Chapter 32 | gender

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Betty pov

2 months later

"Jug, where are you? We have to go!" I called through the house and waited for an answer from my beloved boyfriend.

"Be right there Betty, just wanted to pack the toys for Jamie so he wouldn't be bored at the doctor's." he answered as he strolled to the car in all his beauty. He just always looks beautiful no matter what situation he finds himself in and that without putting it on. I am overjoyed that we both found each other again and were able to get our initial difficulties out of the way. A lot has changed in the last 2 months, firstly Jamie and I have now officially moved in with Jug and I have left my childhood home to Veronica as promised, and secondly my tummy has grown quite a bit so we finally have the gender determination appointment.

I am actually just as excited as I was when I was pregnant for the first time, although I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's healthy. I know that Jughead wishes for a little princess because she would have a big brother who could protect her. I don't care what comes out in the end, we are already proud parents.

Arriving at the doctor's I noticed how nervous Jug was and tried to calm him down a little.

"Hey, Jug, you don't have to be nervous. The baby's gonna be fine because you're here, Jamie's here and I'm here. Don't worry about it." I said and talked him up so he wouldn't get so freaked out. "You're right I worry too much. It's so exciting but it hurts that I'm only now experiencing it and not with Jamie." he exclaimed sadly and looked at Jamie who was happily playing with his fire truck.

After about 30 minutes we were called into the room and I was allowed to lie down on the examination bed so Dr. Martinez could examine me. This unpleasant feeling of the cold gel fortunately disappeared after a few minutes and was replaced by the anticipation I felt when I looked at the still black monitor.

"So Miss Cooper, how is the 16th week of pregnancy going so far? Any discomfort?" he asked in an carefree tone as he operated the ultrasound machine and circled over my naked belly.

"The sickness is gone, everything is getting a little more strenuous and I am getting fatter and fatter."

"Well, that's wonderful, that means everything is going well. You want to know the gender today?" We both nodded eagerly and tried hard to stay as calm as possible, which was only half successful. A moment later Dr. Martinez gave a quiet, joyful cry, telling us that he knew what gender our baby would be.

"Well Jamie little man, what do you wish for a sibling?" he asked Jamie who suddenly woke up from his fantasy world and looked thoughtfully at Jughead and me.

"Mmm...I don't know. Girls are weird but daddy wants a girl so I do too." he told us all and we laughed.

"Well, I'd say congratulations, because it's gonna be a sister." Tears instantly came to my eyes and I noticed how Jughead struggled for composure. He was so overwhelmed that no word came out of him and I had to make sure that he was still alive.

"Jug, it's going to be a girl. We are having a daughter, I am so incredibly happy." Jamie ran towards us and climbed onto the bed where I was lying.

"Mommy, mommy a sister. Just what Daddy wanted. Daddy, aren't you happy?" he asked Jug who stood there frozen to ice and still didn't move. I took his hand to show him that everything was fine and to see if he still had a pulse.

"Mr. Jones are you all right?" Dr. Martinez questioned hesitantly.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm just shocked but very positive. Is the little one all right?"

"Yes, the little one looks very healthy, nothing to worry about. I'll leave you alone now and I'll see you at the next appointment. Congratulations again on your daughter." After he closed the door behind him and left us alone, I saw that Jugehad suppressed his tears, which surely burned in his eyes. I wiped the gel from my stomach, pulled my top back up and stood up to take my family in my arms. Our sweet little family is complemented by a beautiful girl and I am very excited to see what she will look like.

To celebrate the day we headed to Pop's to order burgers and fries, much to the delight of my two men. We were greeted by Cheryl who immediately pulled me into a tight hug and started to caress my belly.

"Ohh cousin you look so good and your baby bump is already so much bigger than last time. Do you already know what it will be?" she curiously asked, looking back and forth between us.

"It will be a little princess and we are overjoyed." I told her while she was jumping up and down and started talking which of course attracted all the attention in the diner.

"Cheryl, calm down." Jug said giggling and got a stern look from her in return.

"Just because you sleep with my cousin and have given her two beautiful children doesn't mean you can talk to me like that. Betty say something." All I could do was laugh while grabing Jamie and sat down at a booth.

"Jamie are you looking forward to your little sister?" I asked him while Jug sat down with us.

"Yes but I hope she won't be as annoying as the one in my kindergarten." he answered honestly and I had to refrain from laughing.

"If your sister is anything like mommy, you will love her." Jug said and I saw the little hearts in his eyes that told me his love without words.

Back home we put Jamie to sleep and sat down on the couch for a cosy evening for two, when Jug suddenly disappeared for several minutes.

"Jug where are you? I thought we were going to watch the film together?" I called for him and only got an answer when he was standing next to me again.

"Betts come with me, I have a little surprise for you." he whispered in my ear and took my hand in his. We ran upstairs to our bedroom together and I was about to say that sex was no longer a surprise when he covered my eyes and led me towards the bathroom. When he took his hands off my eyes and I opened them, I saw that the whole room was decorated with rose petals as well as candles and that the bathtub was filled with water, which carried a lush foam crown.

"Wow Jug this is breathtakingly beautiful." I said softly and turned to him to stand on my tiptoes and give him a kiss.

"I just want to do something good for you, darling. I'll wait for you downstairs and you enjoy your bath." he said and was about to leave when I stopped him and pulled him back to me.

"Thank you that is sweet but I want my man with me. Will you help me undress?" I asked seductively and turned my back to him. You could say it took us a little longer than normal but we had our fun.

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