Chapter 15 | difficulties

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Jughead pov

Betty looked as beautiful as ever, only today she had a business elegance that I had never seen before. I swear she's getting more beautiful every day. I'm sure that she has an important appointment at the newspaper today and is dressed up for it. The dress she is wearing emphasizes her curves and makes her body look like a goddess and I'm sure all women envy her for that. The greeting of Betty and Maria seemed somehow forced and artificial, because I noticed how tense the atmosphere between the two of them was, but why?

"Oh hello Betty, Jughead told me about you and your son this morning. Interesting story." Maria said with her way too stuck-up manner and I knew she had doubts that Jamie was really my son.

"What is interesting about that?" Betty asks with frown.

"Well, it's weird that you tell him he has a kid when he recently published his new book, isn't it?" she replied venomously and looked at Betty condescendingly from top to bottom, this woman is killing me and before Betty could say anything I intervened.

"Maria it's enough. There's work waiting for you in the office, so please go now and do what I pay you for." I had to control my voice to keep me from screaming her into the ground.

"Excuse me Betty she can be a bit difficult."

"Difficult? I would have fired her long ago but I can see why you keep her." I had no clue what she meant, so I put my head to one side and wondered.

"Jughead...never mind. Where am I gonna find a babysitter now?"

"Betty, he can stay with me. I don't have so much to do at the office today and to be able to spend more time with my son would be just great. What do you say?" I grinned innocently and pout.

"Are you sure? I'm not so flexible today. Besides, my working day is very long."

"That shouldn't be a problem we got along great last night and this morning, if you tell me what time you get off work, Jamie and I can pick you up and we can go out for dinner if you like." Am I being too hasty? I hope she says yes.

"Ok Jughead I trust you, nevertheless I have my phone with me if anything happens. I'll call you as soon as I know when I'm done. Shit, I gotta hurry. Tell Jamie I love him and thank you Jug." She gave me a kiss on the cheek, said goodbye and walked quickly out the door.

"Jamie buddy where are you?" I called through the house and did not have to wait long for an answer.

"In my room daddy!" he called back, the grin on my face when he said daddy reached from ear to ear. Arriving in Jamie's room I saw him humming happily and playing with his toys.

"Jamie, Mommy had to leave for work quickly and couldn't say goodbye so she told me that she loves you and I will spend the day with you until we pick Mommy up from work in the evening and go out for dinner, how does that sound?"

"That sounds great, what shall we play first?"

The day with my son flew by and before I could think about what time it was, Betty called.

"Hi Betts how's it going?" I gasped breathlessly as I was playing in the backyard with Jamie.

"Hi, Jug, am I interrupting anything?" she asked skeptically.

"No, Jamie and I are playing in the backyard and it's my turn to catch him and well I'm not the youngest anymore as you know." I laughed.

"Oh, I'll be done in half an hour, do you think you can manage that or would you rather eat at home?"

"No, we can manage. We've been looking forward to picking you up all day. See you, baby." Oh shit, that last word wasn't supposed to be for her ears and at the other end it got really quiet.

"Sorry Betty I..." What a fool I am, everything was going so well and I have to ruin it again with such a stupid action.

"It's okay, Jughead. Just be here in half an hour. Bye." she said and hung up. Oops, that was close. I grabbed Jamie and we got dressed to drive to Betty. After 10 minutes we were already at her work, I parked across from the Register and we waited outside in the car. She came out less than 5 minutes later, together with 2 men I didn't know and who came a bit too close to Betty for my liking. She said goodbye, and the younger of the two men let his hand slide over her butt, which made my blood boil instantly.

"Jamie, Daddy will be right back." I tell him, got out of the car and walked with quick steps towards Betty, where I overheard a few scraps of conversation.

"It's always a pleasure doing business with you Betty, you're so sociable unlike the ones at Greendale. When are you going to have a drink with me again? It was so nice last time." he winked at her while his hand was still on her hip.

"Thanks Oliver but last time was a one-time thing and won't happen again so soon." she put on a fake smile and I suspected that he had more than just a date in mind. I could no longer watch how this Oliver shamelessly tried to hit on her and stepped to her side, which made the man shrink back in surprise.

"Hi Baby" I greeted her and nodded to the two men wordlessly.

"OMG! You are Forsythe Jones the author, I have read all your books and I am a huge fan." he extended his hand to shake mine but I made no attempt to return the gesture and placed my hand on Betty's back. I could tell from her tense posture that she did not like my possessive attitude, but I did not care at that moment.

"Nice to meet you but Betty and I have a dinner date and we are late, if you'll excuse us. Gentlemen." I smiled politely at them and exerted a light pressure on Betty's back to signal her to follow me to the car. Just before we got into the car she looked at me with an angry face and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Jughead, what was that about?" she snapped at me.

"What? I saved you."

"Saved me from what? Oliver" she laughed disdainfully and looked at me sharply with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on, the guy had you mentally handcuffed to his bed, naked. Didn't you see that?"

"So what? Why do you care? You're neither my boyfriend nor my husband, don't forget that, Jughead." she said upset and got in the car. Once again, I did a great job, so much for winning back the love ofmy life.

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