Chapter 6

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A tear fell on the paper Lany was holding to read, a thousand more continuously flowing down her cheeks. I hate being triggered. My tears don't stop when they start to flow. She thought. She wiped them off immediately, looking down. Spock stands up his chair and walked over to Lany, placing a box of tissue on her desk. "Your emotions should not get to you, Lieutenant."  He said to which Lany groaned at. She got to her feet, glaring at Spock. "Emotions are supposed to get people! That's what makes us human, w-we feel. You know what proves that you really are not a human? You are cold, insensitive, demanding, all the bad words in the world, that — that is you!" She snapped, pointing at her Commander. She stopped, almost choking at her own saliva.

"I always heard you were half-human back at the Academy, but you don't seem like it, you're a disgrace to humanity, I don't like to imagine you're even half my race." She added. "Now, excuse me, Commander. I think I got something in my eye, I need to get it out." She excused herself, stomping out the office, leaving Spock stunned. I barely said anything. Spock thought.

She tried to run to her quarters to relax a bit before bumping into the Captain. She looked up, trying to cover her hands with her face, "Forgive me, Captain. I wasn't looking." She apologized. Kirk immediately noticed that she was crying, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, of course. But I really need to go for now. I'll be back at the Commander's office later, sir." She answered. Not even letting the Captain speak, she quickly walked away from him.

Jim walked inside Spock's office, sitting down in front of him. "Captain, I did not expect you to come, a bad timing." Spock said, glancing up for a millisecond. "Spock, what did you do this time?" Jim asked, rubbing his temples.

"I barely did anything, Capt —"

"She was crying Spock. And she was coming from your office." Jim said, "Don't say you barely did anything."

Spock shrugged, "I simply asked her a question, Captain. I did not foresee it will cause a reaction."

"What question?"

"I asked her about her parents."

Jim sighed, leaning his head on Spock's table. "You don't just ask something that personal, Spock, without caution. Of course it will cause a reaction, memories come along with emotions and humans are not as good as Vulcans in purging emotions, especially... women... or most of them at least." Jim explained, mumbling a bit at the last phrase. "You seem to be too concerned about the Lieutenant."

"Because she's a friend, Spock. And friends help when their friends are not happy.

"You are apologizing to her." Jim ordered, standing up. "I will, Captain, however, I have done nothing.." Spock said in defense. "Just... Do it Spock. Please. Make up with her. The only reason you two aren't working well together is because you don't communicate, you don't act comfortably, you don't look at each other as a team."

"Because I said I never needed an assistant, why did you need to get another Science Officer?"

"Please, Spock. That's the Captain's order. Until you've apologized, you're banned from the bridge."

Spock stood up, looking at Jim. "That is not possible."

"It is now, Spock. Come on, you used to apologize to Uhura when you two fight." Jim shrugged.

"I prefer not to recall things that are long over, Captain." Spock said to which Jim replied with an apology.

"Make up with her, Spock, okay?" Jim said before walking out Spock's office.

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