Chapter 10

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"I don't know, I think this is too much." I said, looking at myself in the mirror. Uhura and I went shopping for a bit to find something to wear for the party, I was trying this fitted, black dress on that was a little above the knee. It covered half my back and the sleeves were off shoulder. "Have you ever been to a party before?" She asked, "Uhm... Not parties like this. Just bars and stuff." I said, making her laugh. "You look great, I promise." She said, making me spin, "See, you can even turn perfectly." 

I sighed nervously, pulling the dress down a bit, "Fine, I'll take this. Now, come on, I'll help you put yours on." I said, taking Uhura's dress and giving it to her. She got into her fitted, red, silk dress on that reached her knees but it had a slit up to her upper thigh, making it look even more daring that it had spaghetti straps. I closed the zipper on her back, and she excitedly turned to look at herself in the mirror. It really brought out her shape, she looked perfect in it and the colour just made it even more perfect.

"How is it?" She asked, "Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it, Uhura! You look great!" I squealed, giving her a quick hug. "I am excited." She chirped.

It wasn't hard to pay for the dresses and the heels because we had this special card that Eric gave us. We went back to the hotel and I decided to stop by my room first to write a bit in my notebook for Paris. "I'll catch up." I told Uhura. "I'll see you up there then." She said, I nodded and smiled at her just before the elevator door closed.

I opened my door and took my notebook out, writing a bit. It was just short notes or summaries so I'll remember what I did everyday out here. It was for my best friend, I want to take her with me in this adventure so I'm writing stuffs for her when I get back.

I walked out my room and saw Jim waiting outside, he was wearing a navy blue, velvet suit. His hair was gelled and he was wearing a huge grin on his face, "Why aren't you up there?" I asked, closing my door. "Well, Uhura said you went to your room so I thought I'd go back down and escort you up, m'lady." He said, reaching his hand out like a prince, I giggled, gibing him a curtsy and putting my hand in his. He sealed a kiss on it and smiled at me, "You look gorgeous." 

"Thanks. You look good too." I smiled, fixing his tie, "Let's go up?" I invited. He gestured for me to place my hand on his arm, "You're a gentleman tonight." I commented. "Only for you." He grinned. I playfully rolled my eyes. 

We got into the huge event room full of familiar faces. It's almost weird seeing everyone off of their colour-coded uniforms. "Am I late?" I asked, shouting a bit. The music was loud and everyone was talking, making it harder to hear your own voice. 

"A little yeah, Eric already gave his welcome speech." He answered, "Oh. That's too bad." I frowned. "Don't worry about it. Let's go to our table." 

We walked through the crowd and to this round table. "Hi, Lany." Everyone greeted. "Hello." I grinned, there was Chekov, Bones, Scotty, and Wee man... Where's  Uhura and the Commander? I sat on the unoccupied seat next to Chekov, pulling my dress down a bit. "You look pretty, miss Lany." He said shyly. I slightly laughed at his reaction, "Thanks, Chekov. You're not too bad yourself." I said, leaning closer so he could hear. 

"Where's Uhura?" I asked, looking around. "She went drinking with William." Bones said, "Oh." Was the only answer I gave. "Do you want to go drink?" Jim asked, standing behind my seat. I looked up and shook my head, "Maybe later. You can go drink by yourself tonight or go find someone to flirt with." I said, shoo-ing him. I heard him let out a laugh.

"Aren't you guys going for a drink?" I asked everyone right after Jim left. "We did. You should go drink with Jim." Bones said. I sighed and stood up. I tried to look for Jim but he was already out of sight. I squeezed myself through the crowd, accidentally bumping into someone's back, "I'm sorry." I said, almost shouting. He turned around and I looked at him for a minute trying to remember if I've seen him before.

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