Chapter 7 | New neighbour

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Betty pov

Did I just break up with Trev? I didn't really know how to feel. Tears were still rolling down my face and for some reason I couldn't stop crying. From the stairs I heard small footsteps and when I turned around I saw a still sleepy Jamie coming towards me.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" As he came towards me I wiped one last tear from my face and put on a smile.

"Everything is fine, pumpkin. Mommy's just a little upset because she had a fight with Trev." As far as I could, I always wanted to be honest with my son.

"Are you gonna make up?"

"I don't know, but as soon as I do, I'll tell you. How are you feeling?" He looked better than he did this morning but I wasn't sure.

"My head still hurts a bit and I am still tired but otherwise I am ok."

We spent the rest of the day in the garden getting some fresh air, ordering pizza und watching movies. Around 8 pm I brought him back to his bed where I read him a good-night story. He fell asleep after a short while. Back in the living room I grabbed my phone and called Veronica to bring her up to date. It did not ring long before she answered the phone.

"Hi B! What's up?"

"Hey V, I think I broke up with Trev today." I didn't want to beat around the bush and decided to drop the bomb right away. On the other side of the phone, there was dead silence.

"What happened? Not that Im not happy." She made a brief laugh and then went quite again.

"VERONICA, this is serious." I rolled my eyes and the corners of my mouth twitched.

"Sorry B. Come on, tell me."

"Jughead was here and- "

"What Jughead was with you? What's he doing at your home? Does he know about Jamie?" she was completely flabbergasted.

"No, he doesn't know about Jamie yet. He happened to be in the neighborhood and when he came to my house, I invited him for coffee."

"So what does this have to do with you and Trev?"

"You know how jealous Trev gets and he freaked out when he saw Jughead. He thinks Jughead just wants my body. We shouted at each other for a minute and then I kicked him out."

"Wow, you guys got in a fight over Jughead. How crazy. How are you doing with it?" I heard, despite her joy, that she was worried about me.

"Surprisingly, I'm doing quite well. Maybe it was finally time." I had to admit to myself that Trev and I just weren't right for each other.

"Yes B, I'm really glad, but tell me, what was Jughead like?" I told her how our conversation went, but left out the part about flirting. She would have read too much into it.

We talked for a few more minutes and then hung up.

Since I wanted to relax a little, I took a bath. I lay in the hot water and thought about today. All I could think about was him. Jughead was just hotter than hell. The way he runs his hands through his hair when he gets nervous or the way he bites his lip when he is lost in thoughts.

My hand slid slowly down my body and found itself between my legs.


I reached my climax pretty quickly and emitted a soft moan. I was scared of myself when I calmed down again and remembered that I was masturbating because of Jug. Or wasn't it so unusual?

The next day I was woken up by a recovered Jamie. "Morning Mommy. I'm feeling fine again." He sounded satisfied and lay down beside me.

"Good morning little pumpkin. I'm really pleased. Would you like breakfast right away?"

"Yes!" he jumped up and ran back to his room to get dressed. I got dressed myself and did my hair.

Together with Jamie, I went downstairs and prepared breakfast for us. Since there was nothing on the schedule today, I wanted to do some gardening in our front yard. I always had a lot of fun with it, even when I was little.

"Jamie, I want to beautify the front yard a little. Would you please take some toys outside?"

"I'm taking the new dinosaurs, I got from auntie Veronica." He sat down on the porch and started to play.

I wanted to sweep the path in front of the house first and then continue with the plants but I discovered a moving van on the other side of the street. I may be going to see our new neighbors any minute. Excitedly I watched several men brought the furniture into the house. Surely the moving company, I thought.

A few minutes later a pretty tall woman with dark brown hair came out of the house. She looked like a model with her long legs and perfectly curled hair. I was a bit jealous and had to stare at her. She noticed me staring and came up to me.

"Hi, I am Maria and you are?"

She not only had a beautiful body, she also had a very pleasant voice. She held out her hand to shake mine. 

"Hi I'm Betty. You're moving into that house over there as I see?" I shook her hand.

Confusion appeared on her face, then she said "Oh no my boyf-... uhm I mean, my boss is moving in there." I found it strange that she first wanted to call him as her Boyfriend and then said boss. Whatever.

"MARIA" I heard a very familiar voice calling from across the street. I must have interrogated myself for sure.

"I think I'm needed over there. It was nice to meet you. Bye."

She went back and I saw who had called for her.

Are you serious? Really? Jughead is the new owner of the house?

Maybe I could sneak back into the house with Jamie without being noticed. But unfortunately it was too late.

"Hi Betty!" he called and ran towards me. Now the moment of truth is about to come. I slowly turned around and greeted him.

His appearance was once again a feast for the eyes. His shirt was drenched in sweat and stuck to him which allowed me to see his perfectly well shaped body. I remembered my late-night self-pleasure and instantly turned red with shame. Keep yourself together, Betty Cooper.

"Hey Jughead. Did you forget to tell me something yesterday?" I pointed at his house.

He stepped embarrassingly on one foot to the other without looking at me.

"Jughead?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'd have mentioned it if your boyfriend hadn't bothered us." He looked up at me with a grin.

From behind me I heard the sound of little feet's finding their way to me. Take a deep breath Betty.

"Mommy? Who's your friend?"

Jughead looked like he'd been shot.

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