Chapter One

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David Jacobs, a boy I grew up with, has disappeared. He was 10 years old when people decided he was dead. I never thought I would ever grow up without my best friend.
"Jessica Adams, time to come eat," my dad screamed up the stairs."Coming." I was in my room in my room doing some homework for my English class. After I wrote one last word, I rushed downstairs. 
When I got there, there was a big bowl of salad and a plate full of hamburgers. "Happy Birthday." At the table was my dad, Andrew Adams, my mom, Sarah Adams, and my brother, Jacob Adams. I love my family, they were always nice to me even before David died (disappeared at age 9, claimed dead at age 10). 
After I ate dinner, I told my mom I was going to see Mr and Mrs. Jacobs. They said that would be good for me and them.
I went and grabbed my keys and heard that Jacob had put the news on. The reporter said, "Good Evening, today there has been a murder at the Jacobs's house." I felt tears come down my cheek. "Jim and Jasmine Jacobs was found dead at four-thirty this evening, police are saying the have died because of a large animal."
"Jessica, It's alright," my mom said. I stormed out of the house, and went to my car. I had to go away to see if it was true. When I arrive at the Jacobs house, their driveway was fill of police cars. The sheriff notice me and asked if I good come inside. I go into Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs house and I start crying. I love this place and now I have no reason to be in it. "I know that you love this house, but we have their will in our hands. It says that they gave all orders to do anything with the house to you." I was shocked that they even thought of me when they put me on theiur will. "Oh, well, what needcs done that I nedd to give perrmission to?" "We want the house off the property." "Okay,then get it off." 
I head home after that. When I got there, My best friend in the whole world was there, Jackie. Jakcie was my best friend since David died. "I'm sorry about David's parents, Jessica." I was getting out of the car on my driveway, when she said this. "I'm okay, I just need a hug." She gave me a hug. "Come on! Let's get inside." She put her hand around my waist and dragged me inside my house.
"Jessica!" My mom cried when I entered the house. "I'm okay, mom." My mother and Jackie helped me to my room. "Thanks Jackie I'll talk to you later." "Okay, bye!" She waved on her way out of my bedroom. 
“Jessica, your father and I were worried sick about you.” I felt tears coming down my faces. “I'm sorry, mom. Can I go to the park and cool down?” “Yeah, take your cell phone.”
I drove to the park and I sat on the swing. It was only seven o'clock, when I noticed someone watching me from a bench across the park. He was staring at me, and I stared to stare at him. When a family past by the sidewalk in front of him, he was gone. “Where'd he go?” I thought. Then, out of no where, he was sitting on a swing. He was only three swings away from me. He just stared at me and stared. I was about to grab my purse and leave, until he stopped me by getting up and walking towards me. 
“Hi.” “Hello?” “I'm sorry for starring, but I thought you look familiar.” This was getting weird by the second. “Oh, that's okay.” He stared at me for a long time, then his expression change to excitement. “Jessica Adams?” I thought this guy was crazy knowing my first and last name, when I don't know him at all. “Uhm, yes?” “Jessica, it's David , David Jacobs!” He was yelling and jumping up and down. “No, stop! David died a long time ago, and his parents just died." "No. Jessica, it's me, David." I get up and walk to my car. "Please, believe me." I was crying, "I can't, I'm sorry." I put my purse in my car and was about to hop in, but he grabbed me. "Here," he handed me a part of a necklace. "What's this?" "The necklace you gave me before I disappeared." I looked at it, it looked exactly like the one I gave David. "Where's yours?" "In my purse." "Get it." I went into my car, grabbed my purse, and handed him my part of the necklace. "See, it fits" He attached his part with mine. "Oh my god! It fits!" I pulled him into a hug. "I can't believe it's you, David! I can't believe this!" He put his arm arounded me and put his chin on my head. "I missed you, Jessica." "I missed you, too." I was crying. 
It was getting dark and I had to go. David and I were still in a hugging posititon. "David?" "Yeah?" "I have to go home." "I know. Can I tag along? Make sure you get home safe?" "Yeah," he kissed my head and headed toward his car, I guess. I got in my car and checked my phone. I had four text messages from Jackie. I started the car and called Jackie. "Hello?" she answered. "Hey, I'm sorry. I was talking to someone in the park." "Oh, hey, ok." "I'll talk to you later." "Ok, bye." 
I arrived at my house with David right behind me. I got out and he did, too. "Hey!" "I didn't get the chance to tell you. Happy Birthday." "Thanks." "Your Welcome." My mom stepped out of the house. "Jessica! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" "I'm coming. I'll see you later?" "Yeah, you will." "Ok, bye." "Bye!" He kissed me on my cheek, got in his car, and left. "Mom," I said coming in and walking upstairs. "I'm going to bed." "Wait, who was that?" "A friend, mom. Just a friend." "Ok, night darling." 
I went upatairs to my romm and close the door behind me. I couldn't stop thinking about David. I missed him so much, I can't believe he's back. I can't wait to see him tomorrow, I thought. I dreamt of David that night, hoping he would come to be my husband.

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