Chapter 2~too far🦋

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-play date (by melanie martinez) 💞

{ hiii so basically i'm rly, rly shit at coming up with titles for this chapters so😬just ignore them ig:/ also it's like rly late rn but i'm bored so i'm uploading another chapter already:))) }

The 6 of them were all ready to play truth or dare, they had all been quite busy recently because of the shit ton of end of year tests so they all didn't rly get chances to meet and catch up. This was there way of 'catching up'. "So, who's up first?" Bev asked.
"I'll s-s-start, it can go round horizontally," he replied with his arm round her waist. Ben tried to ignore it but he couldn't stop getting distracting by the amount of touching he was doing to her. "Okay, truth or dare," he asked Bill.
"Have you and Bev gone further than kissing?" They all went silent and waited for Bill's answer. "M-m-maybe."
"Answer the fucking question, yes or no?" Richie said out of impatience.
"Yes," Bill replied as his cheeks became bright red. Ben, Stan and Richie all started to slightly tease Bill apart from Bev and Eddie, the small boy done nothing but sit silently facing the floor. Richie noticed the boy and instantly stopped teasing Bill, the others stopped after. "What's up Eds," Richie questioned. The boys eyes darted up and he forced down a gulp. "Nothing, just an argument with my mum before i left," he replied.
"Shit, was it because we was being too loud last night and see heard us?" Richie let out a laugh, Stan giggled a bit but stopped himself from his giggle turned into a full on laughter. Eddie rolled his eyes back at Richie's stupid joke. "Shut up, as if."
"As if?" Bev repeated; questioning what Eddie meant.
"Well, hes a.. boy?" Bev looked at Richie and saw his shoulders drop down and his eyes face to her. "It's your go Bev," he added. She gave him a smile before saying "someone give me a dare."
"Ooo, Bevs going for a dare Bill, get ready," mocked Richie. Stan let out another giggle, he always felt the need to giggle at Richie's funny comments now and then. They kinda, cheered him up a little bit.
Ben eyes opened wide as he realised a dare for Bev. "I dare you to not be able to touch Bill or kiss or anything till the end of the game." Bill looked disappointed whereas Bev seemed calm with that dare. "Easy peasy," she replied as she gave Bill a small smirk. "Easy f-for you to say," he added quietly.
"Okayyyy, my turn," Richie said quickly, he was eager to get his turn over and done with.
"Truth or dare?"
"Is it true that you like someone," questioned Bev even though it wasn't really a question she wanted to know. She already knew his crush on his small best friend, Eddie kaspbrak. She just liked to mock him about it.
"Uhm, yes i do Bev," he replied sharply.
"Oh realllyyy? Who is he? I mean she." He gave Bev an ignorant stare after he turned and faced the others. "That's two questions. Stan, its your go." Bev and Richie gave each other a smirk even though Richie hated it when she gave clues to who he liked. Or what gender he was.. He hated it but he always forgave that pretty red-headed girl. The game of truth or dare continued past Ben and Stan's boring truths. None of them picked dare until Eddie chose dare. He never chose dare, only when he was drunk last summer. It was at a party they had which was not long after they defeated IT (pennywise). The group still get nightmares and evil flashbacks to last summer but for now, they plan to enjoy this summer as much as possible. "So Eddie, what makes you want to pick dare?" questioned Stan. Richie sat in silence looking down at the floor while picking on his denim jeans.
"I don't know, just give me one already," he demanded to them. It took a minute to think of one until Stan came out with an apparently good dare.
"I dare you to kiss one of us," Stan said. The dare Stan had just given caused both Richie and Eddie to dart their eyes up to him. "What? No! The only girl here is Beverly and she's dating Bill."
"So? It's only a peck." Eddie rolled his eyes as he replied "fine. I choose you Stan." Both Stan's and Richie's eyes widened as soon as Eddie said that. Stan looked at Richie and mouthed "sorry" before quickly receiving a peck from Eddie. Everyone stayed quiet about that kiss until it was Bill's turn. They all played for a couple more rounds which was just boring truths and a couple dares that were quite pathetic.


At around this time, they all decided to go home. Stan first left because of dinner and then Eddie because of his mother's strictness. Richie then left because it was boring him and then Ben. Bill and Bev left a while after everyone was gone. None of them knew what they done but they also didn't want to know so they didn't question it.

                   (Richie, Stan, Bev)

Richie: Stanley Uris.
Stan: Richie Tozier?
Richie: you portrayed me man
Stan: huh??
Stan: you aren't talking about Eddie's dare, are you?
Richie: yes i fucking am!
Richie: my best friend portrayed meeeee
Bev: why are we texting on this gc again tozier
Richie: because this idiot of a best friend portrayed his own best friend, not cool bro
Bev: rich i'm pretty sure stan was just hoping that eddie would choose you to kiss.
Bev: uno, being your wing man;))
Stan: ^^
Stan: promise bro, i didn't want to kiss him at all.
Stan: speaking of the devil.
Richie: what?? is he texting on the other gc?
Richie: stan??
Richie: stannnn, y did u say speak of the devil
Stan: calm your fucking ass man, he just texted me
Richie: why?? saying what
Stan: he just said stan
Richie: why did he text you though
Stan: because he was bored lol
Richie: he doesn't text me when he's bored:(
Bev: you should text him then maybe??
Richie: nopeeee
Stan: lol
Stan: i'm pretty sure everyone is gonna text later on the other gc, eddie will be on.
Richie: alright, i was bouta have a shower anyways.
Bev: same
read by Richie+Stan

                           Eddie + Stan

Eddie: stan
Stan: hi eds
Eddie: hello
Stan: you ok? you sound annoyed.
Eddie: and that's exactly the reason why i add on extra letters to my words
Eddie: it makes them sound less blunt:)
Stan: okayyy sure, so why did you text me
Eddie: i'm bored:/
Stan: same
Eddie: just a quick question
Stan: yeahh?
Eddie: uno the kiss?
Stan: yes, the peck
Eddie: yehh well just do you know, i 100% didn't want to kiss you or anyone in the room earlier
Eddie: i just had to choose someone
Stan: yehh well you made that pretty clear when it happened
Eddie: i know lol
Stan: why are you so scared about it lol
Stan: it's only pecking
Eddie: cause i'm not gay, and the only girl there was bev and she's dating bill sooo
Stan: you sure you're not a little bit gay? haha
Eddie: ew no gross! i am most definitely not.
Stan: but you wear booty shorts
Eddie: so?
Stan: 😂
Stan: also why are you saying ew?
Eddie: because i don't like the same gender as me, my mom says it's a disease lol
Stan: right..
Stan: well i gotta go, cya eds
Eddie: bye

fuck, Stan thought as he turned off his phone.

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