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"Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Cherry Blossom cookie! I appear to be the Ultimate Picnic planner. I've been going to cookie's break training! And I'm entering, the place! It sure looks empty. I gotta read it. But where is everyone else?

Dear, Person, who's reading this, congrats! Your one of the 18 cookies to participate in this fun game! Have fun!!

All of the sudden! Black screen which made me fall asleep!

I woke up, I'm somewhere. I open the door, I think moon rabbit cookie is from the moon. And I found this note saying! Dear cookie! Please be at the gym by 9:30 am for the entrance ceremony! And soon I opened the door, it's all sci fi type place. Im unaware to where I am being. Don't tell me I'm trapped. As soon as I'm going somewhere, I see a white haired boy with shiny pearls on him. "Hey Cherry blossom!" He said! We finally reunited! He said he's the Ultimate ballerino. And I'm the ultimate Picnic planner! Then as we moved on, We met a red haired girl that is pretty scented. Almost like roses in the air. Her name was rose cookie, she's the ultimate Tango dancer. Then I got a tap on the back from someone, it was another girl! She's got tree antlers and tree bark hair. isn't she suppose to be in her city? "I'm Millennial tree cookie, I can't remember my talent" she said to me, rose asks why MT cookie doesn't have a talent, because she sealed herself to resist the dark sorcery. But with the help of the cookies, her silence was finally broken. But the darkness was vanquished. But MT cookie realized, she met whipped cream cookie the ultimate ballerino. She saw him dance in her dreams. But it was said that 18 ultimate cookies are here in this place. But we met a girl who's similar to Millennial tree cookie, it's a green haired girl with a star on her and she's singing for peace. We ask her, who she is and why is she singing for love and peace. She says it's for love and peace. And she is the peaceful ultimate singer herself, Carol cookie. But we saw some bunny ears. It looks like rice cake. As I followed the trail, it turns out to be a bunny rabbit eating rice cake. She's got the eyes, her name was Moon rabbit cookie the ultimate Rice cake eater. And she kept munching on rice cakes. As we came, we saw a cookie who's skated past me. I tell her to slow down. We ask her her name because she's got a blue dress on, her name is skating queen cookie! She has no idea why are we here. But we here a message saying, "EVERYONE! GATHER IN THE GYM" as we went to the gym, we saw other cookies, we met the Chocos, White choco appears to be the Ultimate Fencer, Dark choco is the ultimate swordsman while pink choco is the Matchmaker. We found princess cookie, she's the ultimate princess. And we met knight cookie the ultimate knight. But we have to meet other cookies, I came up towards a black dress girl, she's a goth, she's blackberry cookie the ultimate maid. But after I walked towards the two adventurers. This is purple yam the ultimate attacker, and here's milk the ultimate defender. But we met a beautiful girl with pink candles on her, she's so pretty, her name is birthday cake the ultimate party planner, but my planner talent is different. Then we came to the pink haired girl with heart eyes. Is she in love? We asked her who she is, her name is cotton candy cookie the ultimate writer. As soon as we walked into another cookie, she had a pomegranate scent, her name is pomegranate cookie the ultimate sorceress. Last we came to a pink haired boy with a gumball cannon. His name happens to be gumball the ultimate Gunslinger.

After all introductions are finished, we heard an announcement play. The lights went on, we looked towards a stage. "Alright everyone!" A cookie said, as we stared at the stage, we saw a pirate ship floating onto the stage with a cookie hoping out.
"My name is pirate cookie! And welcome to Cookie's beak training. As I looked towards Pirate cookie, his eyepatch is red. As he came to the podium, carol cookie asks why are they here. Pirate cookie replies back "well Ultimate singer, we can play a fun game"
Birthday cake asks what kind of game. As pirate replies back "a killing game!" The cookies didn't like the idea. But they knew how to do it. Then the trial begins, if they vote right, then the killer will be punished! But the punishment is a special execution just for them. If they vote wrong, then everyone except the killer gets executed. But as they knew in a killing game. As soon as I was giving regulations of the killing game, I knew I read through them.

1. Be kind to each other
2. Violence against Pirate cookie is forbidden
3. Escaping the Academy is forbidden.

As we read all the regulations, pirate cookie got into the ghost ship and left. As we knew despair is coming, Rose cookie knew what would happen, if raspberry mousse was here. Purple yam Screeched as if a killing game was gonna happen. The cookies knew it. I soon can't kill anyone. Whipped cream was nervous. Somehow it's 10 pm, we should go to our dorms. But as we know, all windows and doors are sealed. But I came into my dorm and slept happily.

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