I thought of the tales I had heard and the real stories. Not long ago, Middle Earth had been saved by a halfling called Frodo and his true hobbit companion Samwise, who had claimed the mountains and Mordor and then thrown the one ring into the fire from whence it came. And soon, Frodo would sail to Valinor with Gandalf the White and a few elves from Lothloríen and Mirkwood. I had also heard about the council of Elrond, which had been when Elrond and a few companions from distant lands had discussed what to do with the ring. I had heard the stories about them- I was 2500 years old, so I was quite wise. I had heard about Aragorn and Arwen, king and queen, bringing peace to Gondor and giving freedom to their people. I had heard about Eowyn, Faramir and Boromir, about Gimli, son of Gloin, who had been part of the battle of the five armies a hundred or so years ago. But also I had heard about Legolas, who had always been described as the most tireless of the fellowship of the one ring. He was an elven prince from Mirkwood and about my age; son of Thranduil, the elvenking; I had always wanted to meet him. There was also Galadriel- who had desired to meet me, what my mother later told me- she was the fair elven queen of Lothloríen, as beautiful as an angel , as wise as the stars; Meeting her would be a dream, but I didnt know if she would come to Rivendell to help me with my flaw; i could just hope.
I remember the time during the times of the ring when I had had a big fight with my father. I had gotten message that Gondor needed the help of anybody to defend Middle Earth, and I wanted my father to send our realm out to fight. But my father did not want to risk it; our realm was quite small; we were just a few hundred elves, and he thought we could not help them anyway because we had no weapons. Since then, I had forever been a bit disappointed by my father.
During a hundred of years, I could already feel my power of life slowly starting to fly away. But it did not really affect me- it was rather a foretaste. A terrible one.
I stood in front of my mirror, looking straight at myself. I had changed- I had lost a bit in color, lost the happy glance on my face, and gained sadness. My lightbrown hair had gotten straighter and more pale, and my skin was snowwhite. I eyed up myself from head to toe- the lightblue gown was long to my toes and the moon stones of my crown were shining light in the darkness.. yet. But I could not trust my eyes; i had already begin to turn into the dark soul I would end my life as, and I was so scared of that fact. The black hooded coat I wore was overshadowing my eyes so they looked like two shining little points in the dark- and I was afraid of myself. I had never felt this feeling before. A shiver ran down my back as I decided to yield away from my reflexion..I always wore the crown as I had to do and our people bwgan calling me "princess of hearts" because of my crown with the white heart. I looked in the mirror every day to see if any gem had faded already. And in that time, two did. So my parents decided to go to Rivendell and to take me with them.
I remember that I went to the beach every day, sitting down in the sand. I had felt the ocean air streaming past my face and scent the sent of salt; Sadly I had to leave my loved home soon. I was collecting sea mussels as I sung a song of the sea that I had heard as a lullaby when I was a little child.
I felt weird during that time; somehow, I wanted my life to get saved but some part of me had longing of dying, a longing of winding and not having to life in this world anymore. A part of me felt worthless; I had nothing really important to do in my life.. my family was important to me, but I had nothing to do. I was just the princess of hearts. So I felt depressed and yearned for death. A weird feeling, that after a time I would be forgetting completely.
One day, we finally started riding through the lands to Rivendell. It took us a long while, but my father had sent a message to Elrond that we would be coming because my life was fading away and I finally needed help. We did not have any trouble at all while crossing the lands because it was mainly elven, men and dwarf lands. The times of evil of Mordor were over, but the sadness in my heart began to grow.
The tale of Feawen
FanfictionFeawen is an elven princess of the sea realm, that until a long time, was unknown to Middle earth. But when she discovers the truth about her real mother and herself, she needs to find help in the Woodland Realm and meet King Thranduil. But she slow...