Chapter 13

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I was walking with Bones to this weird carnival with absolutely no one in it. It wasn't scary, it actually looks happy and strangely, I can hear laughs but I can clearly see there's no one in there. "Want to go hide and seek?" I asked Bones excitedly, I was holding a bag of pop corn in my hand but I wasn't eating it, it's like it's just there for display. "Sure, who's gonna find who?" He asked, both his hands inside his pocket. "I'll go hide and then you go look for me." I said, clasping my hands together, tbe bag of popcorn now out of sight. "Okay, sure."

I excitedly ran to this toilet stall, sitting on the bowl and just waited for him, it felt like it had been so long already and I was getting a little impatient. "Are you still there?" I shouted.



"Aren't you going to leave yet?" I abruptly opened my eyes and realized I was still at medbay. Bones slid the curtains slightly open, both his hands on his hips, "You fell asleep, didn't you?" He asked accusingly, "No, I didn't." I lied, stretching a bit. "You totally did. I should've known why you were so quiet in here." 

I sat up and put the papers to my side — the papers! I would've been finished by now, why did I work on a bed? "I was tired with the paper works, give me a break." I grunted as a reply to both him and my subconscious, flexing my arms. "Yeah, sure. I'm grabbing dinner with the guys, you coming?" He asked, I turned my head to him confusedly, "Dinner?"

"Yeah, it's 18:42." 

"Eighte — How long was I asleep? Was I that tired? Oh god." I got off the bed and fixed my hair, "I thought it was just a 5-minute nap or something." 

We walked to the cafeteria with the papers still on my hand. I still wasn't in the mood to eat but I feel bad for my body, it hasn't eaten anything since lunch. We got our food and sat at where we usually sat together.

"Why didn't you go with Spock to the Bridge a while ago?" Jim asked, facing me a little, I glanced at Commander Spock and then back to Jim, "Well, I was finishing this last paper work." I sighed, placing my elbows on the table, "I got one more left."

"You should stay at the Bridge after you're done." He suggested to which Uhura agreed with, "Didn't I invite you to my station, honey?" She asked, "You should fill in for me sometimes, I'm so tired of listening to Jim." She joked, making us all laugh. "I think I'll just stick with Bones for now, I feel more comfortable at medbay." I awkwardly said, giving them an apologetic look, "Besides, I'm a Science Officer so I'll just stick with observing and studies."

"You can observe at the Bridge." They insisted, "Fine." I laughed, giving in. I actually loved being at the Bridge because the view's just amazing but I didn't want to be wherever the Commander was because I feel like he's distancing himself from me and I don't even know what I did. Eurgh, this is ridiculous.

I just sighed and looked at Commander Spock who was conversing with Bones, he looked at me for a second and then back to Bones, "Tsk." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "I want to try dissecting a tribble too." I overheard Uhura say, "Oh, it's fun." I said, joining in the conversation. 

"If fun to you means cursing and complaining how you could not hold the right vessel, then fine, I will agree." Commander Spock sarcastically said making everyone laugh, "Was I talking to you? I was not, so zip it." I sassed, rolling my eyes at him. "Well, we also were not talking to you but you joined in anyway, Lieutenant." Was that sarcasm? 

"wELl, wE aLsO weRe NoT tALkInG tO yOu bUT yOU jOinEd iN aNywAY, LiuEtEnaNt." I mocked, imitating his voice but miserably failing. "The mocking only suggests that you are already aggravated and do not have a good retaliation for my statement." 

"Pffft, yeah right. I have a counter: shut up.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. What is with you two?" Jim asked amusedly, "I thought you were already getting along at Kepler and then we're back to this fighting."

"I've studied human behaviours but you're just so hard to read." I said, looking at the Commander. "Which suggests you did not study it well enough." 


"Can you stop and be normal for once? Like, why do you hate me? I did not even do anything to you." I groaned, fixing my things. "You —"

"No, don't answer that. I am not having this conversation right now, I have got better things to do." I said, getting up. "Good. Bye." I was about to leave but then Jim caught my arm, "Come on, don't do that. Guys, really? I thought you were just teasing each other, why did it become serious all of a sudden?" He said, pulling me down to seat, and playing the mediator.

"Yeah sure, teasing." I muttered. "But I really want to go now." I said, trying to remove his hand from my arm. "No, we're gonna talk like normal people do until late at night." He said. He placed his hand on my shoulder, making sure that I don't leave. 


Thankfully, the night did end well, I just had to try and not to go against everything Commander Spock was saying or was doing, it was hard because you know, I kinda enjoy it when he's mad. But I hate it when I get mad. Just UgHHhhhHHHhhhHh. So I really gave it my all not to be sarcastic with him. It worked, yeah. How cool is that.

Anyway, I woke up at 10:00, for a second I panicked but then I realized, I didn't have to go to meet Commander Spock at his office anymore, so I'm good to go. I took my time with my breakfast and walked towards the office so I could drop off the paper work.

"You are 2 hours and 32 minutes late." I jumped when I heard the Commander's voice speak behind me, "What the f... What are you doing in here?" I asked breathlessly, my heart still beating fast in surprise, and leaning on my desk. "It is my office, I thought I have the right to be in here without being interrogated." He said, not even looking up. "I thought you won't be back here anymore?" 

"I assumed the same," He looked up at me, putting his PADD down, "But I am currently studying something."

"Wow, looks like I'm stuck with you again." I sighed, seating behind my desk. "Looking at the situation, it should be, "looks like you're stuck with me again." because I seem to be the one suffering here." He said. 

"Permission to speak freely, Commander?"

"You did not have to ask, you do it anyway." 

"I don't get you. Really, one day you're like the nicest guy ever and then the next you're back to being an asshole. Are you mad at me? Because you haven't been talking to me since that morning after the dance." I said, I didn't want to hear his explanation but at the same time it was already annoying me that he's back to being like this. "I believe we did not have anything important to talk about." He said, browsing his PADD. "Well, we did not have anything important to talk about during the dance either but we still talked?" I said, raising my shoulders. 

He sighed, putting his PADD down. "How were you able to say that I was the one who was not talking to you? Because if I can clearly remember, you were always the first one who initiated the conversation about the most random things and I only talked to you when it's necessary. So why did you not talk to me again like you normally did?"

I gulped, leaning back on my seat. I'm being attacked right now. Okay, now I realize I really was always the one to start the conversation about random things. So... why didn't I talk to him?

"K." I said nonchalantly, dropping the conversation. I'm defeated so let's forget about that.

He went back to what he was reading and so did I.

Updating twice today because I forgot to update in 6 days 🤣 I'm SORRYYYY!!

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