I Do

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Soon enough Jack's wounds healed and he could move on his own. He'd been planning with Dave for months, very well a year, on the wedding they would have and he thought it nearly impossible that the date was today. 
His hair had grown out, much longer than he was used to, and Dave had decided to cut his off in solidarity with Suzanne, who'd gotten too close to an oven and burnt her hair off until it was very short, and rather scorched at the ends. The soon to be groom was sitting in front of a mirror, a familiar black phone head fixing his hair up. 
"Harry what if he doesn't show up?"
"He'll show up, Jack. I doubt he'd leave you in the cold. Have any of your family member agreed to walk you down the aisle?" Harry asked, pulling on an amount of hair trying to tighten the braid he was working on. 
"Peter said he would," Jack replied, fixing the top part of his suit. "Goodness, I'm surprised this thing still fits me. It's been well over six years since I last wore it." 
"Yes. Isn't it from your first marriage?" 
Jack nodded. He fixed up his tie and took a deep breath. 
"I'm sure Karri would've been happy to see me do this. She believed I'd find someone I actually loved romantically." Jack said, opening a small jewelry box to reveal two older, worn out rings. One was engraved with the initials "J.K.". The other, "K.L.K."
"Old Jack Kennedy and his reluctant bride Karoline Lee Kennedy," Harry said, chuckling afterwards. "Never would've thought you'd become a king, Jacky boy."
"I didn't think it either, to be honest. I just figured I'd die alone and meet Karri in some personal hell built for both of us." 
Harry shook his head and finished working on Jack's hair. "There. Perfect. It suits you well, the longer hair." he said. 
Jack stood up and took a deep breath. There was a knock at the door, and after there was confirmation that Jack was ready, his brother Peter walked in. 
"We're all ready for you. Harry, go sit down why don't you?" Peter said, going to Jack to brush bits of dust off while Harry ran out to take his place in the audience. With the signal from Peter, giving a nod to the piano player, the wedding began. The king, dressed in his nicer clothes, watched as Jack walked towards him, arm in arm with his brother. 
Jack had on the top part of the first suit he wore to his first wedding, that was a given. The lower half of the suit was replaced with a rather simple white dress. As Jack walked, the eyes of friends and loved ones followed him, staying quiet. Jack's two children had been sat at the very front, each holding a nice cushion of sorts in their laps.
Finally Jack arrived to stand in front of Dave, taking his hands and looking him in the eye. 
"You look lovely." the king whispered, smiling. 
"So do you." the baker whispered back, also smiling. 
The ceremony began, starting with the introduction and going towards objections. Luckily, the only person who would have dared object was long dead after being starved and later executed publicly. 
"Will the couple now exchange their vows?" 
The two men nodded. Blue eyes met green and the owner of the blue began speaking. 
"Dave, when I'd met you I was introduced to you through a couple of rascals. I never expected to fall in love with you. Now that I have, and I've been with you for this long, I feel like I can't leave you. That's my plan: to never leave you. That is my vow to you."
Tears formed in Jack's eyes after saying that. Dave wiped his love's tears and returned to holding his hands.
"I was raised learning about how only men and women should marry and be in love. After meeting some people, sneaking around with plenty of people behind my father's back, I learned that his words weren't right. I learned I was allowed and fully capable of loving whoever I wanted to love. My vow is to love you, because you make me happy and I'd like to stay happy even when I'm dead."
Jack seemed so hypnotized by the words Dave said, he just smiled and moved his hand up to wipe one of Dave's eyes with his thumb.
The priest continued with his words, finally reaching the end of the well-known words.
"Do you, Jack, take this man to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
Jack looked into those dark green eyes that he'd fallen in love with, then nodded.
"I do."
"And do you, Dave, take this man to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
Dave looked at Jack, then glanced at the people sitting on Jack's side of the pews. They were all staring expectantly at the young king, awaiting an answer.
Finally, he spoke.
"I do." he said, smiling.
"Could we perhaps have the rings?" the priest asked. Immediately, Suzanne, donning a dark purple suit, hopped from her spot and handed a ring to each of her fathers. She rushed to sit back down, holding her brothers hands. Everyone watched intently as the couple carefully gave each other the rings that respectively belonged to them.
"By the power vested in me, by the land of Fazbendia, you may now kiss the groom!"
With those words, oh those splendid words, the king embraced his husband and kissed him passionately. His lover had kissed back with equal passion, holding Dave's face in his hands. Applause was heard from the church pews, and the newlywed couple separated and smiled at each other.
Richard, wearing a light orange suit that matched Suzanne's in every way other than color, got up carrying his cushion, which held a crown. Dave lifted the crown from the cushion and patted Richard's head, which signalled him to go sit back down.
"And by the power vested in me, King Dave of Fazbendia, I crown you King Jack of Fazbendia."
Jack kneeled down and accepted his crown, rising up to fix it atop his head once he stood. The couple took each other's hands and walked back down the aisle.
A fantastic reception followed the beautiful wedding. Food, dancing, beautiful speeches, everything.
Soon it was night and there were two very tired children who were falling asleep in some chairs. The newlyweds carried them to the bakery, walking up the stairs and putting them in bed there. They went back downstairs and met with two familiar phone headed men.
"Harry, Jake, thank you so much for watching them while we're out," Jack said. "Please make sure they get to school on time, and make sure they bring those two bags in the pantry. It's their lunch."
Harry nodded. "No worries. I've known these kids since they were born. I'm their uncle for goodness sake."
Jack simply nodded, then looked at Dave. "Anything you'd like to add, dear?" he asked.
"Make sure Richard knows that if he goes to watch the fight between those two boys he knows, he shouldn't egg them on any more than they've already been egged on. If he does he may get hit." Dave said, sounding completely serious. Jake nodded.
"We'll be sure to remind him." he told the couple.
The couple then left, boarding a carriage that would take them to their honeymoon destination.

Wow. This story was started back in November of last year, and it'll be ending in the next chapter. The next chapter is an epilogue. Tying the story up in a beautiful bow. Thank you all for sticking with the story for this long, I am so happy that there's a little fanbase for this story. I'm so glad that this is my most popular story and I am excited to start writing the other story, which will be titled "The Daughter of the Baker: Suzanne's Story"
This story will follow Suzanne, aka Suzy, and what she saw and thought about everything.
I will also be writing "The Son of the Baker: Richard's Story" which follows Richard, or Wick, with his thoughts and feelings about things. Both spinoff tales will involve the personal lives of the twins including friendships, hardships, and things that we didn't get to read about during certain scenes.
I hope you'll all enjoy these spinoff stories, I feel like I'll have fun writing them up.
Thank you for reading!

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