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Many weeks were passing. The new king had finally apprehended his father and had him thrown into a dungeon cell, despite his cries of, "But my son, I'm an old man! I won't survive here!" to which the king simply replied, "Good. You don't deserve to live after what you did at my ceremony." 
While the king turned his back to the now angered old man, he stopped when Henry began speaking again. 
"What are you going to do with this land that has been passed down our family for generations? Are you going to actually allow those... things to show their existence? You're going to encourage them to be disgusting?" 
"The only thing that's disgusting," Dave began, turning to face his father. "Is you. You're the worst thing to happen to this land and I haven't the slightest idea what Mother would think had she known what you'd do to someone I loved." 
This caused the pink haired man to bang on the bars of the dungeon cell. He yelled up a storm while guards took their place in front of him. They no longer feared his wrath for he had no power. 
Dave had returned to his new throne, sitting and fiddling with the ring on his left hand. He missed Jack, but Jack was still recovering. Luckily he'd be coming home soon, or at least that's what he was told. The children had officially moved into the palace and slept in a room that Dave had had waiting for them for a while. They both ran around the palace and learned the names of every person who worked under Dave. For the moment, however, they sat in two smaller versions of the throne Dave had. They were happy to see their purple haired father. 
"Daddy, the phone headed chefs said that they'd be making Papa's favorite for dinner this evening!" Suzanne exclaimed, smiling. Dave smiled back at her and got up to stretch a little. 
"Are you two ready to go visit him?" he asked, looking at the twins. The two immediately ran to their room to grab some things they'd been given as soon as they moved in. With that, they all simply walked to the doctor's to visit Jack.
The baker was awake and tending to some bruises on his shoulder. He was sitting up straight and looking at himself in a small hand mirror, pursing his lips. 
"Papa!!" the twins shouted, running towards him and jumping on his bed, sitting near his legs. 
"Oh, Suzy, Wick, hello angels." he said, opening his arms for the two. They carefully hugged their father, being careful not to touch the bandages on his midsection. 
Dave sat in his chair, which had never once been moved, and he took one of Jack's hands as he'd done before. 
"Hello, dear. We've come to see you again," the king said, a small smile forming on his lips. "We've finally caught him, he's being dealt with now as we speak." 
Jack nodded and let go of the twins. He turned to get out of the bed he'd been in for a while and winced a bit. 
"Dave, some help, darling?" he asked. His lover had immediately gotten up to help him get out of bed so he could walk around for a bit. 
"I can come home today. Are things prepared for me to move into the castle?" Jack asked while walking around his room with Dave. Dave nodded, being careful not to move too fast. 
"Harry, Jake, and your brother all helped move your items into our room. Sadly we couldn't salvage the dress, it was so bloodstained that if we wanted to save it, we'd have to make it white and I don't think you'd like to wear white." the king explained, sounding a little disappointed about the state of the dress. 
"Oh," Jack said, sounding equally disappointed. "Well, no matter. I'm sure I can just find a new one, yes?" 
There was a nod confirming this statement. Dave carefully helped Jack sit back on his bed and sat himself back in the chair. 
"You'll have all the nicest things money can buy, my love," Dave said. He then turned his attention to the twins. "The children have some things they'd like to show you." 
With those words, both children held up small, silver crowns. Suzanne's had a heart shaped red stone in the middle of it, and Richard's had a lovely star shaped yellow stone in the middle of his. Jack seemed in awe of the little gifts his children received. 
"Once you're all married in, you'll get a special crown too," Dave said, looking at Jack. "You'll be considered a king by my side. You'll still, of course, have your bakery. I know how much you love your bakery." 
"Dave, you sweetheart." the bedridden man said, leaning to kiss the king on the cheek. 
After some time had passed, some confirmations and tests going through, Jack was finally able to leave. Dave had given his coat up, draping it over Jack's shoulders and being the one to lead him out. The children had run towards the carriage waiting outside for the small group. They'd both helped Dave get Jack into the carriage safely, and then they were on their way home. 
Upon arrival, Jack had walked in and looked at four thrones that were positioned only a few feet from the entrance. The king led his lover towards them, helping him sit down. The children had run off to play in their room. 
"Welcome home, Jack." Dave said, taking the hand of the man he loved most. 
"Thank you, Dave," Jack said, squeezing his partner's hand. "I'm happy to be here."

Yooo so like
This story is honestly going pretty well. What y'all don't know is that after this story ends I'm going to be writing a sequel/prequel that follows the lives of one of the twins. 
In me announcing that, yes, this means that this story is nearing it's end. Don't be sad though!! Be happy I've been motivated enough to finish yet another fully thought out story with an actual plot (like Memories, my other dsaf book which is old, but still pretty good!) 
Anyways so I will catch you all on my next update, which will happen very very soon!

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