Chapter 28 | unexpectedly

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Betty pov

"You still haven't told him?" yelled Veronica stunned through my living room after I mentioned that Jughead still knew nothing about my pregnancy. "Betty why? He needs to know! Is everything good between you or why are you so scared to tell him? It's been over a week."

"Veronica, I know he needs to know but he has so much on his plate right now I don't want to burden him with it and his stupid assistant is trying very hard to make sure we almost never see each other. I don't know why he doesn't want to fire her." I answered her and tried hard to keep a clear head.

In the last few days, Jug and I have seen very little of each other and if so, it was just after getting up or before falling asleep. He practically locked himself in his office and to my displeasure Maria was with him all the time even though he had promised to fire her. Now I have to see her every day because Jamie and I live at Jughead's.

It's a weird feeling that nobody but Veronica knows I'm pregnant. With Jamie, everyone who should know from the start knew but now nobody knows. Archie doesn't know because I haven't seen him for ages and I don't know what the mood is like with him right now. Kevin doesn't know because he and Fangs went on vacation together and Jug doesn't know because I'm afraid he might leave me.

A pregnancy is something you want to share with your dearest and closest friends and it makes me incredibly sad that the little being in my belly does not get the attention she or he deserves from the beginning.

"Betty? BETTY? Are you there? You worry me sweety. Would you rather stay with me tonight?" Veronica pulled me back from my thoughts.

"Oh, V, that would be great. I think I could really use a girls' night. I'm just gonna grab some things and be back in an hour."

I went over to Jug and was surprised not to find him in his office but neither he nor Jamie was anywhere else in the house. As I packed my overnight bag I heard the front door open and Jug, Maria and Jamie came into the house. My mood couldn't have been worse and the stupid hormones made everything only twice as bad.

As I walked down the stairs the laughing and talking stopped immediately as they saw me standing there with the bag in my hand.

"Hi Betty where are you going?" asked Jug with a frown.

"Veronica." I answered briefly and went up to my son, took him in my arms and cuddled him. "Hey, pumpkin, you wanna come to Veronica's? Gracie's there too, so you guys can play together. Or would you rather stay with Daddy?" I asked the little one and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, Gracie and auntie Veronica". he answered me back happily and I was kind of relieved. I love Jughead and of course I want him to spend as much time with his son as possible but if Jamie had chosen him at that moment, my hormones would certainly have taken over and I would have collapsed.

Jamie and I went to his room to pack some toys until Jughead stood in the doorway and cleared his throat to draw attention to himself.

"Betty? Is everything okay? You've been acting weird lately."

"I've been acting weird? Which one of us locks himself in his office all the time and has practically no time for us anymore?"

"I interrupt my work every day when Jamie and I play or go to the park like we just did and-"

"OMG Jughead you don't get it, do you? We're a family now. That includes Jamie, you and me. I haven't seen you or spoken to you properly in days because you and your stupid assistant keep crouching together." I cut him off, and I got madder and madder every minute, even though I didn't know why.

"Betty please calm down, Jamie's here." He points to the little boy who was sitting on the bed and wordlessly playing with his dinosaurs with his head down. Only then did I realize that he had just witnessed his parents' first fight, which instantly silenced me. I knelt down in front of him and ran my hand through his hair.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's go to Aunt Veronica's and play with Gracie, okay?" He just nodded and I took him in my arms. Jughead tried to touch my shoulder but I gave him a cold look and he dropped his hand again. I wanted to burst into tears and go into a corner crying but I wanted to stay strong for my son.

Veronica, Gracie, Jamie and I spent the rest of the day watching movies, playing in the garden and ordering pizza from the delivery service. After all the stress of the morning the time with the three of them was just perfect for my soul and I enjoyed every minute of it. Shortly after 7 we put the kids to bed and sat down on the couch to let the evening fade away.

My phone rang and I saw on the display that it was Jughead but I didn't pick it up and put it aside, which gave me a surprised look from Veronica.

"B, why don't you pick up? Just tell me what's going on." Her mood was set and I couldn't avoid her any longer.

"Things aren't great between us right now, and besides, I may have gotten a little loud against him today. These hormones are taking the best of me." I said sadly while looking down to avoid any eye contact.

"It is normal that not everything goes well, that is how relationships are and on top of that you are pregnant, everything is twice as bad. You should tell him about the baby as soon as possible. You both love each other and are just made for each other, that shouldn't be broken by a fight." At her words I began to cry uncontrollably and threw myself into her arms. We sat there for about 20 minutes until I slowly calmed down and we flinched by a knocking on the door.

"Who could come to our house so late?" said Veronica skeptically and opened the door.

"Hi, baby. I missed you."

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't see who was at the door as I was still sitting on the sofa but I could hear that it wasn't Archie who had just called her baby and unless my senses had completely lost me I was 99% sure who was standing behind the door. At first I was shocked but then I realized that this definitely had to happen. Of course I felt sorry for Archie at that moment but I also knew that he was not innocent of the whole thing. Neither of them were happy in this relationship anymore and they stayed together for Gracie's sake until they both decided to divorce. Since Archie was currently away on business, she is staying at his house while he is away and because she is my best friend, I will offer her to move into my house.

I still heard soft mumbling from the hallway and was sure Veronica wanted him to leave but I allowed myself to embarrass them both a bit.

"You two don't have to hide. Veronica and I tell each other everything, and if we don't, the other one will find out anyway, and I know you're behind the door, Sweet Pea." I called out to them and had to desperately refrain from laughing out loud. Both came into the living room with startled faces, it was both the most unusual and the hottest couple I knew. "Since when has this been going on between you?" I questioned the two and felt like a police officer.

"There's nothing going on. He just wanted to drop something off." stammered V not convincing while she looked at me with big eyes.

"V, I'm not stupid. Am I glad it's going so fast? No, but I'm still happy for you guys. So since when?"

"Since New York?!" Veronica whispered which astonished me, because I was sure she didn't know about Archie's affair at that time.

"Please don't tell Jughead. I know that he and Andrews are best friends and that he might be on his side but I want to tell him personally." Sweet Pea begged me.

"Juggie doesn't take sides and I'm sure he loves you at least as much as he loves Archie. Don't worry but of course I won't tell him anything as we are not really talking right now anyway." Even before Sweet Pea could answer, there was another knock at the door. Jughead stood in the living room after Veronica opened the door and he looked at us confused.

"Sweet Pea what are you doing here? Anyway, Betty can we please talk?"

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