Chapter 5 | First kiss

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Jughead pov

It's been a week since I saw Betty again. To describe the feeling of having seen her again is impossible. Even for me as a writer. She is and stays the most beautiful being on the planet. 

Archie told me she has a boyfriend. Trev. I know him from high school and I was not happy to hear that Betty Cooper was going out with a player like him. She deserves someone so much better than that dumbass.

Am I jealous of Trev? Yes.

Am I a fool to let her go back then? Also yes.

Have I been thinking about her ever since Pop's? Definitely yes!

Every day I wonder what my life would have been like if I was still with Betty. Would we be married like Archie and Veronica and would we have a kid, too? I'd be over the moon. Back then I was so lucky but sadly I made many mistakes that I am not proud of today and would like to undo. Deep in my heart, I still love her so the decision to return to Riverdale was pretty easy for me. My assistant, Maria, hates it here. She is used to the big city life and likes to have many people around her. And well in Riverdale, you might meet more than 10 people in a bunch just on the 4th July. 

I had offered her to work from New York but she insisted on coming with me to my hometown. Maybe that's because she has a little crush on me. We had one drunken night together, that's all. But since then, she's been on me like a leech. Most woman only want to be with me because I'm famous. I had to find that out painfully and that's why I haven't had a girlfriend since Betty.

Making the decision to move back to Riverdale was therefore quite easy for me. Even just for old times' sake, because of Archie and his daughter and of course for Betty but I never wanted to admit that to myself, until now. I had faint hope that we could become something like friends again or maybe more. I need my Betty back. 

 From Archie I knew that her relationship with Trev is not as serious for her as it is for him. He only knew it from Veronica, of course, but she didn't know that I knew it. She'd rip my head off if she knew. 

I wandered through the streets without really knowing where I was going. I suddenly found myself in the street where Archie, Veronica and Betty live. I had to smile a bit. My legs might not know where they were going, but my heart knew. Maybe it was also the fact that I had bought the house across the street from Betty's childhood. 

Archie told me what happened to Betty's parents two years ago. I was devastated when I heard that Alice and Hal Cooper had died in a car accident. They had both always welcomed me and never questioned me as a person. Not even then when I became the leader of the Serpents and Betty reigned by my side. I felt sorry for Betty.

After a few steps, the familiar red-Cooper-door came into my field of vision. Immediately memories came up and I thought of the day Betty and I kissed for the first time.

|Flashback 8 years ago|

Betty and I have known each other since we were 7 years old. She's my best friend and I would do anything for her. Together with Archie we are simply inseparable. I always knew that I loved Betty but at the beginning it was more on friendly terms. As we got older my feelings for Betty increased 10-times more but I didn't know if she felt the same way I did, so I never confessed my feelings to her. It wasn't until I was 16 that I could encourage myself to ask her out and to my astonishment, she had actually said yes. I was deliriously happy.

After our date I accompanied her home to make sure she arrived safely and maybe steal a little kiss from her. I had such a queasy feeling in my stomach and my whole body was shaking. "Betty..." 

"Yes Jug?" she asked in a sugar sweet voice. 

"I- it was really nice with you and I want to thank you for a wonderful evening." my voice trembled and I did not know how to say that I like her more than just friends. 

"I had a really nice evening, too Jug" We both looked down and were more shy than ever. Now or never, I had to take my chance and stepped forward to close the gap between the two of us so that I was even closer to her .My heart was pounding like crazy and then I saw Betty who looked at me expectantly with her perfect emerald green eyes. I leaned in and our lips were only inches apart. I hesitated because I was afraid she wouldn't kiss me back.

Seconds later her lips were on mine and I felt like I was on cloud nine. Her lips were soft and full and had the taste of strawberries with vanilla. I was already addicted to her.

 At the beginning it was an innocent kiss but it soon became very passionate. That girl knows how to kiss. My tongue touched her lower lip and asked for access, which she refused to let me in, to my delight. It was an explosion and I could really feel us both asking for more. We explored each other and certainly not have stopped so soon if Mama Cooper had not open the door. 

To see the look on her face when she caught her daughter kissing in front of her house was priceless but Betty did not let herself put off. "Mom, I'll be right in. Could you please wait for me inside?"

Shocked by the fact that her daughter rebuked her so confidently, she went back into the house.

"That was embarrassing. Sorry." She said timidly and blushed. 

"mmmhh...yeah, a little bit" I giggled, which made her look up and she giggled as well. God damn, I love that giggle.

"I think I have to go inside or otherwise my Mom will get an heart attack. I'll call you later and we talk?" she asked.

"I'd love to. I'll see you tomorrow." It was wired, I just didn't know what to say. My stomach was full of butterflies. 

We hugged to say goodbye. She was almost in the house when she turned to me again and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night" she whispered and went inside. After this action my heart threatened to jump out of my chest because of all the love I felt for this girl.

I walked home as if on clouds and was completely engrossed in the thought that we had just kissed. Betty Cooper and I kissed. It was like a fairy tale. Totally unreal.

|Flashback ends|

Even today I still feel the same as when I think of our first kiss. The fire, the passion and the mutual need. Already then she was absolutely perfect, although I know she hates that word.

Should I go see her? Would she even open the door for me?

At that moment I couldn't help it, I had to see her again. As I stood in front of her door I suddenly got more and more doubts, but my hand automatically knocked on the door. It wasn't three seconds before I heard her delicate voice asking "Who is it?" She sounded unbelievably beautiful and my heart grew warm.

"It's Jughead!"

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