Chapter 8 | Truth

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Jughead pov

Did I just hear right? Did that little boy actually just call Betty Mommy? I think Archie left out one important detail about Betty's life. I was more than shocked and I didn't know how to react.

"Pumpkin, this is Jughead an old friend of mine. Can you introduce yourself?" Betty looked from me to the little boy.

"Hi Jug-head. My name is Jamie. You have a funny name." he giggled.

He was absolutely gorgeous and I knew that Betty would have a beautiful child but I noticed that he doesn't have blond hair instead he had raven black hair and deep blue eyes, I was totally confused.

"My full name is even funnier." I replied.

"You have several names? So do I. Mommy, can I tell him my full name?" he looked at Betty and she nodded and smiled at him nervously.

"My full name is Jamie Forsythe Pendleton Cooper." Jamie said proudly.

My heart stopped. She named her kid after me? How can that be? I looked desperately in Betty's direction and saw tears in her eyes.

"Mommy did I said something wrong?" Jamie asked worriedly.

"No little pumpkin you didn't say anything wrong. He's just speechless because he thinks your name is so beautiful." She smiled at her son and then looked back at me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I could feel how emotional she was but I didn't know how to answer. Did I really want to hear what she had to say? My subconscious was asking the one-million-dollar question: Could he be my child? But how the hell did this happen? I nodded and followed her into the house, she turned to me and signaled that she was going to take Jamie to his room.

Meanwhile I sat on the couch in a daze and tried to get a clear mind. I only noticed Betty was back when she sat down next to me, I looked at her and wanted to ask her something but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Jug are you ok?" she looked as nervous as I was feeling.

"What's his age?" I wanted to put together the puzzle pieces but I felt like I was missing important pieces to complete.

"He's 3 years old."

"He looks like..." it didn't came over my lips, I couldn't say it. No, no, no.

"Jug, I don't know how to explain it to you. I'm sorry that it hits you so unexpectedly, but yes, he is your son." She was crying and I could tell she was suffering.

"He's my son? But Betty how?" my voice sounded dry and I could have sworn I was about to drop dead.

"Do you remember what happened between us at the wedding 3 years ago?" I nodded, of course I remembered our sex. It still gives me wet dreams but I can't think about that right now.

"Well, then I'm sure you'll also remember that we forgot something important." OMG, how could I forget, I'm such an idiot.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Jug, I am. I hadn't slept with anyone in moths before, if you like we can do a test. Anyway, 4 weeks later I did the pregnancy test and well it was positive."

I was confused, angry, sad and happy at the same time. I hated the idea of her going through it all alone but why did she keep it a secret from me?

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have been with you."

"Jughead we had drunken sex and I got pregnant, you really think I burdened you with that?" she was ashamed and looked at her hands. I didn't want her to feel like that because of me.

"Betty look at me. You're no burden. I would have loved to been there for you." I hugged her and she promptly began to sob, I stroke her back and tried to calm her down.

"Hey Betts, everything's fine. We'll figure it out. Right?" She separated from me and looked at me in wonder.

"We? You want to know him?"

"Of course I want to know him, whenever you're ready." I wiped a tear from her face.

"Let's not be hasty, ok?"

"Baby steps" I said and smiled, I was just overwhelmed with my emotions. My eyes filled with tears and I tried to blink them away. My phone started vibrating in my pants and I read Maria's name on the display.

"Sorry Betty, I have to take this." I got up and walked away a bit.

"What do you want Maria. I'm busy." I snapped at her.

"Where are you? We've been in conference with the New York publisher for half an hour."

Shit, I totally forgot. It was about ideas for my new book.

"I'll be right there, stall them a little longer" I hung up and went back to Betty.

"I'm sorry but I have to go, I was supposed to have had a meeting with my publisher half an hour ago." I felt bad leaving her alone right now.

"It's ok, Jug. We'll talk later when you have time."

"Thank you Betty." I gave her a loving embrace and walked out the door with mixed feelings.

Wow I have a son, it was mind-blowing and the best thing is that she continued the tradition of my name.

Am I dreaming? If so, this is one of the most beautiful dreamsI've ever had.

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