Chapter 3

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"What is that sound?" I groaned, covering my ears with my pillow to try and ignore it.

Another loud beeping. It seemed to be getting louder and louder the more I try to sleep through it.

I sighed heavily, tossing my pillow to the side and grabbing my comm from the small table not too far from the bed. The room was small and tight, but the interior design had space-saving furniture and compartments, which proved very useful for all my things.

"Miss Nova ---"

"What?" I croaked in annoyance cutting the caller off.

"I have been trying to reach you exactly 48 times. Today is your first day reporting to my office and you are already behind schedule."

"Oh shit," I cursed, jolting up and throwing the comm down on the table as I hurried towards my clothes compartment, which was a step away from the bed.

"Cursing will not help in this situation, I need you in my office before 0800."

The call was ended right after, leaving the room in silence again. I checked the time and it was already 0730, making me cuss hopelessly under my breath. Face-palming myself with my right hand as my other carried my uniform, I ran to the common washroom, which was, very luckily for me, only 2 rooms away from mine.

"How could I forget?" I mumbled to myself, quickly washing myself up very quickly. It was probably the fastest washing I've ever done in my entire life. I was able to put my uniform on and brush my hair up into a bun as fast I could, throw myself one quick look at the mirror before fast walking out the washroom and not even bothering to check the time.

"Fuck, congrats, Lany," I sarcastically muttered under my breath, running towards the Commander's office whils excusing myself from everyone on the way.

From a distance, I saw the Commander waiting outside his office, standing with a straight posture as always. Just his stance alone could intimidate a lot of people. I hurried up even more, immediately standing next to him and taking a deep breath in and apologizing. "I am sorry, Commander," I said, still trying to catch my own breath.

"I will let this slip as this is only your first day and your body's still adjusting to a different time zone," he said and I could feel relief wash over my whole body. "However," he continued on, "I am strictly asking you not to be late again as I do not have the time to wait for you."

"Yes, understood, Commander. Thank you," I said with a clear voice. He turned to his back and continued walking while I follow behind him in silence, eyes down on both my feet, counting every step I took. "But," I said after a while of only hearing both our footsteps and the unintelligible conversations of other people we were walking past. "In my defense, Commander, you did not tell me what time I should be reporting today."

His abrupt pause in walking caused me to bump on his back, head first, the impact making me fall on my butt on the cold floor.

He looked at me more intensely than how he usually does, showing no signs of any intention to help me off the floor. He seemed... annoyed if he could even feel that. "I am positive, Lieutenant, that I have told you everything you needed to know yesterday while I was walking you around. It dawned on me you lack listening skills, I doubt you will be able to do your job here effectively when you do not possess, not only experiences, but also, as it seems, the most basic forms of respect and courtesy to at least listen and come on time." He scolded but with the same monotonous voice. His face was slightly scrunched, the most emotion that I've ever seen him show. I could feel my cheeks burn in shame and I wanted to look down and just hug my legs while I cry on my knees, but for some reason, I was frozen while I stared at him, mouth open in shock. The moment he turned back around and continued walking was the time I was finally able to gather myself and get up, dusting myself off. I know I had no right to be mad because he was technically right but I couldn't help it. Did he have to embarrass me on my first day? (I was the one who embarrassed myself but I just need someone else to blame)

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