Chapter 18

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Kirk frantically ran towards the transporter to see Bones and Spock, "Where's Lany?" He asked, catching his breath. "She got separated —"

"Separated how?" Kirk interrogated. "Just — Scotty, can't you find her signal?" Bones asked, dodging Kirk's question. "Separated how, Bones?" Kirk asked again, "Separated how, Spock?" He asked for the third time, facing Spock. "Lieutenant Nova walked out of the cave we were hiding at." He said, glancing over at Bones who looked worried. "W — why did she leave, what happened?" Kirk asked again, panicking. 

"Hey, calm down. We're going to find her." Bones said, trying to keep his calm. He didn't want to tell Kirk why Lany left because she wanted Spock and Lany to have a private talk about it first before revealing things to everyone else. "Scotty, try to find her." Bones ordered, "I'm trying, Doctor." Scotty says, trying not to panic too. 

"We have to leave first." Kirk said making all three heads turn to him, "Leave?" Spock parroted, "We are not leaving without Lieutenant Nova on board." 

"We can't stay here any longer. One more hit and the ship's gone, Spock. If that happens then we're really never going to find Lany. We need to go." 

"Captain —"

"Spock, I am worried too. Much as you are but we can't risk it. We need to leave the atmosphere and plan before attacking. We can't even see what's shooting us, Spock." Kirk says, hurrying to the bridge.

Bones patted Spock's shoulder and they both followed Kirk to the bridge. "Sulu, take us out of here." Kirk commanded, sitting on the Captain's chair.

"W-where's Lany?" Uhura asked, standing next to Kirk. "We think about what to do first and then we'll try to find her." Uhura worriedly looked over to Bones and Spock but she didn't try to argue with Kirk anymore.

A few moments later, Spock picked up a call with his communicator, immediately bringing it to his ears. 

"Com — der, Sp —" He immediately recognized the voice although chappy, a coil of nervousness filled his stomach, "Where are you? Are you doing okay?" He asked, making all heads turn to him. "Spock — I — I'm s — rry — Spock."

"Where are you? Are you okay?" He repeated, "Spock, who is it?" Bones asked, walking to him. "It's Lieutenant Nova, we need to go back —"

"Where is she?" Kirk asked, getting up. 

"Where are you?" Spock asked again. "I — d-do-n't kno-w. I-it's d-ark — I c-ca- see an-thing —" She sobbed through the call. "I cannot fully understand you right now but I need you to hold on, please. We are going to get you." 

"Spock..." She cries, "I'm ne-ver g-et-ting out of —ere, am I?" 

"Don't say that, we are going to look for you I only need you to hold on for as long as you can, please."

"I'm sorr —"

"Lieutenant Nova? Lieutenant?" 

"What happened? Where is she?" Bones asked, "We need to go back, Jim —"

"Spock, we can't — not without plans. Look at us — we can't find who's attacking us, our weapons are no match with theirs, our shields at less than 20%, we're defenseless, Spock. You of all people should understand why we can't go back." Kirk explained, and everyone just looked at them quietly.

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