Chapter 37 | What do you say?

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Several weeks have now passed since the incident with Maria and the Ghoulies and to my joy nothing bad has happened since then except that Jug went to his mother in New York to confront her. He has been there for 3 days now and Jamie and I miss him terribly, which makes me call him at least 10 times a day to see if he is okay. I know he had to talk to her alone but I would have loved to go with him but Jug insisted that I stay in Riverdale to rest as prescribed by the doctor. Because it has been so stressful for me lately, there have been a few small complications, but fortunately they were not serious and the baby is still doing well. Veronica and Kevin visit me every day and stand by me if I need help with some things, because slowly the daily grind becomes more exhausting with growing baby bump from minute to minute.

"Urgh...when will Jughead finally come home?" I uttered in an annoyed tone, because it had been far too long that my boyfriend was gone.

"Wow B you're not very patient, are you? It's not like he's in New York for fun." Kevin remarked matter-of-factly but with a grin on his face. Kevin, Veronica, the kids and I were sitting in the backyard behind Veronica's house, eating lunch.

"Thanks Kev, I knew that too." I said rolling my eyes.

"Someone has a bad mood swing." said Veronica and looked at me over the table with a worried look.

"Sorry guys, somehow today is one of the rather worse days and I miss him so much." I pouted and looked at the amused faces of my best friends.

"So enough about me, how are things with you and Fangs?" I asked curiously and was happy to change the subject.

"Thanks for asking, because people hold on to your hats, there are some great news. We are adopting a child!" he told us beaming with joy and immediately we all jumped up and found ourselves in a big hug. I was so indescribably happy for them.

"Kevin, these are amazing news, how could you keep this to yourself for so long? Tell us more."

"Well her name is Aluna and she comes from Nigeria. Her mother died in childbirth and her father doesn't want her so in 2 months she will be living with Fangs and me in a new home. We are very nervous but are looking forward to the little one." The anticipation was carved into his face and his eyes shone with every word he said about her. I could see that he already loved her more than anything. In the middle of the conversation about how it came that the two want to adopt, my phone rang and my heart jumped when I saw that it was Jughead.

"Hey Juggie!" I greeted him when I answered the call.

"Hi Betts, how are you? Everything okay?" he asked affectionately.

"Yes, everything's great we're sitting in Veronica's garden and have heard the news that Kevin and Fangs are adopting a child, isn't that great?" I squeaked with joy and could literally hear Jug smiling on the other end.

"Yes, Fangs told me today as well, really great for them. Uhhm baby...I have bad news concerning my return, it will still take a few days." he ended the sentence depressed and suddenly my mood changed from happy to sad.

"But Jug you said you'll be back tomorrow, what's taking so long?"

"I'm sorry Betty but my mother is more trouble than I thought. I'll be back at the end of the week."

"Jug, it's Wednesday. That's half the week. Please try to make it sooner ok?" I begged him and was about to cry.

"I'm trying my best baby. I'm sorry I have to go, I'll call you as soon as I have time. I love you, Betts."

"I love you, too, Juggie." We finished the call and my mood had hit rock bottom, which was worrying my friends a little.

"B Head up, it's only for a few more days. Don't be sad, we're having a little party tonight, how does that sound?" V cheered me up and waited eagerly for an answer, I knew she wouldn't accept no so I agreed. The afternoon went by quite fast and soon we started to prepare the party and to make ourselves a little bit pretty. Veronica dressed me in a very flattering long dress, but somehow I found it a bit too much for a little late-summer party.

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