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Content Warning for the Following: homophobia, homophobic slurs, murder threats, mention of hanging, implied child endangerment. Please read with caution!!

It had been nearly two years since the prince made his visit with the baker and continued visiting. Everyone in the town found it fine, thinking the two had become best friends. They were all happy to see their dear baker joyous, it was a nice sight to see. One person, however, still had such a horrid outlook on the whole ordeal.
That person was Rochelle Tampson.
Harry's wife.
"Harry, I wish you had a better best friend. Jack is a horrid influence." the woman with jet black hair said, making a fuss over some kind of dough.
"Rochelle, dear, Jack is fine. He helped me get my living as one of the royal family's servants and he sure as all hell makes a better bread dough than whatever you're playing with," Harry replied, looking up from his book and adjusting his phone dial. "I've been nothing but kind to your friends and this is how you treat mine? Horrid."
Rochelle scoffed and continued beating the mystery dough as though she were hurting someone. "He's a faggot, Harry. Get that through your little phone skull. A flamer. A real queer. I wish his kind would die." she ranted, her face going red.
"Rochelle please stop while you're ahead," Harry asked. "he didn't do anything to you. He's just a single father."
"OH his children are gonna be fags like him! If it were up to me, I'd lock them in cages and tie a tight noose around their father's weak little pencil neck. I'd hang him right in front of their disgusting little eyes and listen to them scream for their daddy. Then once he dies I'll starve the little brats."
"ROCHELLE!" the phone headed man shouted. He stood up and faced his wife looking shocked. Rochelle didn't seem to regret a single word she'd said. She looked at him completely unfazed.
"We should go to the bakery, I shouldn't have tried to make bread. That's the only thing the queer does well. He makes a fine loaf." she said, completely calm. It was like she was another person.
Harry simply complied. It was useless arguing with his wife, she was always right and he was always wrong.
"Get your coat on, dear. The children are at school so you won't have to be there long enough to speak to anyone. I'll do all of the talking." he said. She nodded and went to get her apron off and her coat on.
They both left their home and walked to the bakery. It was quite a nice day, the sun was shining and the magical folk were performing amazing feats. Harry seemed to smile and he pointed at one of them, a man dressed in a sort of rabbit like purple uniform. He had a lute and was playing something nice for the people. Rochelle seemed to like seeing that. She smiled at the little performance.
Harry didn't understand his wife. She could be the Devil's little sister one moment and then the purest child of God another.
The two arrived at the bakery and walked in. Both were confused because Jack wasn't behind his counter as he usually was. There were odd noises coming from the upper part of the building, where Jack and his children properly lived. The noises couldn't be Suzanne and Richard, they were at the schoolhouse. Rochelle and Harry looked at each other. Rochelle looked rather confused, but Harry? He was afraid.
"Uh.. dear we should leave, Jack's clearly busy right now." he said, trying to exit the bakery. Rochelle grabbed his sleeve and dragged him with her towards the staircase.
She walked up quietly and went to the door where the noises were loudest. Rochelle turned to Harry and put a finger to her lips. "Shh," she whispered. "dont make a sound, hear me?" Harry simply nodded, covering his dial. He knew what she was about to open the door to. He didn't want to see it, but he knew what was happening.
Rochelle burst into the room and gasped.
The prince holding the baker's hands down.
Neither of them had an item of clothing on their body, the only thing covering them was a duvet. Both of them stopped what they were doing and managed to sit up and keep themselves covered where it mattered.
"I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!" Rochelle shouted, pointing at Jack.
"W-wait wait no- It's not what it looks like!" Jack said, trying to save himself from already getting caught. Clearly it was too late.
"You've been romancing the prince and now look! The heir to the throne is a faggot just like you!!" she shouted, laughing in an almost maniacal manner. "Ohhh, Prince Dave your FATHER is going to hear about this, isn't he, Harry??" Rochelle grinned at her husband. She stopped and removed his hand from his dial. "Harry, darling, look at me?" she asked sweetly. He shook his head.
"Rochelle I'd like to avoid looking in that general direction. I love my friend but not enough to want to see him nude." he said. She continuously whispered small things to him. Jack looked at Dave and seemed the most afraid he'd been since he had told the village about who he really was. Dave just held Jack's hand and looked down. His father was going to find out.
Jack was going to die.
Suzanne and Richard were going to die.
Dave had been caught by a servant's wife and Dave himself was probably going to die.
"Ohhh, you're BUSTED, Prince Dave!! I hope you enjoyed your fling because it'll all be over soon!" Rochelle shouted. She turned a glare at Jack. "I'm shocked that your disgusting curse was able to latch onto the prince. Almost impressed, but I'm disgusted because you're nothing but a queer." and with that, she left. Harry apologized and left with his wife. He felt horrible for his friend.
They'd been busted.

Anyways so uhh
I apologize profusely for this chapter and all of the horrible things said in it ^^'
I did not intend to harm anyone mentally or emotionally but if I have caused anguish please dm me so I can apologize to you personally.
Anywho, I'm gonna continue working on the cover to this book and then I'm gonna work on the other things I mentioned in my previous Author's Note.
I'll catch you on the flipside!!
-Adder 💙

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