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Harry rushed home when he was dismissed several hours early by Dave. Burning the belongings of his previous wife, he felt freed. Harry would never have admitted this to Rochelle, but he'd fallen out of love with her years after they'd married. He fell for another man, just as she was beginning to be abusive.
We wont dwell on that story yet.
Harry finished his legal arson time and ran to the bakery. Jack had been stressed, his children weren't in the house for fear that they'd be slaughtered in front of his eyes. Harry quickly knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal a disheveled baker.
"H-Harry! You son of a- SON OF A BITCH! Why are you here? Why are you showing me your face?" Jack said, his voice mixing sadness and fear. Jack didn't know Harry's plan and was under the impression that Harry was there to tell Jack he was being summoned for execution.
"Jack, calm down my friend. Everything is okay, I... let me in I'll explain everything." Harry said. Jack reluctantly stepped aside and let the phone headed man in. Harry sat at the children's small table and gestured for Jack to seat across from him.
"Harry you're... very bouncy and childlike today. It's scaring me." Jack pointed out, seating across Harry.
"I lied to the king!! I told him my wife was being cruel and he killed her! He doesn't know about you and the prince having a relationship!!!" the phone man said, nearly falling out of his small chair. Jack's eyes widened and he stood up, urging his friend to do the same. Harry stood up and held his arms open for Jack, knowing what to expect.
The baker immediately engulfed himself into a hug with his dear friend. Tears were rolling down Jack's eyes and he stuttered several words of thanks to Harry. Harry held his friend gently [Author: like hamburger] and allowed tears to escape his dial.
"Everything's okay. We're all fine now, you and Dave are safe. I'm safe, your twins are safe. It's okay now." Harry said, letting go of his friend a bit so he could wipe the tears off of Jack's face.
"Harry I can't thank you enough. Do you know when Dave's coming back? I miss him, I haven't seen him in a while, the children miss their other father." Jack was speaking a mile a minute as he started going up the stairs to where his children usually were. He started reopening windows and picking up the toys on Richard's side of the room. Harry followed and was picking up Suzanne's side of the room, trying hard to answer Jack's questions.
"The prince informed me he'd be returning tomorrow night, and he's asked me to request you let the twins stay up late. He has invited me and a guest of my choice to come over, and he's having myself and my guest bring things over to be taken to this part of the house. He makes an urgent request that you and the children dress nice."
"Dress nice? Well, that isn't an issue, he's sent us all sorts of fine clothing and such despite me saying he doesn't have to." Jack said, tidying up Richard's bed. Harry was working on fixing Suzanne's wardrobe in terms of getting it neater organization wise.
"Has he requested anything else?" Jack asked, moving to fix up Suzanne's bed.
"He said he's preparing a late dinner, so I'd assume he'd want you to not give the children anything much to eat at their normal dinnertime." Harry replied, finishing up with fixing both children's wardrobes.
"Okay. Thank you so much, Harry. You're such a good man, you've done so much for me and my family and I cannot thank you enough." the baker said, giving his friend another hug. Harry held his friend tightly in return.
"You did a lot for me when we were growing up, I'm just returning the favor." Harry said, letting go of his friend.
"Now, I have to return to MY home and reconnect with someone who I've not spoken to in years. Please go take a bath and put on some clean clothes. Clean the room you and Dave sleep in. Get the children back in this house and get them all clean and dressed. Tell them their other father is coming home soon."
Jack nodded and walked his friend to the door, closing is as soon as he left. Once Harry was gone, Jack rushed to get himself in better conditions. He had to get himself proper before he even THOUGHT about getting the children.

I'm not dead I've just been busy on Tumblr (hellmods-domain you should totally check me out broskis)
Hope this chapter was good for y'all, I'm gonna try to write more so W O O ;D
Love you all, catch you on the flipside!

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