Dinner Party

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The day went fast. Soon enough it was evening, Dave had made it to the bakery and asked Harry to distract Jack while he and Jake set things up.
"Make sure he stays up there until we both go upstairs to announce dinner is ready." Dave said, sounding serious for once.
"Yes, sir." the two phone heads replied in unison.
"From now on, it's Dave." the purple haired man said, patting the two others on the shoulder. The phones nodded and Harry got out of the carriage and ran up to Jack's living area.
"Oh, Harry! Hello," Jack said. He was sat in front of a mirror trying to do something with his hair. "How come it's just you here?"
"I got here early. Figured we could just talk, relax in here a bit. Maybe help with that mess of hair on your head since you're doing something to make it wild." Harry replied, sitting on Jack's bed. "Where are the children?"
"Oh they're playing with toys over there," Jack replied, pointing towards their room. "For once they sort of match and I keep having to get them to hold still so I can see if it's the brown eyed twin or the grey eyed twin." Jack said, sounding tired by just mentioning what he did.
"Oh that must be exhausting," Harry said, getting up and standing behind Jack. "Your hair is seriously a mess, good God man." Harry proceeded to start combing through his friends hair with his fingers, undoing any knots or tangles. "Have you been at this all day?" he asked. A sheepish nod was the reply he received. Harry simply continued messing with him friend's hair, fixing it up and making it look presentable. Suzanne and Richard ran in and saw their father looking more nervous than what they were used to seeing.
"Papa, are you okay?" Suzanne asked, tilting her head. Richard raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Yea, are you alright?"
"Oh, I'm fine, dears. Don't worry," Jack took a deep breath. "I'm just a little jittery. I never know what goes on in his mind and today it just seems like he's got something absolutely insane planned."
"Oh, don't worry your pretty orange head, Jack," Harry said, patting the top of his friend's head. "He isn't even here yet! He should be here soon, though."
Almost as if by coincidence, the purple phone headed man and the purple haired man entered the room. Dave was taken aback by how Jack looked. He'd made an odd outfit choice and wore the gown that was supposed to be used as the disguise for when he may have needed to meet the king. Somehow, it worked. Dave had figured this isn't the first time Jack had worn women's clothing, he seemed to know how to wear it properly.
"Dave!" the orange haired man stood up and rushed over to the prince, hugging him immediately. Dave hugged back, nearly squeezing the air our of Jack's lungs. They separated and looked at each other for a moment.
"You're here," Jack said, taking one of Dave's hands and smiling. "You're really here."
"Mhm," the prince nodded, smiling back. "Come on, I have some surprises for you."
With that, Dave led the party of himself, the baker, the twins, and the phone heads down to the neatly set up dinner. There were nice platters of food, as Dave had brought things from the castle with the permission from the royal kitchen workers. Suzanne was the first to react, running towards a chair and loudly talking about how these plates were nicer than the plates she was used to seeing. Richard followed suit, sitting next to her and lifting silverware up and talking about the handles being nice.
"You eat with these every day?!" Suzanne shouted, her eyes wide. Dave laughed a little and sat down at the head of the table.
"I used to use these every day, though it's been well over two years since I've used these on a daily basis." he said while pointing Jack towards the seat across from him. While Jack went to sit down, the phones sat across from he children.
"We often see these go in and out of the kitchen," Harry said, taking a knife away from Richard and setting it back into the right spot. "Sometimes if the king isn't there, we get to use these too!"
"Yep, Harry and I are usually in charge of serving the food to Dave and the king." Jake added, helping Suzanne with getting her hair put up in a way that kept it out of her face.
"How lovely," Jack said, raising a glass and examining it. "I've never seen such nice things, and I used to have a wedding ring. I think I still have it in a box upstairs."
"How come we don't get to see it?" Suzanne asked, herself and Richard looking at Jack.
"You two will be gifted with my ring and your mother's ring when you're both older and ready to get married. I should expect you two know to give those rings to your significant other, yes?"
The twins nodded, both of them understanding their father.
"I didn't know you'd been married before," Jake said, helping Harry with passing food around. "I'd figured that you'd just adopted these children."
"Oh, heavens! No," Jack exclaimed, laughing a little. "They both look far too much like me to be adopted in any way. No, their mother was a woman I was forced to marry. She and I agreed we didn't have feelings for each other, I even let her 'mistress' visit often." Jack put air quotes around the word "mistress." He took a sip from his cup and continued speaking. "Karri was nice enough, but then her family and my family got together without us and decided that she and I had to have children, otherwise we'd likely be shunned. I needed money for my bakery and she needed to keep contact with her brother so we just agreed, did what we had to do despite neither of us enjoying it much, and then she had these two and just stopped breathing. Obviously I was a bit upset but the children turned out fine." he said, taking a dish that Harry had passed to him and piling his plate with food and getting up to put some on both of the children's plates. Harry nodded and looked over at Jake.
"I remember that day. Jack was crying like a baby talking about how he had two angels living in a hellhole. Turns out he had a couple of little devils."
Both twins smiled and laughed at Harry's words. Soon everyone was eating, talking about things and just having a much needed good time. After a while, Dave raised his glass and tapped it with a spoon.
"If I may have the attention of everyone at this table?" he requested. Jack, the twins, and the phones all looked at the prince. The baker was confused, but the phone headed men looked visibly excited. Suzanne and Richard followed suit with the phones and showed excitement. Dave stood up.
"I've been visiting this very bakery for over two years. I've lied to my father, told him I had been visiting a shy woman when I was in fact visiting a man who was proud to be himself. In these years, I've grown close to him," He locked eyes with Jack for a moment. The man in the gown was blushing slightly. "I've grown close to his friends," Dave gestured to the two phone headed men who were holding hands and seeming to smile. "And I've grown close to the children of this lovely baker." He smiled in the direction of the twins, both of which smiled back and waved at the purple haired prince.
"In these years I've secretly been in a romantic relationship with Jack, and these years have been nothing short of pleasant. Tomorrow I'm to be crowned king on my own, as I've 'run out of time' to find a bride. Firstly, I'd love to see your faces there as the whole village is invited to see this. Secondly," Dave set his glass down and walked to Jack, who was red in the face and looking curious about where Dave's speech was going.
"Jack, my darling, my love. I've known you for two beautiful years. I've fallen in love with you, I've been with you and your lovely children helping out as much as I can, and you've made me happy the whole time." Dave had sort of bent down and got to eye level with Jack, taking one of his hands.
"I love you, Jack. I love you with every inch of my being. I want that forever," the prince moved one hand towards Harry, prompting the phone to place a small orange box in the outstretched hand. "Jack, I have just one request of you, and if you accept it you have to promise not to tell for a while."
"I- O-of course, what is it?" Jack asked, leaning forward. His eyes were wide and his face was redder than the blood coursing through his veins.
Dave let go of Jack's hand and knelt down on one knee, opening the little orange box in front of him. Dave looked up at Jack and smiled, tears in his eyes. "Jack, my dear, will you make me the happiest man in the land and marry me?" he asked.

you bitches best believe I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger. I'm just a cool author like that 😎
Anyways the next update will be out sometime, so you'll be able to see the conclusion of this chappy.
Thanks for reading!

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