Chapter 12

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A/N: Quick warning: I uploaded chapter 11 about 45 minutes ago so be sure to read that one first in case you didn't get the notification or something. Anyway hope you enjoy! ^^

I'm about to open my mouth and tell her off, when Roman reappears from the crowd.
"Ah, Virgil, you've met Lady Beatrice already I see." He smiles wide with a voice I haven't heard him use before. The woman bows and lifts her skirt as she does so. I roll my eyes and Roman widens his eyes at me in a silent gesture I should stop being 'impolite' as he calls it. He looks at me like that every time I ignore one of the castle people as well.
"Apparently I have." I nod. What does he want from me? I can't exactly lie and say I'm pleased by it.
"My pleasure, sir-" She holds out her hand with her fingers down as she waits for something. I let out a sigh. Roman already warned me this might happen. I look at him angry before grabbing her hand and raising it up to my lips so I can peck her white glove. I drop her hand immediately afterwards. She eyes me up and down with a greedy look in her eyes. I stare at Roman with a clear warning in mine. If he doesn't get her away from me quickly, I will leave this monstrosity of a 'party'. I swear I've never missed home more than right now. He seems to get it because he looks at me with a lopsided smile before turning to the woman.
"Lady Beatrice, would you like to dance?" He offers her his hand. His other resting on his back. Just like that she no longer has any interest in me and grabs Roman's hand as they walk to the middle of the room and move in circles. After a few minutes he lets her go again only to start dancing with another girl. Someone far prettier than the last one. She's got long brown hair half tied up with a small hat on top. Her dress is looser and light blue. She seems to be able to move more freely in hers. A wide smile lights up her small round face when she looks up at Roman. He looks a lot more at ease around her as well. Laughing over something she said. I clench my jaws when I see his eyes sparkle all the way from here. Clearly he doesn't need me here anymore. I walk to the champagne tower and down two more glasses before walking outside.
"Where are you going?" Yenny looks up surprised when she passes me in the hallway on her way to the room with even more appetizers. All waste by tomorrow. No way they can all finish that massive pile of food.
"Out." I answer short as I walk outside. Past all the coaches and the horses waiting in front of them. Poor things. I look at them sympathetically. I'm on my way to the forest before realizing I'm wearing someone else's clothes and I probably shouldn't make them dirty. I stop shocked at myself. When have I begun to care what these people think? I shake my head pathetically at myself before changing my route and going to the stables instead to check up on the new foal and his mother. A soft smile pulls up my lips when I see them peacefully sleeping together. I start checking every horse. Feeling responsible now Patton is not here to take care of them.
"There you are!" Roman's voice sounds up relieved. I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Why'd you leave?" He wonders as he steps closer.
"You weren't dying of boredom." I shrug indifferent as I pet a stallion who's not sleeping.
"I'm a good actor." He replies.
"You forget I can feel your emotions." I look at him unimpressed.
"Is this because I was dancing? People dance at a ball, Virgil. You could've danced too if you hadn't shipped lady Beatrice away with me." He speaks up as if he's talking to a child. I glare at him.
"I don't want to dance. Nor do I care about the blond lady." I tell him annoyed.
"Then why are you acting like this?" He rests his hands on his hips as he looks at me confused. I quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Like what, Roman? I've never cared for humans. You know that. I never hid it." I look at him unimpressed before I walk out of the stables. Turning off the lights. Not bothered he's still in there.
"I thought you cared about me." Roman calls from the dark.
"Go back to your ball, princey." I tell him as I walk over to the forest regardless. What Roman said reminded me who I'm supposed to be. I don't care what humans think. I don't care if I make their clothes dirty. I feel his indecisiveness before he eventually returns back to the castle. I scoff and walk to my right into the woods. I keep walking aimlessly as I try to get my thoughts straight. By the time I realize it wasn't that aimlessly after all I'm already standing on the clearing I first met Roman. That doesn't mean anything. I've walked this path so many times before, it must've just been a force of habit. I let out a sigh and sit down in the middle of the clearing as I look up at the slight splinter of the moon. Barely shining any light down. I can only hope Logan will soon find something so I can finally get out of here and maybe - just maybe - get my wings back. I let them out and look with a bleeding heart at the horrendous state they're in. Barely any feathers are left. My skin looking raw. What if they'll never heal? What if I'm forced to live on earth for the rest of my life? Acting like a human? Not being able to get close to anyone because I'll outlive them every time. I'd have to watch them all die. I'd have to watch Roman die.
I see the day fight the night. Coloring the sky like a painting. I tug at my hair with a sigh. I should get back. I have to take care of the horses. I made a promise. With a sigh I stand up and make my walk back towards the castle. When I want to go straight to the stables, my eyes get caught by something else first. I frown as I change my route and go up to the entrance of the castle instead. All coaches are gone. It's long in the afternoon already after all. A bundle of white is slummed against the wall next to the door.
"What are you doing?" I speak up. Roman startles awake before looking up. His eyes filling up with tears.
"You came back." He whispers. His voice sounds strained. His eyes are small. Large, dark bags are coloring his skin underneath them. His crown is resting on his knees and his hair is peaking in every direction. I see Polly cast a worried glance at us. Why did they all leave him here without helping him?
"Of course I did." I reply softly as I crouch down in front of him. "Have you slept at all?" I eye him up and down with concern. He shakes his head.
"I was scared you left for real when you weren't back by the time the ball was over." He admits.
"I told you I'd say goodbye." I remind him gently. He nods. A tear rolling down his cheek. I wipe it away tenderly. "Come on let's get you in a bed before you completely break down." I tell him as I usher him upright gently.
"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have forced you to join." He whispers. Voice shaky. I look into his eyes before pulling him against my chest.
"I agreed." I tell him softly as I wrap my arms protectively around him. He returns the embrace tightly. "You were really scared, huh?" I realize when I feel his tears through the white shirt I'm still wearing. I dropped the vest and coat a long time ago. He nods softly, but doesn't say anything. I let out a sigh as I kiss the top of his head softly. "Silly prince." I whisper.
I was so focused on blocking all of Roman's emotions that I never even realized how afraid and sad he was once I left. He pulls back then as he wipes his face dry.
"People are looking." He mutters and I look up to indeed see people look through the window and even stand still to stare outside the castle. I glare at them and they quickly scatter.
"Let's go." I encourage him to go inside. He nods and walks in front of me towards his room where he changes his ball outfit for his more comfortable sleepwear. Placing his crown in the closet on a red velvet pillow. Without thinking about it too much I sit down next to him. He rolls over to look at me.
"I don't want to chase you away, Virge." He whispers vulnerable. I shake my head softly.
"C'mere." I gesture and he shuffles closer until his head is on belly. His arms wrapped around my waist loosely. I wrap mine around his shoulders protectively.
"I'm afraid there's nothing you can do that could chase me away." I realize out loud. Roman tightens his embrace and soon I hear his breathing slow down to a rhythmic state. Finally getting the sleep his body clearly needed. Careful not to wake him up I get out from underneath his embrace and place a pillow underneath his head instead. As quiet as possible I sneak out of his room and go back downstairs.
"Hey, when can I have my clothes back?" James stops me in the hallway.
"When I retrieve them from the forest." I reply.
"What?" He looks dumbstruck.
"You heard me." I say as I ignore him further and walk up to the stables to take care of the horses.

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