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It was a winter night when a heavy snowstorm was coming in a full swing through Soulle village which was settled right down the White Hazard Mountains in the North of The Jeon Kingdom.

There was a loud knock at the front door, it caused a frown to appear on Jennie's face as she wondered who visited at this hour. The sound repeated, Jennie aimed to call Rosé to check on the door but she didn't want to see the blonde again, so with a sigh, she stood up from the sewing machine and went check on the door herself.

With a sullen look since her work was interrupted, Jennie pulled the grand wooden door of the house. She was expecting some annoying neighbors who sometimes come asking her family about money or food, but this time, to her surprise, she found a stranger behind the door, covered in snow.

"Good evening, Miss." - It's a man. He greeted with a smile revealing his even white teeth. Though he was covered in snow from head to toe, Jennie still recognized his tall muscular frame, and his calm firm voice gave weird chills down her back. It took her a couple of moments to respond to the man.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" She replied in her low-pitched cold voice, it was like a habit whenever she talked to a stranger.

"Oh." The man scratched his nape. "I was lost. I'm not from this neighborhood but I'm from Saber." Saber was the capital and it was very far away from Soulle. "It's storming outside and I can't find a guest house around this village. Then I saw your house, it's a big house so I guess you might have a vacant room. Miss, I'm asking if I can stay here for one night". He pleaded, his deep blue eyes under white snow shining. "I will leave early tomorrow morning and I promise I will pay you a good amount of money for my stay."

"It's not that I need your money," Jennie replied with the same voice. "You can sit in the living room for a while, I'll ask my mother about this. But I'm not sure if she agrees. If she doesn't, then you have to come over the other house." The man smiled and nodded, murmuring a small thanks.

"Come inside." She held the door open for the man. He took big steps to strike inside quickly and stood there as Jennie closed the door.

"I can't wet your clean floor with this." He pointed to his coat and hat. "Can I leave them here?"

"Of course." She shot him a glare. "If not here, then where."

The man just chuckled and Jennie walked inside, but she couldn't help to steal glances at the stranger as he started to take off his coat, hat and shoes by the door. His eyes were shining blue under thick eyebrows, his nose bridge was straight and tall, his lips were a little pale because of the cold, but the curve of his lips was perfect.

"Your house is really nice." His voice went deep and firm as he wandered his blue eyes around the living room. Now that the man had done taking off his wet clothes, he stood by the leather couch smiling at Jennie while the girl just nodded back and said. "Wait here. I will talk to my mother."

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