Chapter 11 | Dinner with a bad end

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The last time I was this excited was when I published my first book. Archie was with me and I was happy about it because he knew how nervous I get every time I see Betty.

"Geez, relax. Why are you so nervous, anyway? It's just Betty." Archie asked casually and put on his shirt.

"JUST BETTY? Are you nuts? I am gonna make a fool of myself today." My fear has gotten to my head. Why am I so scared?

"Oh boy, she still has you wrapped around her finger just like old times." He laughed.

"It's not funny, Archie." I tried to be serious, but I had to laugh myself.

Shortly before 7pm we decided to go over to Archie's house. I tugged and pulled at my suit and felt it wouldn't fit, even though it was tailor-made like many other suits of mine. It did not look much different from the others but it was more elegant.

Although it's his house, Archie rang the bell to not scare the girls. For my pleasure, it wasn't Veronica but Betty who opened the door and holy shit she looked fucking hot. Because the dress was very short it showed almost everything of her amazing legs and made them look even more longer, but I could not take my eyes off her upper body. Her neck and shoulders were naked to the base of her breasts and the heart-shaped neckline left not much to the imagination. Her hair was half set back in light waves and the make-up accentuated the green of her eyes, which made them shine even more.

"Hi Archie. You didn't have to ring the bell. It's your house." she laughed while she hugged him, I love her laugh. It' s like music.

"Hello Jug. You look handsome." she bit her lip as she stared at me up and down.

"Wow Betty, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks." she mumbled, blushed and looked down.

"I see you still can't handle compliments. Which I find incomprehensible, since you're the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Stop it, Juggie." I pulled her into my arms and whispered "I don't think I can stop. You're pretty hot."

I could feel her whole body tense up in an ecstatic way and I couln't hold back a chuckle. Unfortunately, Betty broke away from me when the doorbell rang and she opened it.

"Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Fangs good to see you. Please come in."

"Betty you look hot. Where's the mama look, cousin?" Cheryl was mocking her. Betty rolled her eyes and hugged Cheryl and Toni to welcome them.

"I can only agree with that." Kevin stepped forward and gave Betty a big hug. They let go of each other and Kevin noticed my presence.

"JUGHEAD? What are you doing here?" he looked from me to Betty but couldn't say anything else because Toni and Fangs came running towards me and almost tore me from my feet. After we all finished our exuberant greeting, we went to Veronica and Archie in the dining room.

"Hey Veronica you look good and it smells fantastic." I gave her a kiss on the cheek because Veronica and I have been getting along really well for years and we have a very good friendship. I saw an astonished look from Betty, but it disappeared immediately.

"Thanks Jughead. I'm so glad you came." she winked at me and assigned me the place between Betty and Archie. The food was delicious and we enjoyed a nice evening with lots of wine and good conversations.

"So Jughead. What are you doing back in town? Did life in the big city become too boring for you?" Kevin asked.

"It never gets boring in New York but I was attracted to Riverdale again for quite a while." I looked at Betty, she smiled shyly and I put my hand on her thigh and gently stroked her leg. She gasped and her gaze fell on my hand in disgust. She tried to cross her legs but I stopped her and pushed it down again. She squeezed her legs together and I was more than turned on. My hand slid higher under the fabric of the dress. The heat that radiated from her was hotter than a volcano. I was determined to tease her a bit but she pushed my hand confidently aside. Our interaction did not go unnoticed and we received surprised looks although I was sure that nobody knew where I had my hand. Kevin shook his head and continued talking without being disturbed.

"Have you had any surprises since you got back?" I knew what he was getting at, but Betty was quicker with her answer.

"Yes, Kevin he knows about Jamie and also that he's the father." Everyone in the group exhaled with relief.

"I think you were all more scared than Betty." I joked.

It got later and Cheryl, Toni, Kevin and Fangs said goodbye and left us 4 alone.

"V, the evening was amazing, thank you. I'm going to go now too." Betty said, stood up and hugged Archie and Veronica.

"Can I take you home?" I asked in a nervous voice.

"I live right next door." Betty answers with a grin.

"Betty, you never know who you might run into. I'd feel safer if he walked you home." Veronica intervened, and I was infinitely grateful to her.

"Okay, well, if it makes you feel comfortable." We grabbed our stuff and went over to her house. I felt like a teenager again who does not know what to say or do to the girl of his dreams at the end of their date.

"The evening turned out better than expected, didn't it?"

"Yes, I thought so, too." she replied when we stopped outside her door. I wonder if she wants to kiss me right now like I do. I was drawn to her like a magnet and came even closer to her. Her gaze wandered from my eyes to my lips and I knew she wanted the same. Carefully I leaned in and placed my hands on the side of her face. But before our lips could touch, we heard a car drive up to her house. Two men got out of the taxi and through the darkness I couldn't see who it was but as they got closer I recognized Trev and his buddy Chuck. What are they doing here? They swayed in our direction and I could smell from afar that both were more than just drunk.

"Beeeeetty Babyyy. What are you doing out so late and what's that asshole doing here?" he slurred angrily and pointed with a beer bottle at me.

"Trev, are you drunk? What are you doing here and why is he with you?" she nodded at Chuck, who looked at her lasciviously.

"I'm here for you. You're my girlfriend, after all." he came closer to her and I had to stop myself from punching him right away.

"We broke up. Please leave." I wasn't prepared for this and I was speechless.

"Sweetheart, we're not over till I say so. Understand?" he was just a few steps away.

"She told you to go away, and besides, you don't talk to Bett-" Betty interrupted me and pushed herself past me and was now standing right in front of Trev.

"Thanks Jug, I can fight my own battles." she looked back at me and turned around again.

"Why the fuck would you come to my house in the middle of the night? Drunk, too?" she was angry but I could also feel a bit of fear in her voice.

"You think you're such a tough girl, Betty Cooper, but actually you're just as worthless as all the other bitches. Just like the ones I fucked during our relationship. You're shit." Contempt poured out through every single pore of his body and without me being able to prevent it he slapped her in the face.

I saw red and punched him.

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