soon.

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