Chapter 24~henry+his goons🦋

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-girls (by girl in red) 💞

•includes homophobic language
• includes violence

A couple weeks had passed, Eddie and Richie were still dating but their relationship was still a secret from everyone (even the losers). Eddie was still worrying each day of getting his heart broken by Richie Tozier but everything was going fine. Richie had been avoiding Connor every time he saw him in town or the arcade, every time he saw Connor in the arcade he just waited round the side of the building until he left.


                         Eddie + Richie

Eddie: heyyyy richie
Richie: hello qt
Eddie: hcoenslsmls hi
Richie: what are you up to?
Eddie: omw to your house hehehe
Richie: wait whaaaaa
Eddie: welllll am i allowed to come round yours?
Richie: my parents are having a massive fucking argument
Eddie: oh:( sorry rich
Richie: buttttt we can still see each other;)
Eddie: where??
Richie: we can walk down the river place
Richie: you know where we first met ben?
Eddie: ohhhh yah okay, which part of it though?
Richie: near outside the barrons :)
Eddie: okayyy, ily
Richie: okay
Richie: kidddinggggg, i love you too
Eddie: i love you*
Richie: hehehehe very good
Eddie: <3 <3

The two boys met outside the barrons about 10 minutes later. Eddie arrived and saw Richie sitting uncomfortably on a rock that was in the middle of the little river stream. "Hey my eddi spaghetti," Richie said as Eddie approached him on the rock. "Hey richhhhh," the boy replied happily. Eddie took a seat on the rock next to Richie and gave him a tight hug from the side. "I missed you," Eddie said quietly while they were still hugging. Richie smiles brightly and pulled away from the hug to look at Eddie.
"I missed you too." Richie gave Eddie a soft kiss on the lip which lasted about 5 seconds, Eddie thought he heard a noice and he would do this all the time. Eddie was just cautious of anyone finding out about him dating Richie (a big). Derry was very homophobic.
"Did you hear that?" Eddie asked.
"Heard what?"
"I don't know, i think i'm just being cautious."
"You are," Richie giggled as he placed his hand on top of Eddie's. "Soo, what should we do?" Eddie questioned.
"Hmm, you should do me," Richie joked.
"Uhm, you wish." Eddie rolled his eyes but a slight giggle came out.
"Nah, i do-" Richie's words were cut off by a laugh behind the boys. They both instantly looked behind them and saw fucking Henry Bowers, Belch and Victor. Shit, Eddie thought and instantly removed his hand away from Richie. "
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Richie asked.
"We just saw a couple of faggots about to fuck so thought we'll come and say hi," Bowers replied back with a laugh.
"That's a lie," Eddie instantly added but with regret straight after.
"Lie? We saw you little fairies both into each other's mouths." Belch and Victor let out a laugh before the 3 of them began to walk towards them.
"Run," Richie mouthed you Eddie and they both began to run. They thought they were fine until Eddie tripped over a small rock. "Eddie!" Richie ran over to him but before they knew it, Henry and Belch and Victor got to them and grabbed them aggressively. "Your boyfriend hurt Tozier?" Henry asked with a laugh.
"He's not my boyfriend," Eddie quickly said.
"Oh yeah, what was with the snogging," Belch quickly asked before Henry could say the same thing.
"We wer-"
"Fairies," Henry spat out before Eddie could finish his sentence. He then showed his friends to go over to the barrons sewage tunnel as they were both holding onto the two frightened boys. Belch and Victor then dragged them both into the barrons tunnel and threw them onto the floor (both of them in the grey water which Eddie couldn't stand). "Fuck off Bowers, fuck. off." Richie aggressively demanded.
"No," Henry laughed as he walked towards Eddie. "You okay fairy?" Eddie quickly looked up while he was searching for his inhaler inside his fanny pack. He stayed quiet. Henry gave a quick smirk to his friends before grabbing Eddie himself and pulling him further into the tunnels. "Eddie! Let him the fuck go!" Richie shouted aggressively. "Let him go Bowers, you dick! Let him go!!" None of his screaming helped, Henry carried on dragging Eddie who was struggling to even speak. His breathing was getting too heavy. Henry has finally stopped dragging Eddie and dropped him where they couldn't see the others, they could only hear the screaming of Richie's voice.
"What the fuck do you want Bowers?" Henry laughed before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife.
"No. Please don't Henry, please," Eddie begged but it was no use. He leant down to where the boy was sitting brought the knife to Eddie's stomach.
"I'll do it faggot, then to your boyfriend, then do any of your stupid mates," Henry laughed.
"Why," Eddie innocently asked.
"You're fucking gay. Faggots."
"What about your cousin." Henry instantly looked over to him. "Connor?"
"What the fuck about him?"
"He likes boys.." Before Eddie could say anything, Henry pressed his hand around Eddie's neck. "No he's fucking not."
"He kissed a boy.." Henry stopped speaking and looked down at his knife. "You're a fairy, Connor isn't." He spat on Eddie and brought the knife close to Eddie's stomach again. "No, please.." Eddie tried to stop him but he stopped talking because he felt the pain in his stomach. Henry was pressing the knife against his skin. "He-henry-y," the small boy screeched. After about 5 seconds, Henry removed the knife and let out a laugh. Tears were running down Eddie's cheek as he looked down at what Henry had just done, there was a mark which read 'fag'. He leant his head back on the wall while trying to stop the bleeding with his top.
"Oi guys," yelled Henry with a smirk still on his face. A couple seconds later, Belch and Victor ran over to where they were in the tunnel (Victor still had his hands digging into Richie's shoulder).
"Henry?!" Belch said out of shock ness of what Henry did.
"What?! He deserved it, fag." Henry spat on Eddie.
"Eddie!" cried Richie.
"Shut up fag, i'll do it back to you," Henry challenged while walking up to Richie, Victor let go of his shoulder to let Henry do whatever he was planning to do. Henry walked up to Richie and punched him hard round the face. Richie fell on his back and Henry leant down to start punching Richie some more while Eddie got up behind them and started yelling Richie's name. Henry ignored it and went to lunch Richie some more until Richie done something he never thought he would do, he kicked Henry in his balls so hard that Henry fell back and started yelling out cuss words. "Shit! You faggot, i'll cut you until you bleed to death!!" Richie instantly got up and grabbed Eddie's hand. The two of them began to run as fast as they could with Henry still in the water crying out of pain. "What the fuck are you two doing?" he angrily asked Victor and Belch.
"They're gone Henry, we'll find them next time though," Belch responded. Henry didn't say anything, he just carried on holding onto his balls because of the amount of pain he was feeling.,

{sooooo there's that lol, sorry about the violence and homophobic language:/ i did put a trigger warning at the top <3 }

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