Chapter 16~back home🦋

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I wanna be your girlfriend (by girl in red) 💞

{just so you know, it won't be long until more shit happens between eddie and richie lmao, this story has got 62 reads and that's the most i've got before:/i'm not the best writer obviously but yeah get ready for what happens next:)) <3 }

The two boys went to sleep after the conversation. Eddie fell asleep crying under the covers, he stayed quiet but Richie could still hear the whimpers that came from under his cover. As much as he felt bad, he didn't want to continue kissing and making out with a boy who says he's straight...


The camp trip was now near to the end, Bill's parents were packing away all their stuff after they had spent ages putting down their tents. The last 3 days were fun, for most of them. Richie and Eddie were not on good terms (obviously) but they still had their moments when they just stared into each other's eyes until one of the others distracted them. They didn't speak, Richie's jokes had died down in those 3 days but he still made the occasional joke. Not to Eddie though. He knew that if he did either Eddie would ignore him or Richie would just lose his shit, so he just decided to try stay out his path. The last 3 days, the losers spent having fun. The first was when they all went to town and brought those of shit with the money their parents gave them, the next day they went back to the lake for a swim and this time they all went in and the day before leaving they all stayed in their tents and sometimes went outside their tent and played football. Although it was fun for all of them, Richie's happiness died down a little whenever he remembered what happened with Eddie.

Richie's pov:

We was all on our way back, half way back. I sat at the back next to Stan while Ben and Bev sat opposite us. Mike, Bill and Eddie all sat in the middle row of the mini bus, i could heat them all laughing but Eddie's cute giggles always stood out. Was he not sad about what i told him? Shut up Tozier. I tried and tried and tried to convince myself that Eddie wasn't enough for me and that i should just get over him but it's not easy when he's my best friend and i'll be seeing him almost everyday with all my other friends. It was hard. I just sat quietly at the back of the mini bus with my chin leaning onto my palm which kept my head up. I was staring out the window lost in my thoughts until i felt a slight tap on my shoulder, it was obviously Stan. I turned to look at him and his face looked confused, as if he just saw a ghost or some shit. "Are you okay? You've been quiet this whole journey," he then asked me. I felt like i should tell Staniel, it wasn't like he didn't know about my obsession over the small boy. "Yeah, i-i just need to show you something," i replied back. We kept our voices quiet so nobody would hear our little conversation. I passed him my phone after clicking on me and Eddie's chat, i made sure he didn't scroll up anymore.
End of pov

Stan finished reading him and Eddie's conversation and gave back Richie's phone sympathetically. "Did i do the right thing?" Richie asked.
"I think you did not gonna lie," Stan replied. "You shouldn't be chasing after a boy who claims he's straight, you should wait to see if he comes back to you."
"What if he doesn't?" Stan shrugged.
"Then you should know what to do about your little crush." Richie looked down and adjusted his glasses so they were perfectly balanced on top of his nose. "It's not a little crush Stan," Richie mumbled under his breathe.
"I know." Stan gave Richie a small, quick hug before moving back away. Richie decided to break the silence and sadness from the two of them by letting out the first thing that came to mind. "Wow Staniel being helpful and not a dick? Impressed man." He noticed Ben look up them but then instantly carry on staring outside of the window. "Oh fuck you Tozier," Stan replied with a little bit of a annoyed tone in his voice. Richie knew that Stan could get annoyed easily sometimes but he knew that Stan still loved him, he would still love the whole group no matter what.


The whole group were all back home and had been for a couple hours. No one texted on the groupchat until Bev made an appearance on the groupchat.

(Bill,Bev,Eddie + 4 others

Bev: yoooo guys
Stan: wassup
Bill: hello
Ben: hello
Mike: hello
Eddie: is it just me or is there an echo?
Bill: lol yes
Stan: where's rich
Bev: he seemed tired on the ride home
Ben: yeah but maybe because he didn't get any sleep
Ben: i could hear him awake all night
Eddie: hear him doing what?
Ben: i don't know, he was under the cover and he was making some sort of noise
Bill: was he talking to himself?
Ben: hdkenslsksl imagine
Bev: probably couldn't get to sleep probs
Stan: yeah
Richie: you guys do know that i'm on the group chat
Richie: and i do have my notifications on
Bill: oop..
Stan: we know that:)
Richie: anyways, i was with stans sister so i couldn't text;))
Stan: i don't have a sister idiot
Richie: you will in 9 months
Bev: fuckkk
Mike: haha stan i can't believe you fell right in his trap
Ben: lmaoo
Stan: fuck you tozier. anyone wanna know why richie was so down on the car ride home?
Richie: don't you dare
Stan: oh i will, trust me:)
Eddie: i wanna know
Richie: i wanna know a lot of things but we don't always get what we want
Eddie: huh
Bev: lol richie, shut up xoxo
Richie: i love you bev don't worry xoxo
Bill: well then
Bill: i love you stan xoxo
Mike: i love you ben xoxo
Stan: i love you eddie bear xoxo
Eddie: wow
Ben: thanks mike but i know that
Bev: lol well that was wierd
Richie: indeed, who wants to come to the arcade with me tomorrow? to play street fighter ;)))???
Bill: no
Stan: no
Ben: sorry but no
Mike: i'm busy, sorry
Bev: nah richie, you're the only one who likes street fighter
Eddie: lol
Richie: fuck you guys. i'll go by myself.
Stan: fine with us
Richie: 🖕🖕

Richie turned off his phone and put it on silent but could see hear the vibration of the notifications that came from the groupchat. Beverly was right, Richie was the only one who liked street fighter but he didn't mind going alone, at least he could play it without any of them nagging 24/7 for him to finish playing. Fine. I'll go by myself..

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