Chapter 9

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I was strapped in my seatbelt, waiting for other people to fill the shuttle so we could leave. I was sat comfortably between Uhura and Jim, Bones next to Jim, and Commander Spock next to Uhura. I kept giving him teasing glances about being seated next to Uhura but he'd just look at me confusedly.

"Are you excited?" Jim asked, turning his head to me. "I am!" I squealed, clapping my hands together. "Everyone there is nice, so we'll be enjoying it." He said which made me more excited. Scotty was right in front of us with his tiny alien friend called, Keenser or something. "Where will everyone be going by the way?" I asked, "You'll see."


Kepler (Don't kill me, I can't think of anymore names so I just used Kepler-452 lmaoo)

We arrived safely, a tall man who, I'm guessing is in his 60s if he was from Earth, greeted us, shaking Jim and Commander Spock's hands. "Welcome." He said, smiling at us, "Thank you for the warm welcome, sir." Jim said, "These are my crew." 

"Nice to meet you everyone, I am President Eric Sullivan. Welcome." He said, waving his hand to everyone. We all said our hellos and thank yous in chorus.

"So where are we going?" I asked. I looked around the city, it really was very Human like in here. You could easily blend and no one would know you're different. The buildings are built the same way, the pavements, there were restaurants, malls, the people were dressed like Earthlings. This was just Earth 2.0, people here just have longer lives which is I guess, better if you ask me.

"We're going to The Central." Jim said, fixing his coat. "Central?" I asked, "It's like the Starfleet headquarters but it's called The Central." He answered, "Oh. Do they also have federations like ours?" I asked again, "Nope. The Central is like the President's house here." I wanted to ask more questions but I decided I'll just wait to see things for myself instead.

"Oh god, this is a hotel, Jim," I whispered, "This is nothing like the headquarters." He laughed at my reaction, taking my bag from me, "We're not at The Central yet. It's the hotel Mr. Sullivan prepared for us. Now come on, let's go find our rooms." 

We took the elevator to the 3rd floor, the hotel was huge and bright, it was beautiful, the staffs were friendly and I felt comfortable around here, after being out in space, it's nice to be somewhere like Earth, it feels like home again.

"Should you be okay here?" Jim asked, pointing to the door. "Yeah. Why not?" I asked, I took my bag from him and opened the door. "You might want to just stay in my room with me." He said cockily. I laughed, rolling my eyes at him, "I'm fine here. Alone. Thank you." I said, going in. "Are you sure?" He asked, "Good-bye, Jim." I giggled, closing the door.

I plopped down the bed, rolling with the soft pillows. I missed sleeping in beds like this. The beds in the Enterprise's quarters weren't bad but they were single beds so it's different. I sighed, realizing that I can't go to bed yet, we were going to go to The Central.

My Comm was ringing so I rummaged through my bags to look for it, "Hello?"

"Lieutenant-" I immediately groaned, hearing the Commander's voice, "Why are you calling me? We're literally in the same building. Where is your room anyway?"

"Next to yours.

"Wow. It must be hard to walk to here. What do you need, Commander Spock?" I asked, rolling to my side, "I'll just tell you later then."

"Oh my god, just say it, you already called me."

"I brought the paper works."

I slapped myself, sitting up my bed, "Of course you did." I muttered, "Let's talk about it later, I'll get ready to go." I said. He didn't say anything so I assumed the call was over. I removed my ponytail and fixed my hair into a neat bun instead. Putting on my pants and coat, I grabbed my bag and filled it with my necessities before walking out. I saw Commander Spock, walking out his room at the same time. I sighed, paper works, paper works, paper works. God, this man.

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