Chapter 3 | Core 3

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3rd pov

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up" Jamie played with Betty's hair and tried to get his mother awake as soon as possible.

It was a Saturday morning when Betty felt her son's tiny hands on her head. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning little pumpkin." 

"Morning mommy. Can I watch a movie?" He looked at her with his big ocean blue eyes. Those damn blue eyes. Even at Jughead's eyes she could never resist. 

"First we get ready and then we have breakfast and after that you can watch your movie. Trev will be here in an hour." She saw a smile flash on Jamie's face.

"So, mommy wants to take a quick shower and then I'll come back to your room and we'll get you dressed, ok?" she gave him a kiss on the cheek, stood up and led him back to his room. After enjoying a quick shower, doing her makeup and hair, she put on something comfortable but chic. Since Veronica has been working as a designer, Betty also pays more attention to her clothes. As soon as she had dressed Jamie as well, both went to prepare breakfast together. At 8.50am they heard a knock at the door which belonged to Trev. Betty opened the door with Jamie in her arms. 

"Hi Betty, Hi Buddy." 

"Hi Trev. I'm glad you're here."

Trev was tall, good-looking and athletic through playing a lot of football with the boys, but she doesn't just want him for his looks, he had a good heart too. Betty stepped aside and let Trev in. She let Jamie down from her arm and turned to Trev, who immediately pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly and after a few seconds of shock, she kissed back.

"I missed you baby." he said breathlessly after he let go of her lips. 

"I missed you too. Come on, I'm almost done with the pancakes." she grabbed Jamie and sat him down at the table.

"You look really pretty today Betty." she giggled and blushed. 

"Thanks. You're don't look so bad yourself." He had a smile on his face. 

They ate in comfortable silence. When Jamie finished eating he wanted to watch one of his movies. "Mommy please you promised." he pushed his lower lip forward and made a sad face.

"Jamie, we always wait until everyone has finished eating and then you can watch a movie." she said admonishingly.

"Oh come on. Let him watch tv. We're almost done." said Trev without any warning. She looked at Trev with disbelieving and could not believe what he just said. 

"No Trev. It's just not right and he should learn that he can't just do what he wants." Betty replied with more authority in her voice. 

Unease was sweeping through Betty. That's what she didn't like about Trev. He's constantly questioning her authority. Fortunately, the mood, which was getting a little worse, was shattered by a knock on the door. "Who is it?" asked Betty through the door. 

"Veronica. I got cupcakes from New York." shouted Veronica though the closed door. Jamie ran to the door and tried to open it but he was to little, instead Trev opened the door to Veronica. 

"Be- Trev" she raised an eyebrow. She hates him. Even back in school the two couldn't stand each other and Veronica makes no secret of this.

"Veronica." replied Trev cold. 

Veronica pushed herself past him and greeted Jamie, who was eagerly waiting for a hug. 

"Hi little boy. Are you ok? Are you looking forward to seeing granny Hermione today?" she asked him while he continued to cuddle up to her. He nodded his head and said excitedly 

"Yeah granny Hermione."

Betty came up to Veronica and gave her a big hug. She was more than happy to have Veronica as a friend, because both of them have been through a lot together.

"Hi V. Is your Mom in town already?" she just nodded and rolled her eyes. Veronica liked her mother but she could also be very demanding. Both laughed and exchanged knowing looks.

"Mommy, can I now watch the movie?" Jamie asked and plucked at Betty's skirt. 

"Yes little pumpkin. What do you want to watch?" 

"PEEEETS!!" he screamed with joy. "Again?" Betty rolled her eyes and smiled. Jamie sat down on the sofa and started watching Pets.

"I got to say goodbye, baby. The boys want to play football. Thank you for breakfast and have fun tonight." Trev said to Betty and gave her a kiss, said goodbye to Jamie and disappeared out the door.

"When are you gonna break up with that jerk." Veronica said annoyed but laughing.

Betty just shook her head and enjoyed her cupcake. After a while Veronica said "Did you hear that the house across the street just sold. I'm so excited to see who brought it." She laughed. "Maybe we'll have a new hot neighbor!" Betty looked at Veronica and they both burst out laughing.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and soon it was time to get ready for the dinner. At 5pm Hermione came to pick up Jamie so that Betty has some time for herself. Betty said goodbye to her son and went into her bedroom to look for a matching outfit. They only go to Pop's so the outfit will not be to flashy but she wanted to make herself pretty. Normally she wears rather comfortable clothes that can get dirty when she plays with Jamie at the park. Today she wanted to look stunning. In her closet she found a beautiful white dress with flower applications. It went up the middle of her thighs and showed a bit of her boobies. She wore her hair open in light waves. 5 minutes to 6 she grabbed her jacket and bag and waited for Veronica and Archie on the steps in front of her house.

Together they drove to Pop's in Archie's truck and were welcomed by the famous doorbell. They sat down at their regular booth and were greeted directly by the owner.

Cheryl Bloosom aka Cheryl Bomshell. Since Pop was no longer able to continue to run the Chock'lit Shoppe, Cheryl has taken over. She loves to boss people around, just like in our school days.

"Hello half of the sad breakfast club. How are you?"

They placed their order and after a short wait they ate and chatted together about old times. After some time, Cheryl approached again and asked for drinks. "Yes but only for B and me. Archie is our driver today." Veronica gave Archie a mischievous smile and around 9pm the doorbell rang again.

Betty's pov

I love spending time with my friends. Don't get me wrong, I love my son and the time with him but sitting here and talking about everything like old times makes me very happy. It's like nothing's changed since HIghschool. To be honest, something has changed. We are no longer the core 4. Just Archie, Veronica and myself. No Jugehad. I know that Archie hangs out with Jug in New York every now and then but in my case, I haven't seen him since Veronica and Archie got married. Why am I thinking about him again? He's in my head and it's gonna drive me crazy.

Oh crap the two of them asked me a question and once again I didn't listen because I was thinking about him. "Sorry, what did you guys say?" Now I notice their nervous and at the same time shocked faces. Both looked over at the door and said simultaneously, 

"Is that Jughead?"

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