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Dave was so worried. It hurt him to see the state his lover was in. Bandaged in a hospital bed, looking as though he were just sleeping. He was lucky that Henry's act of anger didn't hit anything too awfully important, it was nothing a few stitches and cleaning ointments couldn't fix. 
"Uh, your Majesty, he has other visitors. Are you fine with them coming in?" a man asked, a small tag on his shirt indicating that he was the doctor. The new king nodded, sitting in a chair by Jack's bed and taking one of his hands.
"They may come in, sir." he said. He sounded so tired, so upset. He felt awful for what had happened the day before. In walked his soon to be in-laws, or so he hoped they'd be soon to be. Jack's mother led Suzanne and Richard into the room as well, both of them looking tired until they saw Dave. They both ran to him and crawled into his lap, cuddling up to him and telling him small things. 
Jack's father entered the room and looked at his son, then the king, and then his grandchildren. 
"So," he started, seating himself next to the king. "You proposed to him the evening before your crowning?" 
"Yes, sir. I understand I perhaps should have asked you first, seeing as you're his family, but I just," Dave stayed quiet a moment and looked at Jack, frowning and squeezing his hand a little. "I love him, sir." he finished, saying it quietly. Jack's father gave a solemn nod and stared at his son, who seemed paler than usual. 
"I never got your name, sir. Yours either, madam." the king looked at the baker's parents. He saw where Jack got his eyes from, his mother had the same eyes. His father, however, was the freckled one. 
"I'm Dean." replied Jack's father. 
"Bernadette, but most call me Bern." replied Jack's mother.
Dave nodded, then turned his attention to the other adult man with a red phone for a head. 
"Peter, I had no idea you were related to Jack." he said, sounding quite surprised. 
"Oh you would've been able to tell they were brothers, those boys could've been twins had they not been 3 years apart!" Bern exclaimed, looking at her boys. "Dee here is the first one who didn't end up having orange-ish hair like me, Peter, and Jack. She had brown hair like Dean." 
The small group continued talking for a while. Occasionally they'd all go silent because the man in the bed would move slightly, but then they'd resume talking. Eventually the visit from Jack's family ended. Dave helped them all with getting their things and leaving. Dean stayed behind last so he could talk to Dave, one on one. 
"You're a good man," he started, putting a hand on the purple haired king's back. "I have no idea what possessed Jack to be interested in men, nor do I believe I'd like to know why, but in regards to your proposal to him, I approve of it." 
Dave stared at Dean for a moment before nodding. Dean stood in front of Dave and held his hand out, offering a handshake. 
"Oh, don't worry about formalities, sir," Dave said, hugging the brown haired man. "We're family, or at least now we're family." 
Dean simply patted Dave's back and was let go, nodding and then leaving. Dave sat back down in his chair and returned to holding Jack's hand. He hadn't responded to any attempts to wake him, but he was breathing fine and was very stable considering what he went through. Dave just kissed his forehead, as he'd done the night before, and stayed awake, keeping a protective eye on Jack as he was worried a certain pink haired man would sneak in at the dead of night and harm him in some way. 

"Davey these updates are coming quick" yah I'm bored and wanna write

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